
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Think Happy

Think happy thoughts
until your days are through.
Think, "God has taught me
to give thanks in all I do!"

Sunday, February 25, 2024


 Once the decision is made

The choices becomes clear

Steps forward are plain

The Spirit is felt near

The List

 I would like to get it done

It is higher on my list

Yes, it will not be long

Until it reaches the highest

Do you make checklists?  I have a habit of losing them when I do.  Sigh.

That is Not For Me

 Change the way you think

And how you will respond

Don't say, "I'm trying to quit!"

Say, "Of this I am not fond!"

Identify anew 

As what you want to be

You have greater things to do

Think, "That is not for me!"

I heard someone give this advice, Don't say, "I'm trying to quit" or "No thanks, I quit."

Hold On

 Life on the narrow path

Is ever straight and long

There's dips where we fall

Remember to hold on


Miracles do come

In answer to a prayer

We may not recognize some

Always trust God is there

The biggest miracle of all is that God is always there, for comfort, peace, and love. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Gospel

The floodgates burst open
To flow ever more!
Christ's nourishing gospel
Does cleanse and restore!

His Endowed

We cannot be boastful
We cannot be proud
We, ever grateful,
Are the Lord's endowed

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Who You Really Are

You're heroes
You're Kings

You're angels
You're queens

The In-law

I'm an in-law
Not an out-law
I've made my way in
Love's how I'm staying

Just saying...

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Blessings Come

Blessings come to everyone 
Who read the word of God
Though illiterate, come.
Give it all you've got!

Lesson in Affliction

I had to learn
So I could teach.
Repent. Return.
God is for each!


Wrestling with myself
Way over my head.
I searched for some help
And to God I was led.

A Verse

A verse blows up
Highlighted and bold
I read. It talks back.
Revelations unfold.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Empty Nesters

The empty nesters
Cannot will not rest
At hoping that their children
Will have faith and be blessed


Get into the pages
Be there
The Almighty healer
Shows care

Questions, desires, and needs?
Read on
Then, humbly, on your knees
Pray on

The best of relationships 
Takes time
Let Him touch your heart, your soul,
Your mind

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Keep sacred things
And ponder in your heart
Just what they mean.
What would that God impart?

Monday, February 12, 2024

Witness Miracles

Witness miracles
And lay them up in your heart
God lives and fulfills 
His purposes, to impart

Luke 1:66
Imagine having no voice for 9 months and to have it restored to speak of such a miracle as this: thou child shall be the prophet of the Highest. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Dive In

Dive in

There's more


Dark are the records
Of enmity and death
When, against God's word
We lose humanity's best

When man goes against neighbor
And father against son
We lose generations of labor
What woes this feud has done!

Honor The Loss

Honor the loss
Due to suicide
Form a sacred place
To console and confide

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

He Has

He has wiped my tears
And fixed what I can't 
He has calmed my fears
I trust in His plan 

Jesus has wiped away my tears
And fixed what I cannot
He has calmed all of my fears
I've been blessed and I've been  taught

Joy Tells It All-

 Swallowed up in Christ

You've hope in your call

You shine with His light

Your joy tells it all

You don't have to nag

You don't have to prod

Keep partaking and

Light the path to God

Sunday, February 4, 2024


A real problem?
Only God can help!
The atonement 
Saves us all from hell!


You want good things for others. 
Then, why not for yourself?
We're all sisters and brothers
In need of the Lord's help!

Sometimes it is easy to want the highest blessings for church leaders and forget to want them for ourselves.  

Hard Things

Hard things have to happen
So God can show His hand
Exercise faith and then
Surrender to His plan

Make the Hard Fun

Make what's hard fun
Add a little music
What's to be done?
Work, take breaks, and "move it!"