
A Brighter America

Contrary to that which is right
Corruption by rulers oft shows
As they put themselves up as a light
In truth, this ought not to be so
For every man ought to bear his part
Of the burden placed on each land
Enjoying light, as privileges impart
From heeding what the Lord commands
Mosiah is a great lesson on individual rights, self-government, responsibilities of citizens….
Mosiah 29:
26 …Now it is not common that the voice of the people desireth anything contrary to that which is right; but it is common for the lesser part of the people to desire that which is not right; therefore this shall ye observe and make it your law-to do your business by the voice of the people.

The Essence of Freedom

The essence of freedom
Is to know Jesus Christ
To journey in wisdom
Holding to truth and light
Pondering The Infinite Atonement
by Tad R Callister

Perfect Your Powers of Reason

Perfect your powers of reason
Discover the how’s and why’s
Explore our times and seasons
And God’s mysteries, sublime
In ever small ways we can measure
And mirror the life of the Lord
To more fully feel light to treasure
As we learn from His two edged sword
The doctrines of the atonement
Must be felt and internalized
To find in the most trying times
A close kinship with Jesus Christ
Pondering The Infinite Atonement by Tad R. Callister

In the Promotion of the Common Good

In the promotion of the common good
Of our beloved country
We unite religions in brotherhood
For the voice we are wanting
We defend the rights of conscience
Of  individuals and churches
To preach on moral principles
And share God’s light for all who searches
“The lesson of American history is that churches and other religious bodies prosper in a nation and a social order that respects religious freedom and recognizes that civil government should never stand between the consciences and the religious practices of its citizens and Almighty God,” he said.
Speaking of the partnership Catholics and Mormons have in defending religious freedom, Cardinal George acknowledged that “sometimes our common advocacy will make one of us the target of retribution by intolerant elements” but emphasized that such actions should not deter religions from making their voices heard. “In the coming years, interreligious coalitions formed to defend the rights of conscience for individuals and religious institutions could become a vital bulwark against the tide of forces that work in our government and society to reduce religion to a purely private reality.”
Cardinal George pointed out that “society is based not on individuals but on families, on mothers and fathers with duties and obligations to their children, on children who learn how to be human, in the school of love, which is the family, which tells us we are not the center of the world individually.”
He also lauded the growing relationship between the Catholic Church and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their joint efforts, such as providing aid to the poor and needy and combating pornography.
“I’m personally grateful that after 180 years of living mostly apart from one another, Catholics and Latter-day Saints have begun to see one another as trustworthy partners in the defense of shared moral principles and in the promotion of the common good of our beloved country,” he said.
“Our churches have different histories and systems of belief and practice, although we acknowledge a common reference point in the person and the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Cardinal George is president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the first Chicago native to become archbishop of Chicago. He presides over 2.3 million Catholics in the Chicago Archdiocese.

The Irrevocable Human Right

The Irrevocable Human Right
Of our freedom of religion
Is ingrained within every heart
Thus, to reason each decision
“Freedom of religion is not an American invention. It’s a universal value. And it’s enshrined in our Constitution and ingrained in every human heart. The freedom to profess and practice one’s faith, to believe or not to believe, or to change one’s beliefs, that is a birthright of every human being. And that’s what we believe. These rights are rightly recognized under international law.” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, May 20, 2013
Today we’re in a war
Of words, thoughts and deeds
Remember who we are
And plant gospel seeds
May we ever be a light
High upon a moral hill
Showing the way that is bright
Doing our Father’s will
Blessings always come
Through our obedience
Then, liberty is won
And we are freed from sin, hence
“Today we find ourselves in another war. This is not a war of armaments. It is a war of thoughts, words, and deeds. It is a war with sin, and more than ever we need to be reminded of the commandments.”
May we ever be a light on the hill, an example in keeping the commandments, which have never changed and will never change. Just as this small book encouraged LDS servicemen to stand morally firm in times of war, may we, in this latter-day war, be a beacon to all the earth and particularly to God’s children who are seeking the Lord’s blessings. Of this I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 


All the best artillery
Even for centuries acquired
Does not assure security
When civility has expired
All the best artillery
A nation acquires
Cannot prevent the enemy
From evil desires
The strength of a nation
Is the good people therein
Who found their education
In the home where choice begins
Life, hope, and liberty
Is worthy of any price
And a nation is found hurting
When we forget to be nice

Death for the Atheist

Death for the atheist
As the enemy fires
Is full of emptiness
As existence expires
But, then to awake
On the other side
Through the veil to break
What then to decide?
Death for the atheist
As the enemy fires
Is full of surprises
When the Earthlife expires
Pondering the retirement of Pres. Eisenhower’s saying, “there are no atheists in foxholes” as the military puts in atheist chaplains.

A Nation Founded on Prayer
In 1956, President Eisenhower made “In God We (Still) Trust” America’s official motto.
A nation founded on prayer
Shines a light made bright to share
It carries a message in its strong beams
It is God who makes us free for our dreams
First Prayer in Congress
United States Congress
March 27,1854, a report from Mr. Meacham of the House Committee
“At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged, not any one sect [denomination]. Any attempt to level and discard all religion would have been viewed with universal indignation. The object was not to substitute Judaism or Mohammedanism, of infidelity [Atheism], but to prevent rivalry among the [Christian] sects to the exclusion of others.
It [Christianity] must be considered as the foundation on which the whole structure rests. Laws will not have permanence or power without the sanction of religious sentiment, — without a firm belief that there is a Power above us that will reward our virtues and punish our vices.
In this age there can be no substitute for Christianity: that, in its general principles, is the great conservative element on which we must rely for the purity and permanence of free institutions. That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants. There is a great and very prevalent error on this subject in the opinion that those who organized this Government did not legislate on religion.”

Light to Freedom

The door opens a crack
And lets in some light
It may be a small act
But freedom’s in sight

If We All Exercised our Freedom of Religion

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

If we all exercised

Our freedom of religion

And kept God before our eyes

We’d be as He envisions

A land healed of what’s wicked

To stand united to pray

Where miracles are witnessed

As we keep His laws each day
Calling America

To each of us, pass that rock around.
As a nation we are hurting.
Like an Ebenezer to be found.
We must hold on to liberty!

1 Samuel 7:12 Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means “the stone of help”), for he said, “Up to this point the LORD has helped us!”

My Hope with Billy Graham

The heart of our great nation
Has need of our help
Some healing education,
By Jesus, himself
Let us bring souls to Him
And introduce who He is
Tell them how much He loves them
We’ve light on how to do this
Phillip brought a friend
Andrew, his own brother
And Matthew in the end
Brought fellow colleagues together
We must know our neighbors
And gather in His light
Miracles, he favors
As we’ve faith and do what’s right
If our nation won’t call for a day of fasting and prayer, we can organize ourselves…

  1. July 30, 2012 – In November 2013, the biggest North American evangelistic event in more than 60 years of Billy Graham’s ministry will take place—on the week 

What is Security?

Without freedom
How can one feel safe?
Act with wisdom
Or become a slave

Noah pack up
While others jeered
Building was tough
But freedom neared

The pioneers
Left the known behind
Despite the tears
They’d freedom to find
What is security
And a comfortable life
Without liberty
And faith to help you strive

The World Needs Pioneers Today

Liberty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Liberty is the value of individuals to have agency (control over their own actions). 

He who sacrifices freedom for security will soon have neither.-  Ben Franklin

Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Mr. Lincoln

Mr. Lincoln,
You called us to pray as a nation.
I think we should do it again.
For the economy and education,
Our freedoms, and enemies to befriend
We have ‘nowhere else to go’
But directly to our knees
Under much weight we groan
Still, we trust God knows our needs
Image: Abraham Lincoln in Thinking Pose by Mathew Brady, 1862 (Public Domain image)

Challenge To Faith Leaders – TheBlaze

Your light will blow out
If you do not let it shine
Set yourself apart
Be a light others can find

World War 3 Globe Remolded – TheBlaze

The world is up for grabs.
Chaos is everywhere.
We can’t pack up our bags.
We’ve a message to share.
To all who will hear:.
What’s self-evident you cannot take.
Our words must be clear.
The cause of freedom to re awake.

Glenn Beck Delivers Tearful Monologue without Saying a Single Word

If today were the last day
That your voice could be heard
What would you want to say
As your final last word?
I love you, I miss you, I am sorry
I would take back much from the past
Only the best words would I carry
From my heart, the ones meant to last
I would say the words that lift up, inspire,
And offer comfort to many
I would say wake up and never tire
Of doing good a plenty
In my life I have spoken a lot of words
How many of them were well thought out?
How many of them were in the breeze, for the birds?
How many, of my character, left doubt?
Before I changed my life and sobered up
Many of my words were vile
Judging others became not enough
To build myself all the while
But that didn’t work, it never does
I’ve changed a lot since then
More so with my final words, because
I KNOW where I have been
And now all I want to do
Is “wake up” more each day,
Heal, and help others anew
For that is the healer’s way
No one wants to hear
Our country is in trouble
Corruption is here
We need to become humble
And deeply apologize to the world
For who we are, we’ve forgotten
Under God, united, we once stood
To lift up the downtrodden
We have been so busy fighting
Along a political stream
That our city once know for lighting
The world, is a distant dream
The wars, bailouts, whatever
That no longer counts
Let’s all work together
To change and surmount
It takes courage to grow
It takes a change of heart
But, we want the world to know
We have that heart to start
We can make it if we love
Even those who offend
And speak highly of
Those who are not quite a friend
We are in this together
This is not a time to fear
For our children’s children, forever
Our unity must appear
I believe that with God
It is never too late to change
We can live as He taught
For on this our freedom hangs
With malice towards none
We can love one another
This miracle can be won
As we see serve each other
We can do the right thing
Life, marriage, school, job
Freedom in truth does ring
And call forth for God
Answers don’t come quickly
Through any single, powerful man
They come through love, simply
As we give up pride,  we can
History teaches us
To shut up and sit down
Stop questioning, thus
That’s not good, we’ve no doubt!
It is not too late
To save our country, true
We must give up on hate
We’ve better words to choose
Thank you Glenn Beck.  In a day when men’s hearts are failing, you are reaching and teaching hearts.  Thanks for reminding us of what a patriot should be!

The Flag Takes the Brunt

Our flag takes the brunt
Of each bad thing we do
As nations then confront
Our constitution, too
The flag that we salute
Has seen us through “it all”
To goodness, now be true
Or with the flag we will fall
This was one of those middle of the night, write it down, poems…

Strengthening the Free Exercise of Religion – Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Shoulder to shoulder, let us unite and walk
On this enduring path we exercise, let us talk
Let us speak of our common goal to be free
To act as our creator taught us how to be
Let us speak of our faiths, each to stand apart
And fan the flame of belief of which we’re a part
Under God, we are what lights this country strong
A city on a hill offering freedom’s song

Archive for the ‘america’ Category

The Pilgrims Story Episode 2

The need for fresh air
Caused the accident.
He was saved through prayer-
Divine providence
Thrown overboard
In a storm, with little hope.
He prayed to the Lord
And found beside him, a rope!
Click on the title to go to a wonderful site and listen to founding stories of American history.
Mountain Star Network.  Great site for summer listening.

The History of Memorial Day: by Studies Weekly

Before your summer begins
And you fire up the grill
Remember our fallen men
The unknown and missing still
Place a flower, wave a flag
Visit a resting place
Give thanks for all you have
We’ve freedom to embrace!

E Pluribus Unum

E pluribus unim
Out of many, one, thus
Hearts sing out in union
And proclaim, “In God we trust!”

Taps history told by John Wayne

It was a sweltering day
Every scent hung, heavy
Here seven thousand soldiers lay
This was seven thousand, too many
The roar of the cannons had ceased
The hills were covered in blood
As darkness enclosed from the east
A colonel arose from above
His bugle was slowly, gently raised
He played what he had just composed
And expressed the feelings on this day
The cry of the lone heart exposed

Ways and Means America

Make all the comments you want.
Arguing who and what you will pay.
It is our children who will take the brunt.
If we do not get started today.
How will we ever balance this budget
If we all argue to get our way?
Set an example of getting out of debt
As the sole ways and means to obey

Margaret Thatcher’s Eulogy to Ronald Reagan

He mended America
Through grace under pressure
He through a miracle
Improved the free world we treasure
He was candid and tough
Of firm mind, an example
Rooted in humor and trust
He lifted nations and people
In the midst of great terror
When hysteria could rise
He inspired hearts to be tender
And brought down walls and built ties
He transformed the economy
Turned enemies into friends
His accomplishments were many
The best, his example he lends
He had providence with him
As from God’s word, he often spoke
We know that this great pilgrim
Knew Heaven’s welcome as dawn broke
 He died June 5, 2004As a nation we were remembering DDay’s 60 year anniversary the next day.President Bush was in Paris, France honoring the heroes of WWll. Bush responded to Reagan’s death in Paris, France, where he is on tour to honor the heroes of World War II on the weekend of the 60th anniversary of the D-Day invasion.
“He leaves behind a nation he restored and a world he helped save. During the years of President Reagan, America laid to rest an era of division and self-doubt, and, because of his leadership, the world laid to rest an era of fear and tyranny,” Bush said. (Bush statement)
Bush’s father, former President George H.W. Bush, said “history will give Reagan great credit for standing for principles.”
“It was wonderful the way that he could take a stand, and do it without bitterness or without creating enmity with other people,” said the elder Bush, who was Reagan’s vice president.

The Proper Role of Government by Ezra Taft Benson

The redistribution of wealth is usurpation
And will surely lead to the downfall of our nation
  1. usurpation - definition of usurpation by the Free Online Dictionary 

    u·sur·pa·tion (y s r-p sh n, -z r-). n. 1. The act of usurping, especially the wrongful seizure of royal sovereignty. 2. A wrongful seizure or exercise of authority or 

The Proper Role of Government by Ezra Taft Benson

Government has a role
It is to guarantee
God given rights for each soul
To know self agency
  1. Agency - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    Agency is the ability and privilege God gives us to choose and to act for ourselves.Agency is essential in the plan of salvation. Without agency, we would not be 

The Constitution Will Be Saved – But Not In Washington

The constitution will be saved
By great citizens of this nation
Who from our founders have not strayed
And share of it for education
The stars and stripes will wave
When the Savior comes again
His Saints will work and save
The Constitution, our friend

John Wayne & Ezra Taft Benson – The Vietnam War

Freedom began to crumble
When we caved in defeat
And left nation in trouble
Let history not repeat
When this bully picked a fight
With friends of good ol’ Uncle Sam
Communism gained in might
When in unity we did not stand

Armor-Clad Mayor Asks City: ‘Who’s Willing To Fight For Stockton?’ « CBS Sacramento

With a mace raised way up high,
He asked, “Who’s willing to fight?
For this city, to try
To restore it from crime!”
Then he looked all around
And asked, “Who’s left their ego?
Volunteers must be found…
And, (oops…) all your guns must go!”  (Uh, No!)
Oh, and please be notified
That taxes must increase
Filling courts with more tried
Which the jails will release….
Let us pray for the home
The backbone of each town
Make each neighbor known
That civilization be found
What happened to the good ol’ days
When you could protect yourself?
Where respect and honor pays
And a show of guns would help?
This article grabbed my attention.  I thought about Captain Moroni, of course!

Brush Fires of Liberty

Reignite the fire
That once shone upon a hill
Raise that flame up higher
We are America, still!

Given the Chance to Pray for this Land

Given the chance to pray for this land,
I pray for what, once, made it so grand.
That document, that made us a light on the hill.
Oh, that it be honored and protected still!
The constitution written by inspiration,
When others would have given up in exasperation,
Proclaims things as they really ought to be
For each individual to progress well, in liberty.

We Were on a Roller Coaster

We were on a roller coaster
Exciting and thrilling
The ups and downs jarred to closure
With lessons instilling…

Of shameful attacks,
Shallow scrutiny,
And slips through the cracks,
All hollow and tinny

Still, passion was there
America awoke, bold
Seeing, all aware
We were about to be sold

We came up short, we lost
The slow purchase was subtle
Basic freedom, the cost
We are flat out in trouble
The New Yorker
MARCH 4, 2013


Looking back on the campaign, Romney said, “We were on a roller coaster, exciting and thrilling, ups and downs. But the ride ends. And then you get off. And it’s not like, Oh, can’t we be on a roller coaster the rest of our life?” 

Framing America- Religion and Family

Ever since the Pilgrims
Colonized this great land
Freedom of religion
Has framed this country grand!
Limiting government and laws,
Around rights we are born with;
Allowing man to define God
Through our conscience ours to live.
The family ere since defined
Creation’s at the forefront.
As new motions have combined
Each change we must confront!
For who is better to help this land
Than the husband and the wife?
Who’ll raise children to understand
Values upon which we all thrive?
Prosperity’s future
Depends on integrity.
Our children we must tutor
To stand for liberty!
Prosperity’s future
Depends on righteousness
Letting God’s laws tutor
Will secure this land His!

CitizenLink Report: The Gift of Freedom

Prayer played its part in WW ll
For men of faith knew what God could do
Like, as when the freezing rain pounded
A troop found themselves surrounded…

General Patton asked the chaplain to write a letter
A prayer to be shared to ask for good weather
Three thousand men were enlisted then to pray
Bringing to mind the faith of Gideon’s day

A week later, after the prayers began
That God heard them? The men knew that He had!
For the rain ceased and sudden relief came
And, the victory was won in God’s name

Just before the Battle of the Bulge, as Allied forces found themselves surrounded by the enemy and hounded by freezing rain that kept reinforcements from reaching them in the Ardennes Forest, Gen. George Patton asked his chief chaplain to write a prayer for good weather. Patton then used it as a training letter for 3,000 officers, asking them to instruct all their enlisted men to pray. “Those who pray do more for the world than those who fight,” the letter said. “We must urge, instruct and indoctrinate every fighting man to pray as well as fight. In Gideon’s day and in our own, spiritually alert minorities carry the burdens and bring the victories.” 
A week after the prayers began, the troops received an answer: The rain ceased, relief came and the Nazi advance was crushed. 
The letter of 1944 shows us that with all the battles we have to fight, and all the means that have been given to us with which to fight them, our most effective weapon is always prayer. The One Who calls His people to be overcomers holds all victories in His hands, and is able to do “immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.”

You’re probably familiar with John 15:13, 
which says, “Greater love has no one than this: 
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” This story includes the enemies…

The U.S. medics set up in a church 
to treat all the injured French
When the Germans broke in to seize
To help their wounded, they did not flinch

But, as they were in the house of the Lord
They asked the weapons stay at the door
And hidden snipers who were prepared
To shoot them thought better… because of care

So much that when Normandy was reclaimed
These snipers surrendered peacefully, unashamed
The doctors concern was in preserving lives 
And many soldiers and wounded were saved on both sides

“I saw an example of that firsthand recently, in a memorial to World War II soldiers in Normandy, France — which I discussed with Stuart Shepard recently on the CitizenLink Report. It was in the stained-glass window of a church near the scene of some particularly bloody battles, where scores of Americans died while trying to liberate the French people from the occupying German army.
Two U.S. medics had set up an aid station inside the church, but when it was captured by German soldiers, they asked if the medics would work on Germans as well. The Americans said they’d work on anybody, as long as everyone left their weapons at the door. This impressed two German snipers, who were watching, unnoticed, from their hidden position in the church’s belfry. Shortly afterward, the town was recaptured by the Allied forces — and the snipers, whose perspective of the enemy had been changed, peacefully surrendered.


Aside the demands
Of the day to day
Fellow Americans
For what did you pray?

Look to All You Can

We look to all we can
To lead our country forward
To inspire our children and
Give us goals to work toward
“And we citizens also have to rise to the occasion. We look to our teachers and professors, we count on you not just to teach, but to inspire our children with a passion for learning and discovery.
We look to our pastors and priests and rabbis and counselors of all kinds to testify of the enduring principles upon which our society is built: honesty, charity, integrity and family.
We look to our parents, for in the final analysis everything depends on the success of our homes.
We look to job creators of all kinds. We’re counting on you to invest, to hire, to step forward.”   Mitt Romney

The Constitution Lays in Shreds

The Constitution lays in shreds

With one hand, we work hard to hold it up

In fellowship our other hand extends

For help, for alone we are not enough

Where do you put your trust
After your last step’s been made?
How do you still look up
When every hope for a job does fade?

You do by sharing your pain,
Who you are, and what you can do
Believing you have much to gain
Believing in America, anew

There was a time when there was just no laughing

There was a time I was broken
With my trauma left unspoken
I drank and shut the world out
But that is not what I am about
I knew I had to seek help
I could not do it by myself
I pulled together my resources
And again laughter in me courses

Ann Romney

Let’s talk about what holds us together
As an American family
It is love at home and for each other
That unites us quite happily

Real love is deep and abiding
It brings us our greatest joy
It keeps America shining
With goodness, for the world to enjoy
Let’s talk about those who are struggling
Whose nights are always long
Who are going through hard times and need
The hope a nation strong
Let’s talk about our children’s children
And what we are leaving them
A debt that does naught but deepen
We can turn around and stem

Be the Best You Can Be

Be the best you can be
Based on the desire you’ve got
Based on ingenuity
And hold your freedoms about

You Need a Record and a Plan

You need a record and a plan
To gain all the hearts of all man
That is what our Father taught
And gave us Christ to be sought

Thinking how this applies to politics as well.
How exciting to think of our Savior coming again
to lead us with a perfect government!

Crescendo Romney, Obama Focus On Debate Preparations « CBS DC

Romney, Obama Focus On Debate Preparations « CBS DC
A growing crescendo of enthusiasm
Is following this promising campaign
There’s more energy and passion
The heart of America beats again

GBTV: Predictions come true

Change can come at lightening speed
When men combine and design with greed
What lies ahead just before our eyes?
As economically a nation dies…

Find Where the Light Begins

Do not fix on and measure
The total of your sins
But take stock in and treasure
Where Christ’s light begins
See Glenn Becks video interviewing some people who have been touched by Mitt Romney in a personal way.  One who was seeking spiritual counsel received advice that inspired this.

The Last Stretch

It’s the last stretch of the race
His running mate enters in
With great energy in place
Mitt Romney is set to win
Through a lifetime of effort
Of working and doing the right thing
He now sacrifices comfort
For the assistance he might bring

Politics Aside

Politics aside
Mitt is a decent man
With not a thing to hide
He’ll serve this country grand.
He may seem a little distant
Like a boss with things to do
But be assured in an instant
He’d respond to serve you too
Like the surgeon behind the hands
Set to remove that cancer found
Where it counts, he understands
He is the one to have around!
Warm up to the idea
That we need this business man
He does not wheel and deal
But budgets everything he can

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