
Sunday, January 30, 2022


The Word's embraced my heart
And lifted my soul
Reminding I've a part
Divine, I've a role!

I love Saturday night stake conferences. 
its intimate setting strengthens testimony and faith.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Crystal or Glass?

Love at first sight. I found this at a thrift store.
It is so heavy. I want to put it on a wall. Hmmm

Add wondrous light
To the dark around
The Spirit of Christ,
When shared, can surround

Without Prejudice

Listen and learn
Each take a turn
Feel from the heart
A kinship to start

My thoughts as i read in The Church News about President Nelson bond of friendship with a minister and NAACP leader named Rev. Brown who calls Nelson his "brother from another mother."😀 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sin? Aim Again!

To sin is to miss the mark
Set your sight and aim again
Repentance lights a spark
Through the Holy Ghost, your friend

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Let Go

You know 
Let go
Move on
Be strong