
Friday, January 18, 2008

The Shepherd of Israel

In our Savior's name, we do pray.
For our Bishop who serves this day.
He's our Shepherd, and we're his flock.
He is there when we need to talk.
May our prayers help him with his load.
Bless him with safety on the road.
Bless his dear children, and his wife.
Keep them safe from harm and from strife.

Please bless us to be teachable,
For he makes himself reachable.
Bless him when there are not enough hours,
Sustained by his priesthood powers.
Bless us to trust when he knows best
For with all thy funds he's honest.
Bless him through his meeting this day.
And us to heed what he will say.

Please help us trust his confidence.
He can lift burdens tremendous.
When clouds bring anguish and despair,
Bless him with wisdom for repair.
He places in us stewardship.
Help us to improve fellowship.
Help us be worthy as a ward.
We ask for these things with one accord.

- President Gordon B. Hinckley

60–62, Gordon B. Hinckley, Nov 2003,
“The Shepherds of Israel, ” Liahona

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