
Friday, January 18, 2008

Here We Now Assemble

Here we now assemble
What a marvelous sight.
With our hearts in full swell
Overwhelmed in God’s light.

In His warmth, here we bask.
United in His cause.
Strengthened for this great task.
We pledge to keep His laws.

May our futures be bright?
May we see through earth’s blight?

Here we now assemble.
What a glorious sight.
Though the earth may tremble.
We will sing with His might.

May angels join to sing?
May heaven hear our calls?
And down His Spirit bring
What’s holy to these halls?

May our hearts feel delight
As our voices unite

Here we now assemble.
What a tremendous sight.
And with this preamble-
May we join in the fight?

As armies we must go,
In battle for lost souls.
Or, else they’ll never know
Of man’s Celestial roles.

May we give someone sight?
To desire God's light!

-Gordon B. Hinckley

65, Gordon B. Hinckley, May 1996,
“This Glorious Easter Morn, ” Ensign

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