
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Left Behind

You walked away...
"Uh, did you leave that behind?"
I started to say,
But stopped. You had read my mind.

Interesting moment getting in line to get on the plane. I asked my husband. Is that... and he knew what I was going to say and went back get his soda. This happened again when a woman stood up and left her jacket draped behind her. Then a man dropped his mask.  
I only wish I had seen the reading glasses in time to get them to the owner because when I turned them in, they didn't make an announcement! I'm sure they were never recovered.

For Us

For us, He bore filth and pain beyond belief
As, in Hell, He descended below, beneath.
For us He was stripped and pierced and torn,
That we might ascend, through Him, reborn.

Monday, February 13, 2023


Teetering, on the brink,
From carrying a heavy load
I prayed I would not sink
And was paired with Our Lord's yoke.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Eat the Frog

 I took a class this weekend.  I never would have thought I would end up with advice to Eat the Frog.  Lol.

Q is my homework:

Take the productivity methods quiz (

Have the frog ready 

to greet you every day.

Eat it. Watch the clock.

Get it out of your way!