
Conducting RS

This is my diary of the journey into the unknown.
Directing Relief Society music 2013  my course of study...

top resource:

1.  you can "drop down" where it says parts below the start button and change the music to hear the soprano or alto part- your preference. 
2.also scroll your screen so the arrow is at the top and the title of the hymn does not show.  This way you will see all the lines of the verses without having to adjust your screen and lose where you are in singing and waving your arm.  
3.close your eyes and see if you can still keep your arm waving

I found someone as close to an angel as you get!  I have been exploring Relief Society as I have been called to conduct- (a real stretch for me...) A woman had left a post at a site to: "email me I have a list of the songs in the original Hymn book that Emma Smith compiled" she says she uses this list for the first Sunday. I wrote to her and she apologized for not replying quicker (next day) as she just got out of the hospital and she wants me to know she will look for  the list. Here is our correspondence and I feel so blessed to have so much to tutor me how to be an arm waver.

Hi Kelly,
I know how you feel.  I was scared at first, but it gets easier.  
My main suggestion is to follow the Spirit.  I pray about hymn selection and I really rely on the "topics" list in the back of the hymnal.
Remember that most people are not knowledgeable about conducting and the few that are will be "sustaining" you if they are doing what they are supposed to do.  So try to beat time correctly, but don't stress if you get "off" a little.   You can do "J's" or figure 8's when lost or to catch up to your next downbeat on the first note of the next measure.
Do you have any music background?  Piano or singing?  That is great prep to conduct actually, but if not, don't stress.  Once I pick hymns and turn them in, I practice them with the Church website, because I like their tools there.
Then on Sunday, I rely on the Spirit to help me remember what I practiced and try to relax and ENJOY the singing part and not worry 100% about mechanics.  Smile at the group as you can and where appropriate.  You are setting the tone with an opening song and putting the final touches with a closing song to what is hopefully a great meeting.
I just got out of the hospital yesterday. So it might take me a minute to dig up the list of hymns still extant in our current hymnal that were in Emma's first hymnal.
Let me know if you have more questions.

 Dear Allison,

YOU are an angel.  Thank you for replying.  I found this at!  It is a tutorial with sound. (AND IT SAYS TO DO 8'S TILL YOU GET BACK ON TRACK- I HAD TO SHARE THIS WITH YOU!) I also found a utube with rhythm training and conducting  I started looking around for myself.   You just got out of the hospital!  During the holidays?  Bless you for responding.  wikipedia to the rescue: Of the ninety hymns included in the 1835 edition, twenty-six still survive in some form in the current 1985 LDS hymnal. However, only five of the original hymns are probably still sung to their original tunes. These are:
Redeemer of Israel(1835 #6; 1985 #6)
Joy to the World(1835 #15; 1985 #201)
This Earth Was Once a Garden Place(1835 #23; 1985 #49)
From Greenland’s Icy Mountains(1835 #74; 1985 #268)
O God! Our Help in Ages Past(1835 #86; 1985 #31)
So this is as far as I got  (21 other songs to discover).  I thank you for your advice - to go to the and practice.  That is the best, thank you. 

 I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience after your recovery. This is all very interesting.

Saw you on Sugardoodle.  I would love a copy of your list of Emma's songs.  I was just called.  Any other suggestions?  I am new to conducting and am reviewing the LDS org conducting course.  REALLY NEW.  Thanks

January 5

I am now watching utube videos of people singing.  Mormon Tab and others.  I can wave my arm and practice listening.

Here is the first Hymn Book:

I learned how to close off a song:

Don't finish a song
Like you dropped a dead bird
To the end be strong
Catch that last long breath, heard

My husband gave me some feedback on my conducting.  I just drop my hand like a dead bird at the end of the song, instead of closing my hand in the air...

The Relief Society is going to sing in Sacrament Meeting!  God is Love with the Young Women.  How exciting! Just weeks away.  We will sing it every week. ** This song was in the original Hymnbook.  

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