
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Swearing Prisoners in Need of Light

Swearing leaves us as prisoners

Limited in hopes and dreams

Refrain and become listeners

Who build up worth and self-esteem

  1. Truth: Following the Lord’s way builds a sense of eternal worth. The Lord taught that His ways are not the same as the world’s ways and that “my ways [are] higher than your ways” ( Isaiah 55:8–9 ).

Learning a New Language- Emersion

 Learn the pure language of love

Where the spirt can speak.

Pray to Our Father above.

Read, serve, give, and be meek.

Let Him be a part of your dreams.

Carry His Light, in your heart

Give of yourself and your means.

And ask His will to impart

Then the Comforter always shares His voice when we testify...

Thinking about Elder Stevenson's Sat afternoon General Conference talk 9/30/23 

Saturday, September 9, 2023


A desirable consequence 
from your baptismal day 
through faithful obedience
 is to have the spirit always.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

He Chose You

Despite weaknesses
Even suffering 
Jesus chose you
Knowing everything 

Not to pull you down
But, to raise you up
Even to surround
YOU, with His peace and love