
Friday, January 18, 2008

Empowered By Our Parents

When all the victories
And defeats of men unfold-
They'll tell of mother's
Sacrifice for them untold.
The faith of mothers
Has not a price nor can be sold.

When all the conquests
End and fade before our eyes-
We'll hear of father's
Long gone with tear filled good byes.
They proved their manhood-
Though one may not finish- he tries.

An onward movement
Is made or broke by man.
Our forefathers layed
Foundations that help us to plan.
By their example
We know that we must and we can.

Our mothers flowers
Help us to feel hopeful.
She plants a garden
And tries to be fruitful.
Yet, it is her smile
For which we're most thankful.

Our heavenly mother
Gave us some of her qualities.
Is that why we cringe
When we hear of indignities?
And perhaps she's why
We soften and yearn for babies?

Our Heavenly Father
Gives us His priesthood and power.
He is our strength.
He stands sure as a tower.
He knows of all time.
He's there for us every hour.

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