
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Miracles of Faith

A cruel circumstance...
We are left in tears.
If only we'd one more chance
To call back the years.

If, why, where, and how-
Will not call back time.
All we have is here and now,
For our onward climb.

Then, of someone's worse account...
We see, as through new eyes.
What trials they did surmount!
We, too, want to rise.

And those strugglings in the mind
Mean no more to us.
As old dreams are left behind,
We are free from fuss.

We learn to walk as we are meant,
Though there is no sight.
We do not need smooth pavement,
To find new delight.

If, why, where, and how...
Rephrased in my mind.
A new future, begins now.
Where we feel life is kind.

The miracles of Jesus...
The blind made to see.
When others avoided thus,
He cleansed leprosy.

If, why, where, and how...
Through our Savior we've priesthood.
And by faith, we are healed.
If we believe as we should,
New hope is revealed.

The Divine Gift of Gratitude - general-conference -
Feb 1, 2012 – See Other Languages on ... Thomas S. Monson ... lepers were spared from a cruel, lingering death and given a new lease on life. ... Regardless of our circumstances, each of us has much for which to be grateful if we ...

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