
Friday, January 25, 2008

Jesus Christ the Master Healer

Why did the Savior suffer for me?
He must know and love me so deeply!
My debt to Him is incalculably great.
For He bore all the world's sins, at Hells' gate!
What power was His to carry the load?
To lift all flesh to a heav'nly abode?

I have sore trials that I must bear,
They deepen my faith.  I feel His kind care.
I know He heals wounds and mends broken hearts.
That peace and comfort, His Spirit imparts.
His gift to each cannot be destroyed by death.
He offers tio all, His life giving breath.

The Master Healer in perfect frame,
Gives resurrection to those once lame.
Am I not also in need of this healing?
Thanks to Him, I am not past feeling.
Thanks to Him, there are brighter days ahead.
As He heals me I am spiritually fed.

-Elder Russell M. Nelson- Jesus suffered deeply,
because He loves us deeply

85, Nov 2005, Russell M. Nelson, “Jesus Christ—
the Master Healer, ” Ensign

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