
Sunday, September 8, 2024


 The walls came crashing in

After I was stuck for so long

How I felt such pain within

Knowing each choice I took was wrong! 

Should I crumble in the rubble

Or ask the Savior for help?

I am beyond in trouble

For, I've harmed more than myself

Yes, in the past, I charmed...
Where Do I Go From Here?
Seek to mend all I've harmed
And... prepare for what I'll hear
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Hang in There

 Carry on

Give your all

Though winds blow

Get up! Go!

Hang in there

In God's care


Love is near

Elder Holland - Just Persevere!

Monday, August 26, 2024


Prayer balances us
And grounds us to what we can become 
Founded on Jesus
The best versions of us are won

Saturday, August 10, 2024


To figure something out
And make a breakthrough 
Simply sleep on it
Thoughts will come to you!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Our Person , Our Reason

Yes, every sin 
He felt within
He is Our Person
He is Our Reason

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

God's Words are Felt and Heard

In the still moment
Felt in your words
Certain to make sense
The Spirit is heard

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

What is Family?

Family's what you make of it.
It's  how you spend your time!
--How you support to build
And bless all of mankind!


Love comes for us all
And sees you for your best
It makes you want to rise
Because you are so blessed.

Stillness of Soul

There IS a way out
Do NOT cave to doubt
Believe in your soul
Be still... and know


The parts, of your heart, matter
Each feeling adds up strong
In pain, they injure, they shatter
In joy, how, they dance along!


Breathe in the room, 
Give it some air.
Freed, you won't miss, 
What no longer is there!

Taking out some clutter this summer....

Monday, July 1, 2024

Ring Ring Ring

 Ring, ring, ring

Hear the sound of freedom?


Allows for God's kingdom!

I know very little about this country.  I keep hearing about Singapore math and am curious...

Is Singapore a religiously diverse country?

  • A 2014 analysis by the Pew Research Center found Singapore to be the world's most religiously diverse nation. The most followed religion in Singapore is Buddhism, a plurality with 31.1% of the resident population declaring themselves as adherents at the most recent decennial census in 2020.

So Much on the Plate!

With so much on your plate

"Eat the frog" first

Get it out of the way

And pursue a thirst

noun:   strong desire for something that is not a food or drink

from Google:

What is the eat the frog method?

  • Productivity consultant Brian Tracy named the Eat The Frog method after this vivid piece of advice from Mark Twain. While there’s more power and nuance to this method than meets the eye, it all boils down to this: Identify one important task for the day and do it first...

Sunday, June 23, 2024

A Blessing

Protect your home. Your faith. 
And every needful thing
Know, midst trials you face,
God's love is a blessing

Prayer is Not Like Addressing a Letter

Take the "Dear" away
When you kneel to pray
Heavenly Father is not distant
You can feel Him in an nstant


Speak with reason.
Nourished in purity,
faith, and season;
Words come, with surety.

How I Love the Sabbath Day

How I love the Sabbath day!
I can put the world away!
I can turn my heart to Him,
To covenants, and renew them

I can seek His words in faith
And, in purpose, find new strength 
I can know God speaks to me!
I can grow more spiritually!


Age begins to show
In our extremities
The strength of the hands...
The stifness in legs and feet...

The mind begins to slow
A word or two won't come
It's not that you don't know
But, fatigued, you are "done!"

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Breathe in the Room

 Breathe in the room,
Give it some air.
Freed, you won't miss,
What no longer is there!

Taking out some clutter this summer....

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Find a point of gratitude 
Note how it makes you feel.
Brain chemicals- endorphins, 
Know that they are real!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Living Lamb

The shepherd, the living lamb,
Succors, sooths, and saves.
Descending below all man
He lifts, loves and liberates.

Bread Crumbs

Leave for me, some bread crumbs,
To help me find my way;
Little signs of hope
That all will be okay!

Friday, April 26, 2024


Whew! It's over!

Change for Growth

Change is uncomfortable.
It effects all you've known.
Still, you are capable!
As through faith,  strength is shown!

Bright Choices

Among all the voices
All over the world
Make your own choices
Through the Light of the Lord

Thursday, April 25, 2024


The world as we know it
Can change in a blink
A fragile moment
Will cause us to think

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Dig Deep

Dig down deep
For far reaching roots
Much meekness makes
Fulfilling fruit

Feed Your Soul

Feed your soul
with frequent prayer.
Feel. Be whole
through Father's care.

Read more Liahona April 2024
Feed Your Soul With Frequent Prayer
Elder Ulisses Soares, pg 5 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Baptism for the Dead

The enemy is on the alert
For the Savior soon will come
Do not allow Satan to divert
You from temple work to be done

Doctrine and Covenants 
Section 127


Live a life true to God.
Follow our Exemplar.
Do not shrink from purpose.
Thus, purposely prepare

Heaven's Light

Let us seek and do what's right,
Repent oft, and pray
For Heaven's Light travels
In a divine way

Covered and Close

Wear your temple garment and
Live the covenant promise
For then Christ is nearer
To more fully bless

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Healed and Freed

These great words: "healed" and "freed"
Are almost synonymous 
In opportunity and hope.
Reminding...He is among us!

Among- "surrounded by" or "in the middle of"

The Best Quest

"Be your best"
Is our quest,
Not to test,
But to bless!

Quest- a long and arduous search for something. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Grace and Grit

Have the grit
To move it
And the grace
To admit


Write it all down
Let it all out
Spill all your beans
Then, read it out loud


Sunday, March 31, 2024


When worries weigh you down,
Give them away In prayer.
Don't carry them all alone.
Our Savior is always there.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

It All Works Out

For those with Christ
It all works out 
With lamps lit bright
Good shines about

British form of about- a location/area

Monday, March 25, 2024


What we resist
Remains, persists.
Let go. Refrain.
Repent. Obtain.

Is It the Spirit

Is it me
Or the Spirit?
When in need 
Will I hear It?

Friday, March 22, 2024

How Large the Heavens Are

How large the heavens are!
How short our time here on earth!
 Our sun, our firey star,
 Eclipses for a new birth

 Just like big Nineveh
 May we too repent.
Turn to the Son of God
And keep the commandments!

 I read something that said that Jonah didn't want to go to Nineveh, but when he did people there repented because, partly, they saw a solar eclipse and felt that it was a sign- a call for repentance.

It looks like a lot of people are recognizing our future is up in the air when it's been in God's hands all along.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024


The selfish
And self-centered
Consider not
What Christ endured

The character of Christ
Turns outward towards us
Oh, how we are blessed
When we serve like Jesus

Safe Keep

Safe keep sacred things
Always in your heart
Where, the Spirit brings
Blessings that impart

Sunday, March 10, 2024


Share and show service
Feed and uplift
Kind care with purpose
To those in your midst


Roll out of bed
To start your day
On your knees, read
A verse, then pray

Glory to His kingdom

Glory to His kingdom
Let us learn and speak of Christ!
Gaining joy and wisdom
Let us share forth, of His Light

Sacrament Meeting

Jesus Christ is HERE,
Each and every time we come,
To lift and Light and steer
Us to what we can become!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Teaching and repairing
The harm that had been done..
I started, first, by sharing
Pure love that's from the Son 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Think Happy

Think happy thoughts
until your days are through.
Think, "God has taught me
to give thanks in all I do!"

Sunday, February 25, 2024


 Once the decision is made

The choices becomes clear

Steps forward are plain

The Spirit is felt near

The List

 I would like to get it done

It is higher on my list

Yes, it will not be long

Until it reaches the highest

Do you make checklists?  I have a habit of losing them when I do.  Sigh.

That is Not For Me

 Change the way you think

And how you will respond

Don't say, "I'm trying to quit!"

Say, "Of this I am not fond!"

Identify anew 

As what you want to be

You have greater things to do

Think, "That is not for me!"

I heard someone give this advice, Don't say, "I'm trying to quit" or "No thanks, I quit."

Hold On

 Life on the narrow path

Is ever straight and long

There's dips where we fall

Remember to hold on


Miracles do come

In answer to a prayer

We may not recognize some

Always trust God is there

The biggest miracle of all is that God is always there, for comfort, peace, and love. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Gospel

The floodgates burst open
To flow ever more!
Christ's nourishing gospel
Does cleanse and restore!

His Endowed

We cannot be boastful
We cannot be proud
We, ever grateful,
Are the Lord's endowed

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Who You Really Are

You're heroes
You're Kings

You're angels
You're queens

The In-law

I'm an in-law
Not an out-law
I've made my way in
Love's how I'm staying

Just saying...

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Blessings Come

Blessings come to everyone 
Who read the word of God
Though illiterate, come.
Give it all you've got!

Lesson in Affliction

I had to learn
So I could teach.
Repent. Return.
God is for each!


Wrestling with myself
Way over my head.
I searched for some help
And to God I was led.

A Verse

A verse blows up
Highlighted and bold
I read. It talks back.
Revelations unfold.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Empty Nesters

The empty nesters
Cannot will not rest
At hoping that their children
Will have faith and be blessed


Get into the pages
Be there
The Almighty healer
Shows care

Questions, desires, and needs?
Read on
Then, humbly, on your knees
Pray on

The best of relationships 
Takes time
Let Him touch your heart, your soul,
Your mind

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Keep sacred things
And ponder in your heart
Just what they mean.
What would that God impart?

Monday, February 12, 2024

Witness Miracles

Witness miracles
And lay them up in your heart
God lives and fulfills 
His purposes, to impart

Luke 1:66
Imagine having no voice for 9 months and to have it restored to speak of such a miracle as this: thou child shall be the prophet of the Highest. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Dive In

Dive in

There's more


Dark are the records
Of enmity and death
When, against God's word
We lose humanity's best

When man goes against neighbor
And father against son
We lose generations of labor
What woes this feud has done!

Honor The Loss

Honor the loss
Due to suicide
Form a sacred place
To console and confide

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

He Has

He has wiped my tears
And fixed what I can't 
He has calmed my fears
I trust in His plan 

Jesus has wiped away my tears
And fixed what I cannot
He has calmed all of my fears
I've been blessed and I've been  taught

Joy Tells It All-

 Swallowed up in Christ

You've hope in your call

You shine with His light

Your joy tells it all

You don't have to nag

You don't have to prod

Keep partaking and

Light the path to God

Sunday, February 4, 2024


A real problem?
Only God can help!
The atonement 
Saves us all from hell!


You want good things for others. 
Then, why not for yourself?
We're all sisters and brothers
In need of the Lord's help!

Sometimes it is easy to want the highest blessings for church leaders and forget to want them for ourselves.  

Hard Things

Hard things have to happen
So God can show His hand
Exercise faith and then
Surrender to His plan

Make the Hard Fun

Make what's hard fun
Add a little music
What's to be done?
Work, take breaks, and "move it!"

Sunday, January 21, 2024

A Constant

Fads come and go
But one thing remains
The path to know...
God's truths never change

Fads come and go
As styles evolve
Technology grows
New ways to solve

Fads come and go
And bills more extend
Still purchases age
While debt has no end

Hold to the rod
Be wise with your gifts
Know that our God
Blesses and lifts

The Impact

An intimate impact
Come of the Holy Ghost
A prompting is felt
When we need it the most


A young woman spoke of how 🤔 she knew the holy ghost speaks through others who have been like angels to her. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Why LDS Young Men Leader Brad Wilcox Believes God's Grace Is The Key To ...

In spite of our circumstances, 
We know what we're of.
It's Christ who connects us, 
His Light and His love!

See the need. 
Make the difference. 
Bless and lead, 
In each instance.