
Friday, January 18, 2008

The Atonement

Our dear Redeemer secured anchors for our safe ascent.
Below all, He suffered solo as He'd been sent.
Our Redeemer will belay, be our guide on our way.
He knows all that we do crave.
To the Father His paths do pave.
He extends torn hands to all to save us from the fall,
If we simply listen to Him and head His soft call.
In time the endless paths we face we'll safely clear,
If we seek His guidance and keep all the required strong gear.
The Atonement Can Secure Our Peace and Happiness, as He anchors Gods' love inside each one of us.

With Gods' own plan as His focus, as His sole compass.
He came to satisfy sheer justice and to strengthen us.
As the innocent lamb He came, His pure life was slain.
From all sin He did refrain,
To gain more than all of our pain.
He came to conquer all thereof mankind’s devoid of.
And show us the perfect love of Father above,
If we center our lives on Jesus the Christ.
We'll find peace throughout our climb and then sweet eternal new life.
The Atonement Can Secure Our Peace and Happiness, as He anchors Gods' love inside each one of us.

He knows all the slips each man can make when we Him forsake.
And we think our own paths to make, though the wrong we take.
For tender mercies yet bound can place us safely sound.
He's tried and secured the ground.
As once we were lost, we are homeward found.
To endure the climb, we need the rod for pressing up,
Towards Him who knows of us and drank the bitter cup.
His knowledge lifts our spirit, if we would but hear it.
And be Christ-like inherent, praying through His good merit.
The Atonement Can Secure Our Peace and Happiness, as He anchors Gods' love inside each one of us.

-Richard G. Scott

40–42, Nov 2006, Richard G. Scott,
“The Atonement Can Secure Your Peace and Happiness, ” Liahona

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