
Friday, January 18, 2008

In A Day That's Lacking Restraint

In a day that's lacking in restraint.
We need to be wholesome and quaint.
The Master has called out, “repent”.
To proclaim this- prophets were sent.
We can be washed and found worthy.
We can have hope on our journey.
Spread the news to all upon the land.
The Kingdom of God is now at hand.
We can change and come unto Christ,
Thus avoiding a sad tragic life.
The prize of joy is worth the price!
For those who are swamped much in sin.
The gospel life helps us change from within.

What does it mean to repent?
Does it mean we feel some regret?
Our sorrow must be so sincere.
Each patient step must include prayer.
The first step is recognition.
Then there's remorse unto confession.
We confess to all those we offend.
Though we're sincere, this in not the end.
The next step is restitution.
We can restore without spite's friction.
We'll show faith to this fruition.
For all those who are swamped much in sin.
The gospel life brings a change from within.

When Jesus said we must repent.
With soul and mind is what He meant.
To not repeat, He said there's more.
For we've eternal life in store.
We're asked to change even our breath,
Thus avoiding a spiritual death.
When we repent we are converted.
Our whole being is then diverted.
We repent in thought and in deed.
The fruit of repentance is so sweet!
With the love of God as our treat.
For all those who are swamped much in sin.
The gospel life builds us from deep within.

Repentance and Conversion - Russell M. Nelson

102–5, May 2007, Russell M. Nelson,
“Repentance and Conversion, ” Liahona

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