
Saturday, January 19, 2008


When Life is intense and we feel lost- powerless,
The wise seek humbly for direction- with passion
And yearning, from God. He knows what is for our best.
We've new conviction that we need his compassion.

Our prayers can be brief, or take the time that we need.
He is there for us, though we may feel forsaken.
For He's our Father to Him we pray and we plead,
With urgent problems, He who knows best does listen.

To feel His guidance, we must find peace and quiet.
We need to reflect and to ponder where to start.
What is expedient? He'll calm us when thoughts riot.
He will impart words into our mind and our heart.

The more we struggle, our character grows and grows.
To find solutions, we must study trials out.
And ask the Father- what's best for us, for He knows.
As has been promised, peace of mind will come about.

Here I retire, to contemplate, mankind's fate.
With all of my heart, I pour out thanks. He knows me.
How am I doing? Am I staying in the gate?
Life is bittersweet and I am in need of Thee.

- Richard G. Scott

8–11, May 2007, Richard G. Scott,
“Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer, ” Ensign

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