
Friday, January 18, 2008

Stay on The High Road

As daughters of God, we pray to stay on the high road
When the dust settles it won't matter which car we drove
We pray that we´ll find our own bit of divinity
And, it may make a difference through all of eternity

With body, spirit, and mind our paths are on the high road
To reach the vistas it will matter which way we drove
Our Father rules o´er the earth, and thus He'll hear us pray
As we strive for excellence and there´s help along the way

Our prophet taught us there´s modesty on the high road
We need to obey for there´s tragedy some will know
He calls for high morals. He calls to each girl and boy
And he humbly asks we not think him as a killjoy

A one-time false move- carelessness can leave a deep scar
Our prophet counsels that we need to raise our bar
Some stumble and fall when the storm comes and it descends
And we must seek shelter, wisdom and good friends

Then when heavy laden, the Lord offers to give us rest
For times of distress our Lord's pillar star is at breast
His way is easy and his path is peaceful to trod
With faith there's a beacon a light towards our God

Though lonely at times, there is safety on the high road
There's vistas plenty to stop and check where next to go
And when there's mistakes, temptations can take us off track
Our father knows us best, and he´ll help us to get back

- President Hinckley
8–9, Gordon B. Hinckley, Jun 2001,
“The Prophet’s Counsel: The Six B’s, ” Liahona

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