
The Infinite Atonement

Imagine yourself at a spot

Beautiful where ever you gaze

From each new angle, your breath is caught

The atonement is like that, always!

Matthew 26:36–56, Christ kneels to pray in the garden

The Infinite Atonement

In every extremity
Jesus Christ is there
Demonstrating charity
Offering His care

Every finite frailty
That ever was known to man
The Lord has the ability
To atone for us, He can!


Reflecting on the Savior
Kindles a fire of faith
It warms each heart to labor
With His light before one's face

We become most like
Those whom we admire
Living in Christ's light
Truly does inspire


The divine invitation
To inquire of the Lord
Oft triggers revelation
For truth has been restored

Knowledge upon knowledge
We apply and learn more
Like a peaceable bridge
Rising between us and the Lord

John 13:1–35, Bread used at the Last Supper
He Surpasses All

Who is the grandest man
You have ever known?
Jesus surpasses that
With power to Atone

More still He is our light
And warms our souls for worth
He is the Way, the Bread of Life
As in Him we find rebirth

John 14:27, Jesus Christ brings peace in ways the world cannot
The Savior Stands Alone

For now and throughout eternity
In reverential tones
We experience in solemnity
The atonement stands alone

A solitary act
Offers us new life
In death, we are not trapped!
We have Jesus Christ!

His Atonement Stands Alone

The atonement stands alone
Bringing to man life's extension
To return to our heavenly home
Greater than any invention

Perfect Your Powers of Reason

Perfect your powers of reason
Discover the how's and why's
Explore our times and seasons
And God's mysteries, sublime

In ever small ways we can measure
And mirror the life of the Lord
To more fully feel light to treasure
As we learn from His two-edged sword

The doctrines of the atonement
Must be felt and internalized
To find in the most trying times
A close kinship with Jesus Christ

The Essence of Freedom

The essence of freedom
Is to know Jesus Christ
To journey in wisdom
Holding to truth and light

A River of Love

At the gospel root
Is one profound truth
Christ's atoning blood
Is a river of love

God's Life Blood

God's life blood, at the root
Flows out to branch forth
And produce precious fruit
Purely from the Lord

The Compelling Reason

The compelling reason, alone
That the Lord came to this earth
Was to be the lamb and atone
That we might rise unto worth

He was to condescend
From God and perfection
To be our Savior and
Experience rejection

May the Lord Raise You Up High

May the good Lord raise you up high
Like an eagle, to soar the sky
And cause each weakness to become strong
That you may know to whom you belong

May you be as Enoch once slow of speech
Who was given utterance that he could teach
The people trembled much from his words said
The earth, too, trembled and the mountains fled!

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