
Sunday, July 29, 2018

I Believe

I believe in the good in you
And I grieve when you detour too
Remember that path so filled with light?
That is where your future is bright!

Friday, July 27, 2018

The Natural Man

The natural man is impulsive indeed
Telling you to partake of what you don't need
He is impatient to cause resolves to cave
And works hard to derail the changes you crave

How do you suppress impulsivity?
A laid out goal a strategy?
Willpower works until there is stress
Depend on God, who is ready to bless

Sunday, July 22, 2018

My Fondest Wish

My fondest wish,
With God's blessing,
Is to witness
What pure love brings

Bathing Glow

My sins, I've given up
So burning my desire
To be bathed in His love
And purified by fire

Saturday, July 21, 2018


Don't interfere
With your work or play
To sunshine, steer
Make the most of your day

Friday, July 20, 2018

The Heavens are Open

The heavens are open
And we are God's children
Let us work and hope on
That others may feel Him

Let us learn to discern
And to seek answers out
That the spirit may burn
And leave no room for doubt

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Dress Up

Nightmares dress up
Like fairy tales at first
Seeming like love
Then, every hope does burst

Open Up

Let your feelings
See the light of day
They're a part of you
It will be okay

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Heavenly Friendships

I feel as though I know you
Like we've met before
That the other time and place
Was more Heavenward

Self Soothing

Drink at the well
As much as you want
Let your soul swell
With the Lord be one

Do It

"Hang in there!" Is not a gospel truth
For there is nothing that we can't do
When we know it's the will of God
There is strength to see things through

See things through. Be patient
And endure to the end.
For in every occasion
The Savior is your friend.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Would You Rather?

Would you rather hold a flashlight,
With strangers at your side?
Or a trustworthy flood lamp,
Plus your very own guide?

He Knocks

He knocks at the door
But nobody hears
Engrossed all the more
With distractions and fears

Monday, July 16, 2018

When You Don't Know Why

When you cannot figure "why?"
No matter how hard you try
Raise your question in the Light
Which comes of Jesus Christ

Cast a Golden Light

Cast a golden light
On your soul today
Take upon you Jesus Christ
And His Spiirit obey

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Eminently Close

Satan works his deeds
Alongside of the gospel
Hoping to plants seeds
For weeds something awful

Interestingly, there is a river that flows near the tree of life in Lehi's dream which Nephi noticed in his like dream that the river was filthy with the depths of hell.

Monday, July 9, 2018

The First Time

Help me remember the first time
When I felt Thee near
When the Spirit taught
And how I did cheer

Help me remember how I felt
When I prayed and pled
When I fell and  knelt
And poured the words I said

Help me remember with my heart
How the tears run free
Because im a part
Of a ward family

Help me remember the first time
When I sang and took
The tray to partake
And how my hand shook

Help me remember and give thanks
For each sacrifice
Of Christ's atonement
How can words suffice?

Help me remember and be true
To covenants I've made
To be the Lord's hands
And freely give aid

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Narrow Path

Along the straight and narrow path
You become more aware of your sins
Even from those days now long past
For light sheds brighter as the veil thins

Pondering David J Ridge's book
The Book of Mormon Made Easier

Along the straight and narrow path
You become all the more aware
Of the sins near and past
As the way home becomes more clear

Along the straight and narrow path
Our Elder Brother is there
Exemplifying the way back
Through love He has to share

The narrow path is God's plan
It's the way to return home
Where each of us, His children can
Know pure love sure to hold

Failure is part of that plan
And affliction of every kind
As we fight off the natural man
To become as God designed

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Mormon's lifelong Wish

Some day
Some way
Some how
God's word will profit you
Such that you may feel as I do now

Words of Mormon 1
of my son Moroni, behold I have witnessed almost all the destruction of my people, the Nephites.
2 And it is many hundred years after the coming of Christ that I deliver these records into the hands of my son; and it supposeth me that he will witness the entire destruction of my people. But may God grant that he may survive them, that he may write somewhat concerning them, and somewhat concerning Christ, that perhaps some day it may profit them.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Move On

When life gets messy
Don't just stumble through
Look for the blessing
And start anew

A Chosen Vessel of Light

A chosen vessel of light
Needs the choicest oil, to be bright.
A drop at a time,  pure oil is found;
According to our thoughts, as good works abound.