
Friday, January 18, 2008

The Caravan Moves On

Do I worship God who created earth and space?
Do I put Him first as He fills my life with grace?
Do I think on Him? Is His countenance on my face?
As His disciple, will I pass the test?
Humbling serving Him, have I done my best?

The Lord's Caravan moves with captains all in place.
Though there are vicious dogs that snap at the heels to chase.
His caravan grows, and moves at its appointed pace.
The Church will triumph. Though there are predators.
Lurking to confuse weary travelers.

Am I enduring? This is the life that I craved!
With fear and trembling, only valiant Saints are saved.
With God's attributes, I will keep on the path Christ paved,
There are ravines to cross and steep grades to climb.
His oxen are strong, His teamsters are wise.

Although hell does rage and some try us and defame.
Prophet Joseph Smith- I will honor his good name.
Powers and priesthood and seers for the latter-day.
Though the storms may rage, Caravan move on.
Floods may wash the bridge. Such is life. Move on.

Have I kept the faith? Have I tried with all my might?
Do I spend my days with love of life, full of light?
Do I please my God? Serving purposely day and night?
We've much more to go- rivers we must ford,
To a celestial place, resting with our Lord.

-Bruce R. McConkie

82, Bruce R. McConkie, Nov 1984,
“The Caravan Moves On, ” Ensign

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