
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Depth of Symbolism

The depth of symbolism runs deep
Depending on where you stand
And your commitment level to keep
What you currently understand

Have you ever pondered the purpose of symbolism in the scriptures and how the message deepens or even changes through time and according to your need?

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Can You Imagine

Can you imagine, that because God's will was done,
The day will come where we will never be  apart again?
With God, family, and friends we will be as one;
Then, every celebration will go on-  forever without an end!

Do a whole lot.
Add your faith. Do more!
Give all you've got
For God's will, explore!


I have a perfect coach,
Exemplar, and friend
Who selflessly seeks my growth
And will stay with me to the end!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

New Life

Enter into his covenants
Be cleansed and submerged
Step forth unto new life
Of old ways be perged

There will be ups and downs
And pitfalls along the way
But you'll have the holy ghost
As God's covenants you obey

Write in a journal
Remember how you feel
doing what is right...
That forgiveness is real!

Mosiah 18
Fold of God
Bear burdens
Witness all times
All things

Sunday, June 3, 2018

John the Baptist

John's witness of the Savior started within the womb. So powerful was their connection. Yet, in this life, there was no time for this kin's friendship to bloom. John ( "was the last of the prophets under the law of Moses, he was the first of the New Testament prophets, and he brought the Aaronic Priesthood to the dispensation of the fulness of times."

All Things are Possible

How can it be, that anything come of me?  But, with God all things are possible.  I have things to do and places to be. With the Spirit I'm unstoppable.

Luke 1:26-38

Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be? The Holy Ghost 37) For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Your Lifeline to the Lord- The Book of Mormon

Stretch beyond anything you have ever done before. 
The Holy Ghost will whisper truth through this lifeline to the Lord.


Easter is Hope

Can a broken life be mended? Is there hope in the world today? Life in the darkness is ended when we repent, turn to Christ, and pray. Hallelujah, Yes.  Easter is hope, alway.

Easter Music and the Spoken Word

How I Escaped

When, once, hunger was all I could feel
and music was my escape;
only the scars makes this time real
and seeing that old landscape.

How does hatred for a race come to this? Be one. Always we are all children of GOD!

How I Escaped The Holocaust

Break Through All Your Fears

Write down and break through your fears
On a piece of wood, karate chop!
Strengthening confidence appears
When you name your fears and say, "Stop!"

The young men went to camp and did this exercise. Some of the boys couldn't break the wood alone, just like we sometimes need help to get through scary times.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Be One

On every continent and on the isles of the sea, the faithful are being prepared where 'er they might be to walk across bridges of cooperation and peace; united as Saints and as one big family