
Talk the Walk- Repeat After Me for Intensity

Happy Girl  by Scout - Comic style girl with A+ certificate in few colors.

Here is a book full of quick poems for the intense learner!
Recite them and let them help you develop the skills you need to reach your best: how to participate, focus, apply knowledge, stay organized,  and also how to put yourselves into an adventure story where you solve your own problem and learn a lesson!  This book will explain the why's of loving school, being respectful, and doing the right thing for the right reason.  It finishes with stories that teach valuable lessons!
Thank you to
 Clip arts


Quick Draw Questions:
Never just echo
The answer could be wrong
Think well, on your own
Beat your best. Finish strong 

Quick Isn't Loud:
Do not shout out
Use your speaking voice
And when in doubt
Silence is a choice
What does the question ask?
Make your answer complete.
If you have to, say, "Pass."
It is fun to compete.
I will stop and then move on
When it's time to sing a song
High and light to let it ring
Like a song bird's offering

Building Power
See, to build a tower
Each block has a place
Each gives you more power
Instead of empty space

Performance Time
This is your program
You have lines to prepare
For the story, you are important
Each voice must be clear

If she did it
Then, how about you?
The shoe can fit
There is much to do!

If you participate
Learning will be fun
Life's a race, with a gate
Through which much is won

It feels so great to compete
To be better, one on one
But the win is not complete
Till you're humble that you won

Keep your eyes on each card
Warm up your smart brain to show
Getting faster is not hard
When you're certain that you know

Recite along
From the start to the end
It is all wrong
To just mouth it my friend


I am only half awakened to the person I can be
As I often fail to use that sleepy side of me
Though there is a great force in intellectual attraction
The excellence of education is not knowledge but action!

Praise is your feedback
For something you have done
Wear it like a badge
That's what a leader does

A leader stands up tall
So that others want to rise
Remember all can fall
It's the climb that makes you wise


Dig through what you learn
All of the day long
Knowledge will return
Like a favorite song
Dig more:
Dig through what you learned
All of the day long
Knowledge, then returned
Will get stored up, strong

While sitting at the tables
To the teacher my eyes turn
I straighten up my papers
And get ready now to learn

To focus I push my chair in
And sit up very tall
I know it’s time to begin
And I will give my all

Reboot your brain
And process the best
Listen again
To classics... and rest

Let daily routines
Guide all your actions
Establish good habits
Avoid distractions

Pencils write on paper
Not on the desk or floor
And that clean eraser
You know what that is for
There's a time to speak
And a time to listen
This is how we seek
And treasure up wisdom

Stick to It:
Each song you sing
Or drill to say
Helps you improve
In some small way

It might teach Reading,
Spelling, or Math
Or be for leading
Us to the next path

From the patterns in Phonics
To the methods of Science
It's repetition that sticks
For greater self-reliance

It's Okay to Know It:
Pay attention 
For review
For reflection
To improve

Keep Your Cool:
If you get stuck
And forget stuff
Here is the rule
Don't lose your cool

Kindness and Gratitude:

The heart needs to grow
As much as the mind
Let your feelings show
Be thankful and kind

Tell your body to be still
Calm your hands and use your will
Then, listen up with much thought
This is your time to be taught

Muscles do a great deal
Just like eyes help you to see
When you say an old drill
Your brain stores that memory

Make the brain bright
With channels deep
With knowledge wide
To share and keep
Your class is the real deal
It will serve you a lot
For the mind, it's a meal
So eat while it's hot
Bank Account:

Learning comes in many ways
As through study the effort pays
With banks of thought leaving a trail
Which then resurface if saved well

Process of Elimination:

Read each choice
Which is best?
Wait to choose
It's a test


Do what you know
And eliminate
More clues will show
If not... estimate

Work Past the Test:
Work past the test
And continue on
Serve well to bless
Now where you are strong

The test is not the end
But opens doors for more
As light that grows within
Shines brighter than before

Tell yourself what to do
And make it the right thing
Till the lesson is through
This is called focusing

Just look for the cue
For what will come up next
Gestures, like a clue-
Call you to be your best

Slow Down:
Read slowly to understand
In order to retell
Who is doing what, where, and
What lesson came as well?

As the teacher speaks, listen
Repeat her in your mind
When you understand, begin
Then you won't get behind

Repeat the directions, please
Show that learning is a breeze
"Ready, go!" you hear her say
That's the best time to obey

Busy fingers are transferring
Muscle memories to your brain
If you want to be listening
It's first your fingers you must train

Lessons develop right before your eyes.
Try to stay focused as you visualize. 
Think of a way to keep it where you want
Inside your brain so you don't have to hunt

Connect it to something that you know
Where knowledge can build, link, and grow
What new vocabulary did you find?
Repeat these words inside of your mind

school days by sammo241 - back to school Practice:
Challenge yourself
There is joy in success
Practice will help
You to reach your best


Truly, thoughts are things
That become absorbed
Oh the joy each brings
As we own what's stored

How long can you stick to a task?
Set a timer and see...
How many things can you do, fast?
Do a series of things
The Hobby:

Leave behind the past
Become lost inside
Find a creative path
Where your daydreams guide

The Artist:
When you draw a picture
Fill up the page
A cow in the pasture
Or just his face

Learn to have an eye
For shapes and lines
Color, shade, outline
Show depth and size


Learn to vocalize
And practice what you heard
Don't just memorize
But understand each word

Name It:
You can play the name it game
What rules should you apply?
Know from where the answer came
There are steps to try

Learn It:
New learning comes in a blink
As you build on what you know
All you have to do is think
And apply it well to grow

Step up:
Think the question through
Applying every step.
What was asked? Review
What label must be kept?

Check it:
Circle what you found
Is the answer there?
Check it like a hound
In reverse, with care

"I don't know"
Is not allowed
Research, and grow
You will be proud

Write it neatly now
With your posture straight
The lines show you how
Make your papers great!

Your Words:
What you learn
Becomes your own!
When you turn
To language known

Break it down
Like concrete
Pile it up
At your feet

Check it:
Check for mistakes
And learn from them
Do what it takes
Solve your problem

Double Check:
It's on the board
Check every word
Here is my smart trick
I double check

Testing... 1,2,3:
Students show me your pencil
Put your finger on number one
Test taking can be that simple
When listening habits have begun

When you have the red pen
You become the fixer
Look and listen, then
You might catch a trickster

Trail Time:
Like a favorite song
Learning remains
If you trail it along
Within your brain

Embrace challenge
Reach for it
Seek out knowledge


Anticipate the next step
Stay ahead of the game
Where should your papers be kept?
And, did you write your name?
Get your homework folder
It's a two-part holder
Review it, leave it- left
Return it, homework- right
Leave it left, review it right
It's your best, so hold it tight!

Packing Up:
Each paper is my best
I pack it up with care
For homework, here’s the test
On the right side, is it there?

Now I must look around me
Where are my tools and my pencil bag?
What’s in need of sharpening?
And whose name is on my sweater’s tag?

The biggest battle then is won
Studies never stop
Your homework must be done
To apply what you've been taught

If you're ready to leave your seat
You've put everything away
You show respect when you are neat
And can find things the next day

Folders on the left
Books on the right
Draw a line between them
So they don't fight
I am moving on,
The time is now gone
I did what I could
A schedule is good

Homework is a source of help
And whiteboards never talk
Math problems and words to spell
Go! Try to beat the clock

Don't leave a trail to trace
Or hoard what can be trash
When everything's in place
You save a lot of cash

File for the Future:
At home, keep a file
Of each subject all the while
Highlight, outline, review
Don't forget what you knew


One way or another
Choices form together
The good to become great
Work hard, don't be afraid

Use Your Words:
What's the mature rule?
To talk about it
It's time to be cool
And not throw a fit
Picking Well:
You're never too old
For this to be told
Your fingers don't pick
While out in public
It's All on You:
School is all about you
And what you want to prove
What do you need to do
To achieve and improve?

Body Language
Don't roll your eyes
Inside your head
Listen again
To what's been said

Don't flip your hair
And turn away
Heed what the teacher
Has to say

It is so easy
To point and blame
But what counts, really
Is your good name

Talk it out
Be mature
End the doubt

Respect Property:
Try to use care
When you turn each page
It's made to share
Bookmarks keep your place

We have manners
Each soul matters
Speak with care
red lips

Self Awareness:
Pick your feet up
When you walk
Keep your mouth shut
Till you talk

Jump Right In:
Sink or swim
Don't just float
Jump right in
Let thoughts flow

Show and Tell:
Something's in your pocket
Just waiting to come out
Have patience, lock it
Till recess comes about

Do not ping pong
When friendships end
Be strong, move on
Don't beg or bend

For some odd reason
You've been shunned from the group.
Let your smile please them
Like you're still in the loop

Your Work:
We do not cheat!
Do what you know.
Make it look neat-
Your best to show.

Cheating is not being honest
With others or yourself
It is better to do your best
And search within for help

Self-worth is won
As you struggle and do
So let no one
Copy or write for you

A smile can change
Defiance to love.
Lift up what hangs
And rise above

Smile More:
A smile can change
A heart forever
Uplift what hangs
And brighten endeavor

I make mistakes
As everybody does
Error awakes
Humility in us

The teacher stopped and waited
To get you on track
The time that is wasted
Can never come back

Owning It:
You own your body
So keep it toned and fit
And when you're gassy
Walk away to pass it
Speaking out of your turn
Takes from the time to learn
This bad habit does you harm
You must learn to raise your arm

Think before you tattle
First, worry about yourself
Be your best example
As a leader bent to help

Chatter breaks the current flow
Of where new thoughts might go
Be so quiet you might hear
What grows between your ears

Time does not come crawling back
Nor will it hit the brakes
Learn from what you've done that's bad
Or you'll repeat mistakes

When you chatter you destroy
Precious time to build upon
The noise does more than annoy
It makes the lesson long

Face It:
When you have a problem
Face it head on
Get on with the program
Learn and be strong

Don't put up walls
When reason calls
Ask, be polite,
To know what's right

Appropriately disagree
With a calm body and voice
Never, ever sound angry
You can make the better choice

Own It:
Happiness is a lifelong pursuit
Found in making the best of your time
Your own the results, as you would fruit
May it be sweet and satisfying

You can choose
Just who you want to be
Make the news
Fulfill your destiny

I'll not be scared
Of a big loud voice
Anger, though shared,
To shout's a bad choice

Should someone force you
To do what is right?
In all you pursue
Keep respect in sight

Find self-worth
In higher achievement
Through hard work
For what you believe in

Stand for Freedom:
Let us stand for freedom
No matter the cost
For without liberty
Our country would be lost

It feels great
To believe
Build your faith
And achieve
Make a goal
To aim for
Work to grow
And press forth

Know you are unique.
Own every thought and word.
Show you are not weak.
Be unafraid and work

When you goof off
Some freedom goes away
Do as you ought
Focus, some other way

Making Fun:
No one should laugh
To poke fun
Friendships should last
Hurting none

Sneaky Bullies:

When the sneaky bullies get mean
To seem better and smash your heart
Calmly echo them in a scream
Then, exposed, they will depart

Physical Abuse- No Excuse:

If you witness an abuse
Know it will not go away
Unless you spread the news
And intervene in some way


To increase his stature
A child put another down
But being more mature
The other stood his ground

He said, "Belittling is low
And shrinks one's own good name.
Those who want to grow
Don't play this fallen game!"

Make a Difference:
You can be a hero
In the eyes of someone small
When one is treated like a "zero"
You can help them stand up tall

Problems Teach Lessons-

I want to go on an adventure
And escape inside your book
I want to find great things to treasure
To recall each time I look

A book is a new friend
You don't want to let go
An escape in the end
Where you can learn and grow!

The title drops a hint
Of the person, place, and problem
It offers just a glimpse
To recall...and recommend

The title must grab attention
From all the other books
It's the author's audition
To get a second look

Sequence each event
Read between the lines
Picture it, even
Right before your eyes

The crowning moment
Of this new year
Is when you'll open
This notebook, here

As a new author
You will apply
What you are here for
Life's "how" and "why"

Leave the problem for later
And help the story flow
The feelings build up greater
When readers see a show

A character has interests
And things unique to do
The setting is an entrance
A stage for all to view

Make a movie in your mind
A great character to find
What kinds of things will he do?
Does he have a problem, too?

Did he cheat, steal, tell a lie?
Hurt someone, make them cry?
Was he not responsible?
Just how was this possible?

Did his problem also grow?
Which way will his lesson go?
Let your character take the lead
Illustrate, a winning read

Problems can be felt
Lessons can be great
Readers can be held
Hint and make them wait

A  doer doing what?
Where, how, why, and when?
A sentence can tell you that
And more in the end.

Help the reader want
To worry, see, and wish
A solution will be won
The lesson can be rich! 

Fill In Book

 "Here I Go Again!"

It was_______________(month, season, year....) in _________________________(grade, classroom, describe the class- 'in the hardest class, ever'...) I had been asked, again, to not __________________ (name a behavior that disrupts) But, I didn't. Then, ________________________________________ (the teacher, teacher's name and how you feel about her)___________________________________ . Next, she ____________________________________________________(describe what she did: snapped her fingers in my face, stomped to the door and asked me to go to the office, sniffed with her nose in the air and put a mark by my name on a chart, calmly walked over to me and asked me to...)  It was then that I ________________________________________ (name what you did to make things worse)  Suddenly, all eyes were on me. I felt ________________________________________
(describe the feeling using a metaphor and a synonym for angry: wild, enraged, furious, hot under the collar, livid, mad, sore, storm, wild.  Example: as ____________  as a ram ready to charge)
The teacher________________________________________(said, sent me to a chair, the office...). After thinking a while I realized__________________________(the lesson- when you feel a certain way you react inappropriately). I decided right then I would manage my emotions and _______________(state how you would react the next time).

School is Positively Great
I love being part of something great.   
I love a challenge. 
I love being looked up to. 
I love to give others respect and to be respected. 
I love learning something that I can share with someone else.  
I love it when I can do my work quickly.  
I love that I can do so many things.  
I love it when my Mom and Dad are proud of me.
I love showing my best work. 
I love being able to work independently.
I love it when I know what is coming next and can show others how to behave.
I love to have my paper ready and to show my teacher I am listening.
I love to take a test and know all the answers.
I love to have less work because I learned things the first time!
I love knowing others can trust me. 
I love being self-reliant.
I love to be able to speak for myself.
I love to be responsible for myself.
I love being able to have a full recess.
I love being on time and having extra time at the end of the day.
I love it when my friends say “good job”.
I love the weekends as my time to learn in the way I want to.
I love showing others that they can trust me.
I love the right to speak for myself.
I love knowing my friends have great things to say about me.
I love_____________________________________________________________________________
I love_____________________________________________________________________________
I love_____________________________________________________________________________

Staying in the Classroom

I respect others and the teacher when I quickly get back to my seat and do not disturb the class.
I cannot expect the class to wait for me or to go back and reteach something because I left the room.
When I quickly return to class, I can keep up with the class.
I want to learn everything that will be on a test and do well on it.
By being on time, I can finish my work and not have extra homework.
When I quickly get to my seat, I show I am here to learn.
The classroom is where I__________________________________________________________
I come into the classroom to________________________________________________________
When I leave the classroom at the end of the day I feel___________________________________

Being Respectful
When I am respectful, I am being kind to others.
When I am respectful, I have a lot of friends.
When I am respectful, I know others speak kindly of me.
When I am respectful, I know I will be invited to do great things.
When I am respectful, others don’t laugh at me or think I can’t manage myself.
When I am respectful, I feel good about myself.
When I am respectful, I make the world a better place.
When I am respectful, I am given responsibilities.
When I am respectful, people want to get  to know me.
When I am respectful, I can be warm with others.
When I am respectful, I feel loved.
When I am respectful, I respect myself.
When I am respectful, school is a happy place.
When I am respectful, people like to have me around.
When I am respectful, I show love for myself, my family, and my friends.
When I am respectful, I share ______________________________________________________
When I am respectful, I care________________________________________________________
When I am respectful, I see________________________________________________________

Walking the Halls

When I leave my classroom, I am ready to show others classes that I am here to learn!
If I walk quietly and stay in line, I am showing respect and earning respect.
I have a responsibility to show younger students how to behave.  
When I stay in line I am respecting the right of others to have a path to walk in. 
When I stay in line I help the class get where we need to go.
I am showing I can manage myself when I do not have to be reminded to walk.
I feel like I am able to manage myself when I set an example of how to walk.
I know that when we sing or do drills in the hall I can sound great with my class.
When everyone is being respectful in the line we don’t have to stop and have the teacher manage those who cannot manage themselves.  
When I manage myself in the halls, I do not disturb other classes.
When I see someone in the hall I_______________________________________________________
When I walk back into the classroom I__________________________________________________
I like the freedom of being trusted to____________________________________________________


It is only fair that each student be able to hear the instructions.  
It is only fair that each be given enough time to complete their work.  
It is only fair that each be able to answer his or her own questions.  
It is only fair that each student has a turn to be congratulated for an achievement.  
It is only fair that I am given the same rights! 
It is only fair that I am rewarded for doing great things and must spend time thinking how I can change behavior that hurts myself and others.
It is only fair that parents get what they pay for- a great education!
It is only fair that if I distract the class they will not like it.
It is fair that I have only as much freedom as I am able to manage.
It is fair that_______________________________________________________________________
It is only fair that___________________________________________________________________
It is only fair that routines____________________________________________________________

A Can Do Spirit!

I can correct behavior that is unacceptable.
I can be responsible for myself. 
I can learn from my mistakes.
I can gain trust.
I can help others by being a good example.
I can decide I want to improve.
I can set goals for myself.  
I can believe in myself.
I can show that I am growing mature.
I can___________________________________________________________________(organize)
I can___________________________________________________________________(focus)
I can___________________________________________________________________(behavior)

Owning It

1.What did I do?              I WAS ANNOYING THE CLASS.

2.How do my actions harm the class?   I DISTURBED THE CLASS ROUTINES.




My efforts at managing myself will be accepted when I respect the rights of others to learn.

Stories Teach 

The Day My Desk Cried

         I had just shoved a paper into my desk when I heard, “Ouch!” It was my desk!  I bent down low to see what was going on.  “I can’t take it anymore!” It said. I fell back and sat on a pencil that had rolled out earlier. “I want respect too!” it said.  
        “I am sorry,” I told my desk.  “What do you need me to do?” 
        “It is like this. Every day I hold everything you need. But sometimes I wish I didn't.  One day you shoved so hard, I cried.  Another day you stabbed me with that pencil you forgot to put in your pencil box.  And I feel dirty all the time.  Why I feel like a garbage can!” with that the desk started to moan.  
I felt helpless to stop the awful creaking sound from the shuddering sobs. The whole class started looking at me.
        What should I do to help my poor desk?

Now if you read this, won't you make a comment, 
give me a grade, share your book, or even a poem? 
Then, think of your chair:

When you sit
Don't tip it more
Lest you slip
Four on the floor

Wedges of Anger:

A faller's wedge placed in a tree
Remained where it ought not to be.
The branches grew and swelled around.
And then one night without a sound-
An ice storm weighed the burdened trunk.
And down the branches went- kerplunk.

Some feelings hurt and trouble so.
But, to others they do not know.
It festers much and builds inside,
Though how hard one might try to hide.
Till one day it resurfaces.
And lays more blame with purposes.

A hidden wedge placed long ago.
Has pierced my heart and claimed my growth.
Where it can canker easily.
Imagined hurts and jealousy
Must be resolved, and then destroyed,
For life was meant to be enjoyed.

A burden shared is always best.
When we solve hurts, lay them to rest,
The enemy becomes a friend.
When we forgive there is an end.
We close the gap, we sort it out.
That's what life is truly about!

The Peril of Hidden Wedges
4–9, Jul 2007, Thomas S. Monson,
“The Peril of Hidden Wedges, ” Ensign

The Plunge
Two small girls stood atop a cliff
Oft to see the waves below
Always the first's courage would slip
A dive only others would know

One day the line was crossed
By which momentum takes over
Plunging to where the waves tossed
Thrilling in the endeavor

The other joined with a, "Woop!"
Clearly feeling relief
Becoming part of a group
Who conquers fears through belief

Watching well what others have done
And gaining momentum it seems
That each of us might take that plunge
Committing ourselves to our dreams

Brother I'm Committed
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Ensign, July 2011

Cruise Through School

There once was a man
Whose lifelong dream
Was to cruise and sail
The Mediterranean Sea

He dreamed of walking
The streets of Rome,
Athens, Istanbul
The greatest places known

He saved every penny
Until he had enough
A spendthrift with money
It would prove to be tough

In an extra suitcase
His menu was laid
With beans by the case
He'd meals to be made

He yearned for a taste
Of just one night's feast
Not knowing the waste
That each meal had been FREE!

The swimming pool, golf, the gym
The movies and presentations
Were all available to him
For the grandest of vacations

Living below his potential
Had cost him opportunity
His error alone to tell
Was in the affordability

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Your Potential, Your Privilege
Ensign, May 2011, pg.

Forget Me Not Dear Teacher

A very small flower in a garden of many
Waited all day to be named
Feeling insignificant, it would take any
Quite forgotten, it felt so ashamed

The sun had set, light would not last
In despair, it cried from its low place
“Forget-Me-Not” …a man walked past
stopped, looked down, and parted a space

There in the shadows the blue flower stood
Hidden by the foliage of a buttercup
"Ah," He said, “You have finally understood
You have worth and limited time to speak up”

“In your sweet plea… you have named yourself
The weakness of your size none shall forget
For we all need to be noticed and are in need of help
From you, the least, we learn great things come if we let!”

“This is the first of five lessons I want to share
Things we all need to remember
One for each petal you so beautifully wear
As I wish happiness for each flower member”

“The second desire comes of my heart
As I recognize talents and gifts
Sacrifices are many but the best impart
A stirring of love that uplifts”

“The third to hold to is found all around
And is easily thought less of
That is finding joy in all that surrounds
The greatness of life is love

The fourth is so easy to overlook
As we each have so much to do
But we should focus on the “why?” as we look
Up…for warmth and bright light too

The fifth is the hope of what is to come
The potential that lies within
The knowledge of what we each can become...
We are much more than this life we are in

Sweet little blue Forget-Me-Not
You're the symbol for what we should learn
If we are to grow, these five things should be sought
And from them we should never turn

Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Ensign, November 2011

The Ugly Duckling Lesson:

The mother duck rested diligently on her eggs
Positioning them warmly beneath her legs
When they were very much stood out
By far the darkest and ugliest fledgling without any doubt

Different, the other ducklings would not leave him alone
They punished him mercilessly...his worth left unknown
Saddened and thinking it best... he ran away
Living without hope of a brighter day

Then, on an afternoon that was warm, bright, and wonderful
He saw a sight flying high and beautiful
Above, in the formation of a majestic v
Was a flock of swans flapping towards the east

Spirited, for the first time, he raised his wings in flight
Following the flock... brilliant and white
There to land where the water was pure and clean
And in the reflection... his true identity was seen

A magnificent swan had come to appear
Till... a ripple expanded from a lone grateful tear
In wonder, he waited, completely in awe
When all was still, it was him that he saw!

Like the ugly duckling
Spread your wings and fly
You were called for something
Heaven only knows just why

Dieter F. Uctdorf
Our True Identity
CES Devotional, March 2011
The Reflection in the Water

Believe in Love's Rescue:

One bright springtime day
A father and son went for a walk
They heard some ducks along the way
T'was the momma duck and her flock

Further in the distance
Along a grassy marsh
The father with insistence
Called forth a duck to march

The little duck was amused
And thought it was a game
To a slow current he cruised
The father called out again...

Suddenly the duckling
Was caught in a stream
Even the father was struggling
And made a choice, it would seem

He turned to his family
And helped the mother out
Life resumed happily
Though this duckling was not about

The boy said, "We must save him!"
The father, too, agreed
It was not safe to swim
But he knew what they would need

They ran to the garage
Where the fishing gear was stored
The net they found was large...
(They'd much and were never bored)

By the stream, with one on each side,
They tossed this net back and forth
The baby duckling could not hide...
Cornered, into the net it clamored

They made a race up the stream
To where the ducks had been
There along some reeds still green
A bit of yellow could be seen

They lowered the net just right
That the duckling could be found
They stayed back just out of sight
Not making a bit of sound

It was quite a reunion
The rescue was then complete
And for that father and son
No other day could compete

To do for another
What can't be done by one's self
Teaches of love like no other
And it feels good to be of help

Never give up
When you have gone wayward
You can get unstuck
Like this once young stray bird

Let your cries be heard
Share of how you feel
Have faith, in deed and word
Know that love is real

Testing Willpower:
Testing the willpower of four year olds
A man placed a treat before each
If they waited fifteen minutes, they were told
A second would be placed within reach

Thirty percent were able to wait
For they anticipated having more
The rest, hungry on impulse, just ate
Losing the bigger reward that was in store

The man tracked the children through adulthood
He found a pattern that shocked
Those with patience understood
The path of happiness to walk

Those able to delay gratification
Had healthier relationships and were motivated
They worked harder for their education
As for a higher income they aimed and waited

Patience is a purifying process
That helps us reach for that which we yearn
For it deepens us to possess
The tenacity to work and learn

Patience isn't merely waiting
It is steady and consistent effort
With wants and needs separating
While not being self-absorbed for comfort

As a parent what does this mean?
To indulge children, would this be wise?
With the broader picture now seen
Teach them what gratification denies

What about your mother and father?
Shall He give us everything we ask for?
Struggling builds patience and character
And refines us with faith, trust, and more...

Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Continue in Patience
Ensign, April 2010

In a goodly land
By a pure stream
A tree stood grand
And evergreen

This the only place
Such a tree could grow
It would be a waste
If good fruit did not show

A farmer fed it at the root
Awaiting a time and season
When the tree should bare sweet fruit
He had hope the taste should please him

Branch Out:

In order for us, like a tree, to grow
Tall, straight, and round
There are many concepts we should know
To branch out full and sound

First, we need our own space
With nutrients in rich supply
Then we need to set a pace
To drink in and apply

Each branch of knowledge that buds out
Will keep us from bending low
And raise us to reach more about
As the winds of change yet flow

The Weathered Tree:
tree by gurica - baum, baum, clip art, clipart, color, color, copac, copac, image, inkscape, inkscape, media, nature, nature, plant, plant, png, public domain, svg, tree, tree,
When an aged tree
Is cut to the ground
You can easily see
How its measure is found

For every lone ring
There's a season and a year
When the times are lean
The rings grow ever near

When the weather is good
The tree shows how much
Having added more wood
To reach and to touch

We, like the trees
Ought not to feel bad
If through our needs
We slow down just a tad

When stress levels rise
We can apply this same rule
Unto our scheduled lives
And let life teach its school

God's plan of happiness
Allows that we proceed
Enjoying life's fullness
According to our needs

Let there always be time
To study, ponder, and pray
Being still enough to find
His light bright'ning the way

Let us simply, then
Share His love in the home
Strengthened in the end
To know we're not alone

The heavens are open
There's goodness on the Earth
What matters the most, then?
Feeling of our worth

Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Of Things That Matter Most
Ensign, November 2010


The tree of life stands alone
To the humble, its fruit is known
Granting love, peace, and rest
Though the lofty scoff, "They're best!"

Engaging in loud laughter
They claim the fruit is "boring"
But in truth what they are after
Is distraction-  a new story

Teacher Appreciation

Thumbs Up:
My teacher gave me a thumbs up today
As she smiled in that special wise way
Then, she raised it high and spun it around
And, I was so happy, I jumped off the ground

Thank-You For:
You have made an impact
On who I am today
Thank you for keeping me on track
In many different ways

Thank-You Because:
Here is a gift card for dinner
Thank-you for being my teacher
You have taught me to be a winner,
A team player, and a leader

Thank you for the reminders
Of how to behave my best
To organize my binders
And to ace that really hard test

A Meal:

Thanks for helping me think
It's like a complete meal
New facts combine and link
Knowledge is tasty and real
The Reward

The Hug:

My teacher hugged my work today
A smile was on her face
She put it on the board all day
I felt I'd won first place

This warmed my heart and I was proud
My work had been my best!
And tomorrow, I have no doubt
That I will ace the test!

Now Journey On:
Stay on board
Life's wisdom train
Where thoughts stowed
Find paths to gain
Don't Give Up:
School is full of highs and lows
For this is how a student grows
One day up and three days down
But, wait, it will turn around

Acrostic Dictionary:






















































































 fast learner































 journey bound













 law abiding




 long suffering

















































 problem solver






































 team builder



 ultra nice




















 willing worker





 young at heart










I'm Your Teacher:

Listen I’m your teacher
There are things you need to learn
Think of me as a leader
For what I have you must yearn

I cannot pound your brain
Or crack it to see what’s there
It’s my job to teach and train
How to learn, think, and share

Meet Me Half Way:
May you all meet me half way
And be teachable
Attitude goes a long way
Truths are reachable

Student of the Day:
Listen to my clues
Get ready to cheer
Who has made the news?
____ come and stand right here!

Your Best:

You do not have to be
The class clown or pest
Start over, focusing
On being your best

Also check out my book Teacher Talk, a sampling of the endless dialogue teachers deliver to manage and motivate a class.

Thanks for reading Talk the Walk, poetry that teaches behavior and inspires academic performance)

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