
Monday, February 11, 2008


My body bears traces of whom I'm yet to be
I can discover talents of divine quality
Then my Spirit will soar as I learn unique purpose
Though crossroads yield temptations- as Satan chases us

My body bears traces of what I was in my youth
Yet my Lord, He erases the pain of sin, this is truth
It's my Spirit that soars though there's disease, just the same
Pain and sorrow, He bears- when I cry out in His name

We must train up each child to be prepared for trials
With Celestial Self-Esteem one faces them with smiles
Through patience and long suff'ring we have much yet to learn
And, those distant traces cause us to strive and to yearn

Though we are forgiven, when we repent, the consequence can
still remain. We are free to make choices, we are not free to
choose the consequences. We must learn in our youth what ways
we will be tempted, how to resist evil, how to hold to the rod,
how to recognize the Spirit and have deep gratitude
for the atonement, how to repent, and how to forgive.

2Nephi 28:15,16, 20-22
1. Pride in our hearts (arrogance, self-centeredness, bragging).
2. False doctrines (false teachers, false religions).
3. Whoredoms (immorality, immodesty, lust, passions).
4. Reviling that which is good (mockery of God, religion, chastity, or marriage).
5. Anger at good (persecution of the righteous).
6. Carnal or worldly security (excessive desire for money or other worldly possessions).
7. Flattery (insincere praise).
8. Deception and lies (claiming there is no God, devil, sin, or hell)

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3,
Lesson 5: “How Art Thou Fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer”

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