
Saturday, January 19, 2008


What I wish every new member knew
And every lifelong member remembered

Now that you're baptized, you're on a journey
There are vistas as far as the eye can now see
There are wonders and beauty and a glad song
Be of good cheer, Christ will lead you along

He gives us wisdom to finish and with joy
To a celestial reward that's ours to enjoy
Now that you're baptized you're on a journey
Don't let this day be forgotten and flee

We cannot flag or fail or halt halfway
Those who endure are guiltless the last day
Jesus our Lord will judge all from this world
After the earth's events have become unfurled

We wash our garments in the blood of the Lord
With faith, we repent. He's shown we're adored
With contrite Spirit and heart that's broken
By way of covenant, we are now chosen

Where ere we walk, there's a light on His path
If we love the Lord, and do as he hath
With our garments washed in blood of the Lord
There is oh so much joy for you to live for

Avoid backward glances where there is darkness
Walk with the angels, to see all your progress
And, as paths ascend up hills most of the days
We will need the Godhead's help in divine ways

We've been urged to put our hands to the plow
Some things the Holy Ghost can not allow
This Gift is part of a Heavenly Kingdom
We're asked to keep God's words of great wisdom

Our eyes have not seen, nor have our ears heard
Yet, we're enlightened as we move more forward
We've been urged to put our hand to the plow
There is something more the Lord will endow

As we press on, there is brightness and hope
And the Holy Ghost dwells and helps us to cope
He is our guide, to lead us where we should stay
He's found on the path. He's there night and day

We have our trials. They're suited to us
We need not compare or think they're unjust
For we've a constant companionship
If we consciously pray and seek for it

Promptings' warm feelings give light on our way
And, help us discern what might be in gray
We have our trials. They're suited to us
Though we have them, we endure and we trust

We'll find blessings that lighten our burdens
With the church- our community of friends
We'll help each other find our eternal worth
Here there is help from Heaven on earth

Jeffrey R. Holland
“What I Wish Every New Member Knew—
And Every Longtime Member Remembered,”
Ensign Oct 2006, 10

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