The genesis of a human body
Begins with the union of just two cells
Twenty- three chromosomes from each unite
What this child will look like, this cell foretells.
Twenty- two days later, heart beats are heard.
In four more days blood's in circulation.
As cells multiply and divide away,
Into an amazing creation.
From electricity, the heart works hard.
Delicate valves open and close in pace.
Soon form the eyes to see and ears to hear,
As the nerves and muscles grow in their place.
The body is made with back-up systems
Tools for resistance are generated.
The bones can mend, skin can heal, and leaks can seal.
As fixed temperatures are regulated.
Unto every kingdom is given a law.
And every law has bounds and conditions.
This scientists can measure and define,
Laws apply to all of God's creations.
The phase of the moon, the stars in the sky-
Their courses are fixed to heaven and earth.
Such order bears witness of majesty.
In seven days, God formed law and all birth.
The scriptures declare of our beginning.
Each man's been organized in God's image.
The male and female, created He them,
For us laws were formed, to the very edge.
Dynamic faith in our Lord Jesus Christ
Lends to our minds a new way of thinking.
Works form a conversion and change of heart,
Dawned from His Living wells we're drinking.
We're made alive in Christ, because of faith
And of Him we're spiritually begotten.
There's strength to press forward with steadfastness,
Feeling the love of God unto all men.
With the Book of Mormon and the Bible,
We've scriptures in each hand and we promise.
With full purpose of heart, we preach of Christ.
Showing through works and faith we are His.
I testify that Jesus is the Christ,
The Son of the Living Father
Our Savior, Lord and Advocate.
Exemplar and King, whom we honor.
-Russell M. Nelson, “Faith in Jesus Christ,”
Liahona, Mar 2008, 24–30
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