
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Flooding the Earth with the Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon is the instrument
Designed by God to sweep all of the earth.
With a flood to gather out His elect
This sacred volume moves His gospel work

We need to daily read from these scriptures
It should be central in all that we preach
And not just when it rotates every four years
To learn of Jesus of whom it does teach

This Book will help man get nearer to God
If we'd learn and abide by its precepts
We testify as we hold to the rod
Never doubting a far reaching effect

The Book of Mormon is the mind of God
Here He voices to all men of His will
We must arouse men's interest and awe
It answers questions with a voice that's still

May we display it at home and at work
And display its quotes and scenes on our walls
As we hold to the rod, let no man shirk
To witness, every member has been called

I have a vision of homes alerted
Of classes alive and pulpits aflame
As the characters are richly painted
So too artists will depict the themes named

I have a vision of missionaries
Who take many passages they've memorized
Into a world that desperately needs it
As God lifts what condemnation's denied

-Ezra Taft Benson

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