
Monday, April 29, 2024

Living Lamb

The shepherd, the living lamb,
Succors, sooths, and saves.
Descending below all man
He lifts, loves and liberates.

Bread Crumbs

Leave for me, some bread crumbs,
To help me find my way;
Little signs of hope
That all will be okay!

Friday, April 26, 2024


Whew! It's over!

Change for Growth

Change is uncomfortable.
It effects all you've known.
Still, you are capable!
As through faith,  strength is shown!

Bright Choices

Among all the voices
All over the world
Make your own choices
Through the Light of the Lord

Thursday, April 25, 2024


The world as we know it
Can change in a blink
A fragile moment
Will cause us to think

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Dig Deep

Dig down deep
For far reaching roots
Much meekness makes
Fulfilling fruit

Feed Your Soul

Feed your soul
with frequent prayer.
Feel. Be whole
through Father's care.

Read more Liahona April 2024
Feed Your Soul With Frequent Prayer
Elder Ulisses Soares, pg 5 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Baptism for the Dead

The enemy is on the alert
For the Savior soon will come
Do not allow Satan to divert
You from temple work to be done

Doctrine and Covenants 
Section 127


Live a life true to God.
Follow our Exemplar.
Do not shrink from purpose.
Thus, purposely prepare

Heaven's Light

Let us seek and do what's right,
Repent oft, and pray
For Heaven's Light travels
In a divine way

Covered and Close

Wear your temple garment and
Live the covenant promise
For then Christ is nearer
To more fully bless

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Healed and Freed

These great words: "healed" and "freed"
Are almost synonymous 
In opportunity and hope.
Reminding...He is among us!

Among- "surrounded by" or "in the middle of"

The Best Quest

"Be your best"
Is our quest,
Not to test,
But to bless!

Quest- a long and arduous search for something. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Grace and Grit

Have the grit
To move it
And the grace
To admit


Write it all down
Let it all out
Spill all your beans
Then, read it out loud
