
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Poems based on President Monson's Talks


These are the older poems...
The label: 'monson' has all-

Because of Him
We prosper in love
To live again
In Heaven, above

The Gift of Compassion

The gift of compassion
From a horrific blast
With love now impassioned
To our neighbors our eyes cast

Fallen bodies surround
There is so much to do
All’s mangled on the ground
We’ll work till we’re through

There’s no time for weakness
The survivors must work
All's surreal with meekness
Though horrendous, let none shirk

United endeavor-
To remember those lost
With hearts changed forever-
Pain and suffering the cost

To those who’ve endured pain
What does our Savior mean?
Do they pray and not feign?
Of His peace do they dream?

Our Savior gives havens
For safety and peace
Temples are our beacons-
Where hearts and minds increase

To our Savior who knocks
May we open heart’s door
Serve Him while there are clocks,
And then forevermore

4–10, Mar 2007, Thomas S. Monson,
“The Gift of Compassion, ” Ensign

My Love

When e're the cold hands of death strike
The sun shines through gloom
And for my dear love I would like
Flowers in sweet bloom

In the darkness of the hour
Before that last sweet breath
May, I feel peace and not cower
As I witness death

A triumphant figure awaits
Where my love now goes
A risen Lord past pearly gates-
And my friend He knows

I look to my left and right
And I am lonely still
Though there are tears I fight
I have my life to fulfill

Our wise, kind Heavenly Father
Knows every whit I need
When I feel I cannot go farther
I pray and let light lead

A tender Savior, too
Feels my every pain
Through Him comes strength, anew
Again and again

“Windows,” Ensign, Nov 1989, 67


An azure blue sky
With clouds that billow
A picture frames in my mind
As though seen through a window

A gathering storm
Our Lord’s wave beckons
A window can be forlorn
Or offer promised lessons

They keep out the rain
Protect from the wind
Some windows may shut in pain
When will they ever open?

The last supper night-
A lonely vigil
He saw our pictures of blight
Pain, He alone to fulfill

The Lord’s Disciples
Left us their own pictures
Of Jesus’ miracles-
There’s a view in our scriptures

We, too, have many windows
Each with lessons they have taught
The place where a gentle wind flows
To bless others more than not

“Windows,” Ensign, Nov 1989, 67

I Know That My Redeemer Lives

His it was to die on the cross
His alone to atone for our sins
Though we suffer when there is a loss
Though we weep when we lose close friends
Our Savior is hope and promise
His covenants we will not dismiss
When we sin His pain is there full
And how long before the drops pool?
As we search and ponder purpose
Is there more than life here for us?
Out of the shadows into His light
We have testimonies- glowing, made bright!

“I Know That My Redeemer Lives! ”
Ensign, May 2007, 22–25

Crucify Him

What does it mean
To crucify Him anew?
Can it be from
Things that we say and do?

If we reject
Or modify what He did;
And if we doubt
He's divine- How horrid!

We have His words
Still, today He gives
Both felt and heard
Our Redeemer lives!

Today we have
Testimonies of Christ
Living prophets
Lead us to light

“I Know That My Redeemer Lives! ”
Ensign, May 2007, 22–25

Four Guideposts

When everything seems new
And you're put on the spot
Breathe... let not your heart stop
Nor turn yourself blue
It is time to be you!

Face your guideposts and think,
It is time to reflect-
To reach high and detect
Life's patterns that link!
From wisdom... quickly drink

Take a glance at the past
Without dwelling too much
Just long enough to touch
On gifts, that do last
With gratitude... hold fast!

With faith look heavenward
What's divine will fulfill
Say a prayer and be still
Quicksand is found rearward
Lean to your dreams...onward

Life is more than just you
Reach outward in service
Your frame will feel purpose
When, for someone you do...
Old fears will depart, too.

Press forward, despite peers
Who tower with pressure
From permissive pleasure
Do what brightly steers
Find safe harbors where Christ's light adheres

Guideposts for Life's Journey
BYU Devotional Address
13 November 2007

Tears, Trials, Trust, Testimony

I ponder the worth of a human soul
What is my potential, have I a role?
In the sight of God, I am told I am great
His eyes unto all. He waits by the gate

To confound the wise, the weak are chosen
Our Heavenly Father calls simple good men
Who'll reach, to teach, to touch each precious soul?
Men of devotion, who've faith and high goals

The Master assures. He'll always abide
If we give our hearts, His Light there resides
On the Lord's errand, the pathways are straight
And out of small things, proceedeth what's great

God counts sacrifice, He measures sorrow
He quickens memories, to aid tomorrows
Hardships may beckon, let no man then shirk
The furnace burns hot, He who serves must work

He who notes the sparrow's fall
Won't neglect the servant's need
To whom He extends a call
God qualifies to do the deed

“Tears, Trials, Trust, Testimony,”
Ensign, Sep 1997, 2

The Widow Who Grieves Her Son

Many years ago a young man died
He, the only son of a poor widow
Now, all alone, how she grieved and cried
A star of gold upon her window
Oh, how she dreamed and longed to see him
And, sought for comfort, would he live again?
What could be said to give her new hope;
Deep in despair, with no way to cope?

Perhaps the best way to start is prayer
Young Tommy taught her to plead in his behalf
To be reassured that God does care.
Does He have love for her son? He hath!
Fear of unknown and death did concede
For the Father knows our greatest need-
To rise again. So, He sent His son
Born in the flesh, the Begotten one

She felt of God's great love and sacrifice
How He gave up His prized and beloved Son
For her son, she thanked God for this price
Now, her journey of faith had begun
Many years passed... for her, at last
She smiled for all her blessings vast
Alone, as she took her very last breath
Her son to see... she tasted of death

Will Arthur Live Again?
Improvement Era, Jun 1969, 102

(Dedicated to Mrs. Patton)

The Master Bridge Builder

We are as explorers and travelers
Called to pass o'er steep precipices
Yet, below, there are turbulent waters
And none has prior experiences

But... our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Our leader and Supreme Architect
Has cables saddled and not spliced(1)
And His anchors suspend well the great deck(2)

He's built three bridges for you and me
And we must cross each to journey home
They will save us from our sins, for free
From here His light shines. We need not roam

What are these bridges the Savior built?
He, the first to pass- Obedience
As temptations of winds blow, the cables tilt(3)
Till a still small voice is heard- “Get Thee hence!”

The next bridge is loaded... heavily
So, tall its towers and deep its piers
There we can act as one heavenly
Heard are calls for service, as one nears

The next bridge, the angels must bear up
For on there lie the Prayers for us sent
And blood that's been shed overflows a lone cup
Here... we can stay 'till our days are all spent
(T-o-m-m-y M-o-n-s-o-n)

“The Master Bridge Builder,” Ensign, Jan 2008, 4–9

1 At the top of the towers, each cable passes
over a cable saddle. At the cable saddle, the cable
transfers the load from the cables to the tower.

2 Large anchors, or anchorages, at both ends
of the bridge act as counter weights that hold
the ends of the main cables. The anchorages are
normally either a mass of concrete or solid rock.
In the anchorage, the cables splay into separate
strands to distribute the tension load evenly and

3 Because they are relatively light and flexible,
suspension bridges are all susceptible to the wind. They
vibrate and move, both vertically (up and down)
and laterally (sideways). The challenge for the bridge
engineer is to keep this motion within safe limits.

Building an Eternal Home

The home is the basis of a righteous life
And no other instrumentality can take its place
A home is founded by love, respect, and sacrifice
Our thoughts and deeds, and how we live, can build a founding base
Our homes can withstand the rains of adversity
The home can be built for eternity

A home is a house of order and of prayer
If divided against itself it shall not, can not stand
A house of order can be a bit of heaven here
A house that's wise is built upon the rock and not the sand
Our homes can withstand the floods of opposition
We each can improve our disposition

We must learn our duty, act with diligence
The service we perform can have eternal consequence
We cannot afford to skip heavenly assistance
We pray as we step up to serve with more obedience
Our homes can withstand the turbulent winds of doubt
The home is what our service is about

“Your Eternal Home,” Ensign, May 2000, 52

The Peril of Hidden Wedges

A faller's wedge placed in a tree
Remained where it ought not to be
The branches grew and swelled around
And then one night without a sound-
An ice storm weighed the burdened trunk
And down the branches went- kerplunk

Some feelings hurt and trouble so
But, to others they do not know
It festers much and builds inside,
Though how hard one might try to hide
Till one day it resurfaces
And lays more blame with purposes

A hidden wedge placed long ago
Has pierced my heart and claims my growth
Where it can canker easily
Imagined hurts and jealousy
Must be resolved, and then destroyed,
For life was meant to be enjoyed

A burden shared is always best
When we solve hurts, lay them to rest,
The enemy becomes a friend
When we forgive there is an end
We close the gap, we sort it out
That's what life is truly about!

“The Peril of Hidden Wedges,” Ensign, Jul 2007, 4–9

Miracles of Faith

A cruel circumstance...
We are left in tears
If only we'd one more chance
To call back the years

If, why, where, and how-
Will not call back time
All we have is here and now
For our onward climb

Then, of someone's worse account...
We see through newer eyes
What trials they did surmount!
We, too, soon want to rise

And those strugglings in the mind
Mean no more to us
As old dreams are left behind
We are freed from fuss

When we learn to walk as meant
Though there is no sight
We do not need smooth pavement
To find new delight

If, why, where, and how...
Rephrases in my mind
A new future starts right now!
As we feel life is kind

The miracles of Jesus...
The blind made to see
When others avoided thus,
He cleansed leprosy

If, why, where, and how...
Our Savior... through priesthood
Then, by faith, we are healed
If we believe as we should
Renewed hope is revealed

“Miracles of Faith,” Ensign, Jul 2004, 2–7

Treasure of Eternal Value

Where lies the buried treasure?
If only map pieces could be found
Lost marks here and there measure
What lies concealed beneath the ground

But there's danger on this path
Much lurks ahead darkly concealed
Waiting to pronounce great wrath
Where consuming greed is revealed

Where has this obsession led?
Can it ever be satisfied?
What are riches to the dead?
Moth and rust won't be denied

Yet... in another setting
There lies treasure bright and surreal
It is up... skyward jetting
Where thieves do not break through nor steal

The promised treasure is untold
It beckons those pure to advance
Endless numbers will behold
From the Master, inheritance

Lay this treasure in your heart
And seek no more for earthly wealth
Learn from your past and now start
Gone the need to live in stealth

There will be forks and turnings
As you journey to the future
But with hard work and yearnings
You'll obtain that heart so pure

You must prepare for each day
This heart's made in word and in deed
Each old longing you must stay
You must love and share without greed

To obtain your highest need...
Search this treasure map with known marks
Each step must be done, indeed
With stable footings, and gold hearts

“Treasure of Eternal Value,”
Ensign, Apr 2008, 4–9

The Passage of Time

The passage of time dims our memories
And diminishes our pain and our old worries
Where once was walked a tear marked trail of pain
A giant roller coaster has now been laid

Crimes creep higher to spiral upward
While decency careens society downward
And who can escape as the ride moves faster?
This thrill of the moment leads to disaster!

Can we muster the courage for today?
As modern pioneers can we show others the way?
The path has been laid to eternity
May we blaze its trail bright with morality!

“‘Come, Follow Me’,”
Ensign, Jul 1988, 2

Mommy, Why?

Mommy why are we leaving home
Where are we going, why must we roam?
Come along, precious one
We're going to Zion
To the city of our God...
Where light we rely on

How much longer on the ship? I'm sick
We've traveled so long on this Atlantic
Yes, the voyage is long
Come let's sing a glad song
With the Lord, we're made strong
We'll soon be where we belong...

I feel so sick, I feel so weak
Do you see land? Please go and peek
Stay with Mary and hold her hand
She's still too weak to even stand
Her lips are pale and I greatly fear
She's soon to pass through this vale of tears...

Why must we bury her out to sea?
Can we sing a song for dear Mary?
The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away
Yes, little child, let's sing and let's pray
If we do according to God's will
He promises us His peace, be still...

Why must we walk so far
Can I sit up there, high in the cart?
We need to keep moving, just to stay warm
Come with me and we'll walk arm in arm
Here we must step- here we must press on
Till we reach our home in Zion...

Is this it, this little dugout?
Is this what Zion is really about?
This quilt's our door for this long winter
This is but a quick shelter
We've sacrificed and we've conquered
And we've accepted what Zion's offered...

Come, let us draw our home with sweet flowers bordered

“‘Come, Follow Me’,”
Ensign, Jul 1988, 2

Our Prophet Helps Us Move Forward

It was said of the Savior
That He went about doing good
His code of behavior
We'll follow doing as we should
On this sometimes precarious journey
May we seek for things that are good and lovely
Whatsoever thing is pure, honest, just and true
What is of good report, we praise its virtue
May these things keep us safely on our course
With our thoughts on these things, there is no remorse

Through our Lord's example
We'll give others a kind sample
Of members of the church
We're kind, though from backgrounds diverse
Let's treat each other as though a brother
And show respect and love to one another
As worldly sins takes costly toll in human lives
May we teach of the path where one best survives
That as families we are kept safe from the storm
With Christ's light- love and peace dwell in perfect form

The world becomes more frightening
For moral fabric is unraveling
To much we have been exposed
What can drag us down... grows and grows
The world declines at an alarming speed
Our youth are precious and the most in need
They face temptations we scarcely comprehend
And as their reinforcements, we must now descend
We are waging a war that with Christ we will win
Let us work together... renewed to begin

With humble prayers we will not despair
God is at the helm with words to declare
As through His Son we've mercy and light
Which shines through the darkest, dimmest of nights
Some feel abandoned, heartbroken... alone
With their personal misfortune as theirs to own
There's a tunnel's end to this distorted prism
Of shattered dreams, vanished hopes, and pessimism
We can turn to Heav'nly Father with the brightest of faith
He will comfort us all through whate'er storm we're to face

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren,
whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Though sin and selfishness can take their toll
A change for the better can come unto all
Over the years, we have issued appeals
In the pathway of life, there is much one feels

To the offended, the critical and transgressor
Come back and feast again at the table of the Master
Come and taste again the sweet and satisfying fruits
Feast as one of Christ's Saints, our invitation issues.

Conscience and spirit our actuary
And can be our private sanctuary
Come cast off the old person and remeasure
Your true potential- Come. Regain stature

We're now reaching out to you with the pure love of Christ
He calls out- His yoke is easy, His burden is light
Come find rest to your souls as you strive to learn of Him
He, meek and lowly in heart, heals you from within

To all those who are wounded in spirit
And with great fears are struggling to bear it
The departure from road markers leaves tears
Let us lift you, cheer you up and calm all your fears

On the detour with a dead end, there are casualties
Come. Find the markers pointing toward eternities
From indifference, carelessness, selfishness, and sin
Let us begin again, and together we will win!

Matt. 11: 28-3028 ¶ Come unto me, all ye that labour
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
for I am meek and lowly in heart:and ye shall find rest
unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

With all my heart, With all my soul
I lift my voice and testify... This is my role

As a witness, I here declare
That God does live. He came with Christ, answering a prayer

Our Redeemer and Elohim
Here in the flesh. Can we picture or comprehend?

The restoration... what perfect love
Promise fulfilled from above

Renewed blessings come to each of us
To bless our homes through acts of service

With gratitude, we've looked backward
And may we give of ourselves to move forward

With fervency and all my strength
I offer all that I have to serve at length

In accordance to the Lord's will
I'll direct His church affairs till my days are stilled.

April Conference 2008
Thomas S. Monson

Our Prophet We Sustain and Pray For

Our prophet shared from his heart
In a remarkable session
Oh, the spirit we each felt
At this solemn occasion

This day, we were called each to stand
Looking back and moving forward
We raised high a sustaining hand
And our hands reached heavenward

Now we know, and we pray for
President Monson, our prophet
Whom we love and we support
What we've felt, we'll not forget!

May he be an instrument
To move forward this great work
May we value his judgment
Here forth called, may we not shirk

May he always have good health
As he travels the world over
May the church have sufficient wealth
To meet its needs, moreover

When he asks, may we hear it
As though, Thou, were the one calling
May he feel of our spirit
And find in us, we are willing

When life is precarious
Is there no balm in Gilead?
Temples- Thou has given us
Help us to go as we should.

He's pledged his life and his strength
To direct the church's affairs
Give his days sufficient length
Ease his burdens and his cares

They Marked the Path to Follow

John the Baptist
There is one who marked the path
To rise up, no greater hath
With unfeigned humility
John went forth for ministry
He alone was sent before
To preach along the river
He trusted and he baptized
And prepared the way for Christ
He modeled how to submit
Though he thought himself quite unfit
He deferred to Him who would come
To Jesus the perfect one

Abraham modeled great faith
We must trust in God, in all we face
His teachings whisper to us still
As through him, we've much to fulfill
Through him our day is bright and blessed
As with Isaac, he'd passed the test
He taught us how to sacrifice
All we have can but suffice
He feared God enough to give
God was pleased, Isaac could live!
And, then came the pronouncement
He had been found obedient


An ideal of womanhood
Loyalty she understood
Naomi was struck with grief
She bid Ruth "Do not leave.
You are my daughter-in-law,
My sole source to live off of.
And, gone two sons, I've no relief "
Ruth obeyed for she too grieved
Though foreign she would tarry
Ruth was told whom she was to marry
And Christ came through her gene pool
As she lodged with faith unto God's people


Job feared God, he was upright
His life seemed perfect and right
Always, he eschewed evil
Would he prove to trust God's will?
Gone fortune, prosperity
Scorned by friends, why would that be?
His family too quick to leave
He showed faith, he still believed
He modeled for us, patience
Not giving in to grievance
He suffered and was alone
Gone was all, yet faith he'd own


His faith proved unwavering
He gathered beasts with bravery
A just man, he walked with God
Though most thought him rather odd
For they failed to heed his cries
"Repent now and save your lives"
Why should they? They mocked his ark
There's no rain, he'd told them a lark
God showed them, the rain did pour
Forty days, all was a shore
When God spoke, Noah obeyed
From his faith, our way was paved

Now we turn to Mormon's book
Of Nephi, the pains he took
To obtain the sacred plates
Should they put their lives to fate?
Should they buy King Laban's needs?
No, he took, with eyes of greed!
Nephi prayed and obtain the rod
With his trust full upon God
Determined and unflagging
He obeyed without nagging
His brothers must follow him
He was one of vision

Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith was just fourteen
He saw God and Jesus sheen
He'd entered a grove of trees
Questioning all a man believes
He had a vision, he'd not deny
Courageous, though scorned for life
Ridiculed he still stood firm
And God's church, he did govern
Step by step, he taught and led
As from him, more prophets were bred
In Carthage, he bravely faced
His blood spilled, with trust embraced

Gordon B. Hinckley

This prophet traversed frontiers
His love transcended barriers
He visited vast members
And met with their land's leaders
To lift Saints he had vision
A fund for education
Those who were doomed to poverty
Rise from mediocrity!
With a new conference center
And temples close for one to enter
He modeled optimism
For world-wide church expansion

One Family's Faith

Years have passed for one family
A son never more to see
His mission car lost control
Which took to flames of petrol
With the mother dead eight years
The father should grieve past tears
Another son was serving...
Could his car, too, go swerving?
But, he'd not let his faith hang
He called the son, they both sang
"I Am a Child of God" they tuned
Lines together, in prayer bloomed

The Exemplar

May we choose to be guided
By the life He provided
He lived the perfect model
As He taught us the gospel
A higher law was a plus
So we'd receive reward's just
Some reacted, He the Word?
In the end their cries were heard
"Crucify him," they did mock
And He died, our Living Rock.
Now, He beckons, "Follow me"
May we live thus, Him to see

Thomas S. Monson
Ensign, Oct. 2007
They Marked the Path to Follow

The Doorway of Love

Sins never tire
They ever cross the wires
Shades of Sodom...
The dregs at the bottom
Has Pandora
Yet glimpsed Gomorrah?
Our wicked world
Screams loud and insults hurl
Each sordid fact
Exposes evil stacked
They have Light so dim
That from truth they might stay hid

Must we suffer
The twin cities' fate here
Where ill is bred
Without balm in Gilead?
Are there lovers
Of God or of pleasures?
From old Noah
Were great lessons not taught?
This time it's sin
That the world's flooded in
And what does reign?
Unholiness and pain

The Doorway
Where's the doorway?
Hurry, find it I pray
Where the Lord stands
Waiting with knocking hands
Written above Reads:
The Doorway of Love
It's on high ground
That our dear Savior's found
And as you near
There's echoes you can hear
"Open the door
You are, who I knock for "

...of Love
Love causes change
As our lives rearrange
Love has its price
It requires we're nice
And God loves us
So He gave us Jesus
The great teacher
To love one another
He also taught
Of higher laws of thought
To understand
where love can best expand

Love's not like weeds
That spreads from wind and seeds
Love's not like rain
Dripping where e'er it came
Love can perish
When it is not cherished
So, we have Christ
Who has paid a high price
He loves each one
For us, His work was done
For each person
He bore sins to ransom

Our Little One's
Little children
Can learn the Lord's lesson
"If you love me
Do as I'm commanding
As I love you
Now, love each other too"
Where's our haven?
Our safe place to live in?
It's where honor
And loving symbols are
Where contention
Has no place to station

God's found in love
As blessings from above
Where there's virtue
His love resides there, too
It's apparent
We've premortal parents
Heav'nly Father
And our Heav'nly Mother
And when love's gone
The sobbings of those wronged
Ascend up high
Against those who've shown pride

Faithfulness Begins with Me
Our happiness
Hinges on righteousness
The path to joy
Comes to each girl and boy
With faithfulness
We'll press on t'wards fullness
Let there be peace
May it begin with me
A soft pillow
Helps those whose lives are low
This we'll not know
Unless our hearts more grow

Vagrants asleep
Are in need of watch keep
What can be done
In the name of the Son?
To those hungry
May our compassion be
A sparrow falls
The Savior hears its calls
He sees service
He knows concern's purpose
All love imparts
Catalysts for big hearts

Those who show care
Are often more aware
That violence
Does not cry of strength
Yet, compassion
Cries with Christ-like passion
What's of value?
Our last gifts of adieu?
This mom's locked box
T'would only hold small rocks
As she'd nothing
Why bother opening...

Treasure Love
As though treasure
Photos of past pleasure
A young couple's
Sealing date ink bejeweled
And last inside
A child's note, "I love you"
Hearts were tender
Voices soft, eyes moister
Louis's note
A Valentines he'd wrote.
A locked box viewed
With a new attitude

The Spirit of Christmas
We see Christ's love
Reflected in true love
At Christmas time
One finds people are kind
You can hear it
As you believe in it
You can see it
And anticipate it
You can feel it
As you grandly share it
It's yours to own
But, never just alone

Love of the Master Teacher
Twas years ago
A class was troubled so
What could be done?
The solution, but one
The problem child
With love, must become mild
She confessed
She asked him, and was blessed
And now the boy
Became her greatest joy
And she knew him
Through her gaze blank and dim

In her nineties
She'd not eat, her fork teased
She knew no one
And not a word she spoke
When lunch ended
And... the words one-sided
He stood to leave
And you would not believe
He said "God Bless "
And she- "Why you're Thomas!"
She kissed his hand
Love passed the aging sand

"How I love you,"
She said. There were tears, too-
On hands bestowed.
Now, those hands were hallowed
The air was cool
Outside the sky was blue
An azure blue
The snow was white
A crystal white
The words of the Master
Were felt deeper
"Woman, behold thy son!"
As she'd beheld this one

Faith Opens the Door
A wondrous gift
Graced by God was given
Heavenly blessings
Were there for receiving
At a doorway
Patiently, He'll await
Till, us He hears
And with love... Christ enters
Through a doorway
That's opened with our faith
Through a doorway
Of love, where all is okay

Do Your Duty - That is Best

"Do your duty that is best
Leave unto the Lord the rest "
There is much for you to share
For a talk, you can prepare
Then in sacrament meeting
Testify while you're speaking
There is much that you will learn
As the Holy Ghost is felt to burn

To be a good citizen
You should participate in
Activities and quorums
Watch who governs in forums
Become a good home teacher
Show care and be a leader
In example and in truth
This will bless you through your youth

As you develop and grow
The body can gain and know
Perhaps you will learn to run
And find that it's very fun
And as you track your progress
You'll impress and remove stress
As you find, you are in shape
Your moods, too, will moderate

Awake, you have a duty
To learn all that you should be
As you trek that sacred walk
Stand tall on the Savior's rock
This program's across the globe
For your future path to probe
Better sons, brothers and friends
Your new mission call extends

Do not underestimate
All that for you does await
Live the motto every day
Let it help you walk in faith
It will sustain you through life
You'll be a strength to your wife
You'll be prepared as a man
To have faith in duty's plan

“Do Your Duty—That Is Best,”
Liahona, Nov 2005, 56–59

*Do your duty that is best
Leave unto the Lord the rest
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
“The Legend Beautiful,”
in The Complete Poetical Works
of Longfellow (1893), 258


Jesus spoke in parables
So we could understand
He strengthens us in our troubles
To teach us from what we know first hand
For us He drew things in the sand

He spoke of the body, too
The foot, nose, back, side, and face
He spoke of what hands do
Someday we'll see His and embrace
We’ll touch those pierced hands and them trace…

The most difficult to paint
Of all the human body
The hand is hard to recreate
To study, capture and embody
Whether babe soft or aged knobby

To place the small in the large
Is the tenderest of sights
Love and trust are put in charge!
And one feels the greatest of delights
Oh, to have small fingers grasping tight!

The sentiments of such love
Should arouse fidelity
A babe given from God above
Is a small package of fragility
And we've responsibility

When those hands start to grow up
They must learn to be engaged
They can use a measuring cup
And give service to the young and aged
There lies love that can't be waged

Then comes the day they've grown
And on their finger - a ring
A pledge made that is their own
To the temple where clasped hands now cling
At the alter - love's offering

Time passes... hands now of a mother
Bathing, dressing, and feeding
She will serve like no other
She knows what her baby is needing
And gives training while leading

Time passes... hands now of a father
His hands support the family
He's unafraid of labor
Though his pay sometimes spreads scantily
He'll express thanks happily

In each of the parents hands
Is a willingness to give,
They'll sacrifice their own plans
For each child's future they've yet to live
With love, their highest motive

And, amidst all these years
Have been unseen hands knocking
Waiting to help when there's tears
The door to our hearts needs unlocking
As sheep, to Him we should be flocking

"Hands", Aug 1990

A Common Thread for Priesthood Holders

We've common thread, we're priesthood holders
We've the power to act in God's name
A sacred trust, to worthy shoulders
And much is expected from this claim

We've opportunities that await
There's a heavenly inheritance
And we've seen a glimpse in this estate
With His power, we're mighty to advance

On a pathway with forks and turnings
We've obstacles, pitfalls, and snares
We've courage, for "no" on these journeys
There's a destiny and we've shares

The call for courage comes constantly
And requires that we oft say "yes"
The Prince of Peace pleas, "follow me"
There are souls in need, we're to bless

We're strong in our faith and fear not
To stay pure, it's become apparent
That when we've misstepped we should "get out!"
And be led by a wise parent

The Lord's with us on the paths we take
We'll not cower, but show dignity
We've been promised He will not forsake
We'll not affront, but live decently

We've bravery to die manfully
As we'll face all opposition
We'll not compromise to those unruly
We'll master and reposition

We'll touch the hearts of those we serve
While time marches, our duty calls
Our hands will raise up God's torch with verve
While we are blessed from heavenly halls

“The Call for Courage,”
Ensign, May 2004, 54

May We So Live

May we so live that if we died today
We'd have eternal life with the Master
Then we'd feel peace and be unafraid
When suddenly comes a disaster

When tragedy struck in 2001
Gone were well-laid out plans for pleasant futures
And all raced to their phones to speak with someone
For the precious moment of now it captures

What are we doing with today?
How fragile life. How certain death!
If only for tomorrows, now we pray
We're wasting away this days breath!

Tomorrows of change rarely come
Unless today we make the first step
Have we done something for anyone?
Opportunity's an endless debt!

There are words to say and gifts to give
There are souls to save and deeds to do
To extend the joy it is to live
Is to share our Lord's light all anew

As we turn from paths that lead us down
We can follow a star full of light
As we quicken our step with courage found
Our joy's for today- in doing what's right

Can you hear the children's laughter?
Do you too have a song in your heart?
It is joy, we all should be after
Found in giving of what God would  impart

For whom do we feel strongest emotions?
Surely it's not for someone we hate
For that is where we'll place our devotions
And regret is a dark friend at the gate

But, darkness can be dispelled with light
With service being the formula for peace
Those who follow the Master enjoy life
And, oh how our love for all does increase

May We So Live
Ensign, August 2008, 5

If a Man Die, Shall He Live Again?

If a man die, shall he live again?
As one chapter ends, does another begin?
When I die, where does my spirit go?
These are my questions. I've hope to know...

In Alma 40- the answer's there
Stated simply in words that are clear
We'll return home to our God who gave us life
Where the righteous will be found in paradise

To know a state of rest from troubles
From sorrows and cares of tomorrows
To know peace until through Christ, they claim
Resurrected bodies of perfect frame

And what of the wicked, could that be me?
As it is anyone judged as unclean
They, like bad fruit, are to be cast out
To taste what bitter dregs are about

And while in this state of hopeless condition
There will be teachings and reparations
If they so seek, there's safety from perdition
If they so seek, there's wickedness and separation

Thus, we will all know restoration
Until the glad day of consignation
Let it be known the righteous will shine
And live with God in His kingdom sublime!

Our Prophet Has Felt Impressed

Our prophet has felt impressed
To share of what stays on his mind
The subject of change, he expressed
Is ever constant and not always kind

As we become so busy with now
Sometimes change seems incremental
Then comes life steadily marching on
And the past collects to become monumental

And all too soon regret shows its face
As we see where we spent all of our time
Where were all the I love yous with an embrace?
Perhaps they were lost in the pursuit of the dime

Perhaps they were misplaced in daily requirements
That make home and living more comfortable
Or in the service of others and their tenements
Of what we do, what becomes the most memorable?

Is service or sacrifice too high a price
As we get involved with the people that surround
What alone for our future will suffice
To bring pleasant memories that will abound?

We are meant to sense and live happily
With joy, let us relish life as we live it
And share our love with friends and family
Before we run out of the days that God giveth

Finding Joy in the Journey
Ensign, October 2008, 84

To Learn, To Do, To Be

To learn, to do, to be
Requires great will today
And of us others have need
What more can anyone say?

In these difficult times we face
The priesthood must make endeavor
For then near miracles take place
As for each other we work together

There are those in need of lifting up
To be fed, clothed and given shelter
There are those in swamps of sin- stuck
And there lives are a helter skelter

Ours is a precious privilege
To make a difference in their lives
And we must commit full fledge
To inspire faith as one strives

Let's serve as we've been assigned
And not with timid periodic support
For with the Lord's power we've combined
And assemble to give our best effort

May we yearn more to discern
And learn what we should learn

Too, we should follow through
In doing what we should do

May we seek more to be meek
And more- be what we should be

The priesthood is an honored gift
To which the blessing from heaven attend
It should be used to aid, warn, and uplift
And prepare souls for an eternal end

May the promptings of the holy ghost come
To save us in times of dire need
May we as shepherds find the lost one
And do as the Savior to minister and feed

To learn, to do, to be
Let's yearn anew and see

To Learn, To Do, To Be
Ensign, November 2008, 60

In Rich Abundance our Hearts Have Been Touched

In rich abundance our hearts have been touched
And though we've hard times our fears have been hushed
The testimonies born have strengthened our faith
And have lit our minds unto peace, hope, and praise

Here we supplicate full, with gratitude
With arms turned towards those destitute
While those in tragedy are more in our midst
There are those alone who would our time they enlist

As such we are thankful for the Holy Ghost
Which leads and guides us where we should turn the most
As we recommit for great works to do
May we be good citizens and neighbors too

May we strive each day to follow the Lord
And be anchored strong with armor and sword
May we now ponder the words of conference
And treasure them safe for future reference

Until We Meet Again
Ensign, November 2008, 106

The Innkeeper Never Got a Second Chance

The innkeeper never got a second chance
To house the holy family
As he was caught up in his own circumstance
He'd lost that opportunity

Then, as the Lord was born in a stable
Did he also miss that bright star?
To honor this guest- he the most able
How this will ever pain his heart

And we, with many rooms in our homes
Should find a place for that sweet babe
By declaring His message to those who roam
And by not dismissing those heavy lade

This is the season to open up our hearts
For there are those in need of God's cheer
And before the pang of remorse starts
Let them know through us God is near

There are gifts to be given
And deeds to be done
There are hearts to gladden
And souls to save through the Son

First Presidency Christmas Devotional 2008

The Race is Not to the Swift

The race is not to the swift
Nor the battles to the strong
It is for those who don't drift
And know to whom they belong

Clearly we've a defined goal
That all can conquer and win
Dearly to each in their role
Is prayer to endure to the end

To all- an invitation
Let us be introspective
To reach our destination
We must see each objective

With continuous effort
We must ever stay on course
We simply cannot afford
To detour for therein's remorse

We must avoid the quicksand
That threatens on every side
And steer clear of each hand
That says there's a way to slide

Our Elder Brother and Lord
Showed the way while yet a boy
He gave to us a watchword-
Of Father's business and joy

As a grown man, He taught us
And, too, He showed us the way
Him, may we evermore trust
Who calms the waters to stay

There's much more to the story
For for our sins, Jesus wept
On the pathway to glory
He taught the laws that must be kept

With faith, hope, and repentance
And ordinances that do clean
We've help to complete the distance
And with the Father be seen

Thoughts from an Invitation to Exaltation
Timeless talks by Thomas S. Monson pages 9-12

Ecclesiastes 9:11
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all

Through Christ You'll Achieve Great Expectations

Through Christ you’ll achieve great expectations
Both in mind and spirit through your preparations
There will be pitfalls to avoid on the track
And alone to finish- the strength you will lack

Beginners are many, but enders are few
Stick to your task until it sticks to you
In the game of life effort is required
If you can prove yourself, you’ll be desired

Be like the Savior and help others along
And as you help them, you'll grow to be strong
The foxes have holes and the birds have nests
Those with room for the Lord achieve the great tests

As you set sail beware of the flashy start
And too beware of what lies in your heart
It is our daily good habits that do pay
And great effort is needed to live that way..

So, continually remember to kneel and to pray
And do of the things the prophets now say
When you would to sin and flail in deep waters
Return to the Lord and spiritual matters

CES fireside BYU January 11, 2009

The Mobile Ribbon of Humanity

The mobile ribbon of humanity
Pulsates in an endless stream
The pace of life in singularity
Seldom leaves time for things unseen

But, where does all this hurrying move toward?
And what of it is for eternal gain?
Thus the soul of man reaches out heavenward
To ask of God when energy does wain

When suffering enters a house of good health
Or life's candle flickers with little wick left
We pause in our pursuit of prosperity and wealth
And realize without God we are utterly inept

Our heart felt questions transcend mortality
As they're not answered in academia's books
But, as one reaches out to embrace eternity
And search for, in prayer, what hurrying overlooks

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart
And lean not unto thine own understanding
And in all ways acknowledge Him, and He will impart
Direction for thy paths of eternal landing

Look unto God with firmness of mind
And pray unto Him with exceeding faith
And you will find answers like no other kind
As an unseen warmth gathers round in wait

An Invitation to Exaltation
Deseret Book Company 1997

Proverbs 3: 5-6
¶ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Jacob 3: 1
But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send down justice upon those who seek your destruction.

The Battle Cry Has Been Given

The battle cry has been given
For a standard of righteousness
Who in purity can be proven?
Who can avoid permissiveness?

The seas of peer pressure causes
Forfeited blessings and shattered dreams
As onto jagged rocks it tosses
Those who ignore the lights strong beams

Who will commit without hesitation?
To their heritage, and stand to honor it?
Who will hold at bay all worldly temptation?
While their example lets good news transmit?

When life's goals become shallow
A gospel upbringing is forgotten
And opportunities soon narrow
When codes for conduct falter and soften

May the words of Mount Sinai
Come to thunder on those with ears
The commandments are our allies
Wherein a celestial glimpse appears

Who will open their heart to remember
That day of confirmation?
And how the Holy Ghost in ember
Was gifted without reservation?

Who'll be influenced by that sweet voice
Which testifies and whispers of truth?
Who'll be alert and make the good choice
When temptations prey on the dreams of youth?

Who will be known among the believers?
Those with charity and purity of thought!
Those who in example are the achievers
For in spirit and in faith they have fought

1 Tim 4:12
Be thou an example of the believers,
in word, in conversation, in charity,
in spirit, in faith, in purity

Be Thou An Example
Ensign, May 2005, 112

Come Unto Him in Faith and Prayer

We live in troubling times
That tax all our resources
Perhaps these be the signs
We need God for our courses?

He who directs the bright path
Would we look to Him in faith
Giving thanks for all we have
As we do that which He sayeth

A man never stands taller
Than when He kneels in prayer
He, in the role of Father
Leads His family strongly there

As a family kneels to pray
O'er each other's matters
Obedience finds its way
As love and unity gathers

Faith and doubt cannot exist
Together in our minds
When to prayer we more persist
God's light comes to us and binds

Let us ask nothing wavering
For God's protective care
Lest what the winds and waves bring
Comes a rushing on to scare

Our faith requires action
We can't sit by and wish
It's a law of attraction
And with God, our lives are rich

Come Unto Him in Prayer and Faith
Ensign, March 2009, 5

When Jesus Walked the Dusty Pathways

When Jesus walked the dusty pathways
Near towns, villages, and Galilee
He spoke in parables ever and always
That we might understand and live happily

When we are tired, ill, or discouraged
There's comfort in being homeward bound
For there we are blessed and encouraged
As supportive family circles around

Nothing can take the place of our dear loved ones
When the atmosphere of peace and love prevails
Thus, when, to the superficial world, one succumbs
It's family that threatens to crumble and fail

May those who wander, not journey far
And soon miss that sense of belonging
It's through the home, we learn who we are
And sense love and an eternal longing

What can we do to bring heaven to our homes?
But, put Christ at the center of our learning
It's through a pattern of prayer that protection flows
And we find the legacy of love for which we are yearning

A Sanctuary from the World
Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting: Building Up a Righteous Posterity
February 9, 2008

Margaret Thatcher, when she was prime minister of Great Britain, expressed this profound philosophy: “The family is the building block of society. It is a nursery, a school, a hospital, a leisure centre, a place of refuge and a place of rest. It encompasses the whole of the society. It fashions our beliefs; it is the preparation for the rest of our life.” In Nicholas Wood, “Thatcher Champions the Family,” The Times, May 26, 1988, 24.

A Youth of the Noble Birth Right

A youth of the noble birth right
Has departed from her once cherished moorings
And subject to the sophistries of night
Says a peace she once felt, is now "boring"

And as she acts with the pride of one that's infirm
She discards a holy torch once held high with power
Yet our prayer is for her to return to stand firm
We've faith and trust we will see that hour

For there is a view at the gates of learning
Where any who seek can understand and observe
There we find vision that increases discerning
That home's a haven of love and peace where we serve

Though the world may ridicule what's sacred
Families are becoming eternal tapestries
With each member contributing an unique thread
From the birth that was born at holy baptistries

According to God's plan, notwithstanding
We can make covenants and the home can endure
Unto peace that surpasses all understanding
With past and future woven in a place that's sure

not withstanding- despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession)
as in Matthew 11:11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there
hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he
that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

lacking firmness of will or character or purpose
Example: "Infirm of purpose"
weak and feeble
lacking physical strength or vitality
confined to bed (by illness)

thoughts after reading
Church News of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Draper Utah Temple: 'This, Thy Holy House'
President Monson delivers prayer in each of the 12 dedicatory sessions
Published: Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Temple Dedication

A temple dedication
Furthers the work of the Lord
It prompts re-evaluation
And His children move forward

Saturday conference session 2009

Gracious Are They Who Give From the Heart

Gracious are they who give from the heart
Who charity, hope, and love do impart
Jesus once said Ye have done this for me
Whenever ye do it for all that you see

Might we extend His love to someone
That he who is hungry might feel nourished
Might we extend His hope to someone
To show compassion that they might feel cherished

Like unto a boy who gave up his pillow
To comfort a man who sleeps on the street
For naught is forgotten, not even a sparrow
And Christ's light is inside all whom we meet

“A Doorway Called Love,”
Ensign, Nov 1987, 66

Be Of Good Cheer

The once sagging economy
Has taken a nasty nosedive
To where it ought not to be
This is simply a part of our lives...

God hath not given us the spirit of fear
But, of power, of love, and sound minds
Rejoice, all mankind, and be of good cheer
For as ye seek, so shall ye find

Far too numerous to mention
We’ve examples of those with much strength
Who during troubling times and great tension
Endured and emerged victorious at length....

It is often our attitude
That pulls us through come what may
As we persevere with gratitude
As we learn, grow, and find joy in the day

The future is surely as bright as our faith
Our courage, and determination
As the powers of heaven so patient await
Offering peace regardless our station

Be of Good Cheer
Ensign, May 2009,

2 Timothy 1:7

"God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

With a Plan to Emerge Victorious

With a plan to emerge victorious
We face life's challenge head on
For beyond is what's bright and most glorious
Once our fears are forgotten and gone

For, once what's surpassed is foregone
There is healing from all that shatters
Unto cheer for redemption that is strong
There to realize our faith is what truly matters

Be of Good Cheer
Ensign, May 2009,

May You Have Courage

Adam fell that men might be,
And, that we might have joy.
Sometimes this is hard to see,
When much threatens to destroy.

With advancements, our homes fill with comforts
As in no other generation known to man.
Thus, we must beware lest this distorts
The knowledge of our purpose and God's plan.

With courage unto this end we awaken
And vow to be virtuous and chaste
That we may neither feel bereft and forsaken
But, have what is sweet and pure to taste.

With courage might our lips refrain
From finding faults one with another
That we'll not judge there to put down with disdain
But love, encourage, and look for what's good in each other

With courage we will stand firmly planted
There to defend that which we believe
With power, love, and sound minds granted
We'll not fear nor fall to those who deceive

As at times the world is destructive and dark
We vow to become emotionally, physically, and spiritually strong
That with the Light of the gospel we're prepared to embark
Amongst the family of believers where we know we belong

New Era, May 2009,
May You Have Courage

2 Ne. 2: 25
Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.

For more poems click on the monson or Thomas S. Monson label. 

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