
Friday, January 18, 2008

The Light of Christ

Christ spoke of a light which shineth.
To our eyes it enlighteth.
And, to our minds it quickeneth.

Yet this light is invisible.
To touch, it's intangible.
And it is indestructible.
Boyd K. Packer

The Spirit of Christ can be likened to sunlight.
It stands brilliant though evil tries the world unto blight.
Our guardian angel, as cause and effect fight.

With this light, we have been created equally.
Endowed to all man so we'll act sensibly.
It gives insight to instruct us sufficiently.

Inside man the light can warn and guard and be our guide.
It enlightens us for the blessing of mankind.
That each man may be accountable for his life.

Like a fan to a flame can burn much brighter.
This light dwells in all man and makes us better.
And can nourish with goodness to the comforter.

This Holy light can become ignited by the Holy Ghost.
And bring to memory things taught by a Heavenly host,
Where familiar gospel truths ring from afar tolls.

May those bells heighten our courage, so we can grow.
May we tell all man of the Light so they can know,
How to feast on the words of Christ where e'er we go.

- Boyd K. Packer

8–14, Apr 2005, Boyd K. Packer,
“The Light of Christ, ” Ensign

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