
Friday, January 18, 2008


I say a prayer in faith,
To Him who can erase.
And wipe away my tears,
For all the wayward years.
When I struck out on my own.
How bad Id get was unknown.

I want serenity.
A good name, dignity.
Help me to face my lies.
And connect broken ties.
I want beyond all the pain.
I've wasted years with my shame.

With one choice it began.
From repentance I then ran.
I seek the long road back.
Alone the strength I lack.
I pray for help on my way.
For good habits that will stay.

Help me to do they will.
I have a void to fill.
I want to be my best.
And put my past to rest.
The world is so vast with good.
Please help me to be as I should.

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