
Friday, January 18, 2008

That Spirit Which Leaded To Do Good

I am surrounded by worldliness.
What is popular is abjectness.
How can I avoid what is not good?
How can I become all that I should?
When all I hear is profane, how do I stay sane?
The Holy Ghost, my companion, helps me to maintain.
May I ever be mindful of this precious gift,
As there's music to my ear that gives me a lift.
Through the blessed hymns I feel the love of Jesus.
The comforter helps me to be more courageous.
I can be bold just like Joseph Smith.
And call out for them to cease forthwith.

I am surrounded by worldiness.
What is popular is abjectness.
How can I avoid what is not good?
How can I become all that I should?
When all I see is obscene, how do I not look?
The Holy Ghost, my companion, helps me through a book.
May I ever be mindful of this precious gift,
Full of hope and charity which gives me a lift.
Through the blessed words I feel the love of Jesus.
The comforter helps me to be more courageous.
I can be bold like another Joseph.
When someone tried to tempt him- he just fled

- Elder Perry

30–33, Jul 2007, L. Tom Perry,
“Thy Speech Reveals Thee, ” Liahona

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