
Friday, January 18, 2008

The Stone Cut Out of the Mountain

When Joseph earnestly prayed, the grove became so lustrous.
Never have we a record of something so glorious.
God spoke of the Risen Lord, “This is my Beloved Son.”
Who then answered Joseph's prayer- of the churches please join none.
Why is it so important that both God and Christ appeared?
For a new dispensation? A young boy was to be reared.
He was schooled and ushered in, by great clouds of witnesses.
God organized this kingdom, this true gospel which is His.
A stone cut out of mountains unrolls with bold promises.

The night was in September, it was eighteen twenty three
When the young Joseph Smith prayed, oh a miraculous thing...
The room became much brighter, much brighter than of noon day.
There a personage appeared and called Joseph by his name.
He was told that he had a work that only he could do.
His name would be known for good. But, to scoffers- evil- too.
For a poor unlearned son, how he must have been so stunned.
What was he to accomplish? Him without a single fund?
Just how could his name be known by mankind of every tongue?

The Book of Mormon records the testimonies of men.
They heard God and saw Jesus, And, they new He'd come again.
May we read its sweet message, it's been translated for us.
It was buried to come forth, for our latter- day purpose.
It holds for us great cautions of murmuring and of pride.
It is a second witness, it's power can't be denied.
And it ends with a promise for all those who humbly pray.
For the Prophet Moroni saw the trials of our day.
He knew we'd feel God's power, if we'd exercise our faith.

-President Hinckley

83–86, Gordon B. Hinckley, Nov 2007,
“The Stone Cut Out of the Mountain, ” Liahona

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