Thou who knows of all suffering,
Please help me to love and to forgive.
When my doubts turn to murmuring,
And I dwell on the pain that I relive.
Till my heart grows so cold and so dim.
Please help me to change from within.
Please help me to forgive all men.
Please prompt me that I will keep my resolve,
And set my mind for when a tragedy strikes
That I'll pray hatred can quickly dissolve.
This I'll do before resentment spikes.
When I forgive, my thoughts will not distort.
And I won't folly through some retort.
I will seek Thee, for Thy love and comfort.
How oft I don't know, I'm prone to sin.
Till I repeat an offense from my past
And I feel the warmth that's from my chagrin.
Then I know all my weaknesses are vast.
If I will falter and make rules to bend,
Help me to admit and to not defend.
Help me to confess and to make amend.
Please help me to be the Lord's disciple?
Help me see how the Son suffered for me.
Help me to be a Christ-like example.
Help me to become all I'm meant to be.
Help me to value those with sound judgment.
Help me to improve how my days are spent.
Help me to forgive without postponement.
And of those who are hardened criminals.
Who avoid facing all their deeper needs.
Help them face judgment unto prison walls.
Where we can begin to plant in them seeds.
They, also, have much pain to undergo.
For what price it takes to repent with woe.
Help me share with them the sweet peace I know.
The Healing Power of Forgiveness
- President Faust
67–69, James E. Faust, May 2007,
“The Healing Power of Forgiveness, ” Ensign
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