
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Who is Jesus Christ?

The Father asked
Whom shall I send?
Who'll follow my plan
To the very end?

One spoke freely
I, Thy First Son
Here am I, send me
And Thy will be done.

Ever in protest
With his own plan
Another took to test
Till one third was banned...

Before us epochs
Behind us aeons
Creation in check
And a world soon spawns

A place for man
The earth was formed
By Jehovah's hand
T'was dressed and adorned

In His own image
First man was made
As Jehovah pledged
God's glory displayed

Adam and Eve
In the Garden
Through agency
Fell from Eden

Thus, since Satan
Had tempted Eve
Adam, determined
To know and grieve

Both, free to choose
And seek repentance...
Still comes life's bruise
Deep with consequence

Where's mankind's place?
In our Father's plan?
Jesus would show grace
And save earth and man

The Bread of Life
The Messiah
The Alpha of Light
The Omega

Would come to earth
Born of Mary
Through humble birth
Sins load to carry

For all man's guilt
And sorrow too
Drops of blood were spilled
Borne for me and you

Evil piled
Too, mortal pain
Us, He reconciled
He forsook hell's claim

He bore taunting
And took abuse
He suffered scourging
With pain too profuse

He the world's Light
With His legions
Layed down His own life
To take it again

With the ransom paid
The whole earth reeled
In the tomb He lay
Was the law fulfilled?

Twas He who died
For all our sins
He hated and tried
Would He ascend?

On the third day
He was risen!
And mankind was saved
To live without end

I kneel and find
Words of gratitude
Agency is mine
And...this I choose to do

President Packer
“Who Is Jesus Christ?,”
Ensign, Mar 2008, 12–19

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