
Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Key to Heaven's Door

Prayer is the key 
That opens Heaven's door.
Christ is waiting!
What are YOU waiting for?

What stands in your way?
He can help you with that!
Let Him make your day
More Heavenly, in fact!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Getting Real

Wrinkling and grey
Getting real
To age is okay!

I stopped coloring my hair a year ago. The skunk line and Covid made a great pair. 👍


Oh may I glimpse
Even for a day
Divine attributes
Flow from me, I pray

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

True Rest

How can you know true rest
That brings peace to the soul?
Reconcile with Christ
And pray that it be so!

Doctrine and Covenants 16

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Book of Mormon. Witnesses

Clear as the moon
And fair as the sun
God's work resumed
Through faith light has come

So sacred God's Word,
This original text,
3 were called to see;
For their testimony next


Unsure of your place?
Escape to the back
An anonymous face
Can slips through a crack

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Hold On

Hold to the lessons
You frame in life
Let them keep teaching
In the best light

People always talk about lighting in art. Why not  do the same with the memories you paint in your heart?


Stretch beyond
What you now know
Much is found
Through faith, to grow

Monday, February 8, 2021


When you're been halted 
And greatly gasp for air
Know God, exalted
Offers His Son, for care

Though your chest is tight
From being pulled all ways
He, the breath of Life
Calms the tempests, have faith!

Standing Still

Stand still
All will be fine
Have faith
In the Lord's time

Stand still
Pause and reflect
Look long
Let God direct

Thinking of Joseph Smith and how he felt when the progress of translation was slow.He needed to trust in God's timing. 

Friday, February 5, 2021


The world is full of opportunities,
Quite limitless, it seems!
To achieve heights seek abilities, 
Prioritize, and dream!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

plan B

Always, there's a plan b
In the work of the Lord
Repent and humbly seek
His will, to be restored

Always, He has known us
Each weakness, from the start
Hope on, patiently trust
You've purpose. You've a part!

What if you have derailed
Off of the chosen path?
Turn around where you failed
And repent of your past!

Always, He stands waiting 
Knowing the pain we'll face
Our gifts, He is saving
In His work. We've a place 

Sigh. I fell asleep and accidentally discarded my first attempt at writing this!


Care Repair of Partial Poems

True meaning
Starts with prayer
Start leaning
On God's care

In all the forms of light
The Savior's own does beam
Even in the darkest night
A glimpse of hope is seen

Remove the clutter
Of your day 
Then humbly utter
Prayers, today

Know the peace
Feel filth cease 

Wonder at the Earth
In gratitude
Feel inside rebirth
Of BE attitude 

Remembering Hinckley 's 6 be's

 in a letter
Healed old ties
Makes joy better

A soft answer 
Is always best
For with anger
Comes a contest

Tailspin Survivor

That which sends you in a tailspin 
of doom and despair
Is truly a signal
You are in need of God's care

Let Christ wrap His arms around you
It will "come to pass"
Like all the times before
You will gain a survivor's badge


When tragedy overtakes us
And stops us in our tracks
Only love and faith in Jesus
Keeps us from falling through the cracks

Pandemic Pause

When thoughts and prayers and cyber hugs
Are all that we can do;
We trust the Lord will do the rest,
Even with His angels, too!

Weary Wary Damage Control

Oh weary world,
Let us now look up!
Damage control, what's heard!
You will find love!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

He Is Waiting

God is waiting for YOU
To make the first move
See what praying can do
What faith can improve!

Monday, February 1, 2021


Time is precious
It cannot stand still
It ticks with this message:
"It is yours to fill" 

The Prince- Our Prince

The prince is mighty and fearless

Obedient and strong.

In wisdom, he is matchless,

And can right each wrong.

All of his subjects follow him

With optimism and love.

He has proven how much he loves them.

He is both merciful and tough

Our prince is loving and loyal

So benevolent his grace,

That he is unafraid to toil.

He takes on what's hard to face!

He protects the innocent.

His heart is made of gold.

To those in need, he is sent.

He is both meek and bold!