
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Ministry Assigned

Be a tool in the Master's hand
For the eternal life of man
Minister to those you're assigned
And love them as the Lord's designed


This ministry's new
Let the Spirit confirm
These changes are true
Its blessings to learn


What are you willing to forgo?
What are you willing to give up?
So on the Lord's path you may go
Satisfied that you have enough!

Filter Out the World One Day In Seven

Where was my filter
To shut the word out?
I was in error.
There is no doubt!
I am so sorry.
For I know you're in pain.
How I do worry!
Yes, the word was profane!

Break From the World We Share

It's "in the moment"
That the world comes out
The ears lie open
And listen about
Walk away and sing
So you won't later grieve
Hold to the spirit
Say goodbye and leave

Still, there's no escape!
Again and again
This audiotape
Is stuck at the end!
What am I to do?
I'm filled with dispair!
The Sabbath, renews?
Do not doubt.  I'm there!

Break from the world we share!
One day out of seven
And show the Lord you care!
His day is like Heaven

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Make the wounded whole
Mend the wearied soul
Extend the family tree
Share how each came to be

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Love the Lord

An image of a young man and an elderly woman, combined with a quote by Elder D. Todd Christofferson: “Our example should be such that no one can deny that the Latter-day Saints love the Savior.”

The Lord asked, "Peter, Lovest thou me?"
Three times in the end
One for each time he'd denied Him
We all forget our friend.

Love the Lord. Don't deny Him
If you do... NOW! Repent!
You know naught what did try Him
For you, to what extent

Broken Homes Can Mend

Broken homes can mend
Bettered by Jesus Christ
Pray now this begin
So children can be all right

Kintsukuroi Master Refiner

 Image result for kintsugi

Broken.  Shattered, in fact.
One feels SO of no use.
But, our souls can be put back!
Oh, how this is good news!

The Master refiner of gold
Picks up the pieces, the shards
And makes beauty out of the old
Us, He never ever discards

Transformed out of our pain
There's awe in what we've been through
See now what was once plain?
Wow!  What His atonement can do!

;The belief of kintsukuroi is that the piece is more beautiful for being broken. This is a great metaphor for our lives. In the Bible, Job declares his belief that when his trials are over, he “shall come forth as gold.”

Refiner; Refining Definition and Meaning - Bible Dictionary

REFINER; REFINING. re-fin'-er, re-fin'-ing: Two Hebrew words have been translated "refine": (1) tsaraph, literally, to "fuse" (Zechariah 13:9; Isaiah 48:10; Malachi 3:2,3, etc.). The same word is rendered also "tried" (Psalms 66:10); "melt" (Jeremiah 6:29 the King James Version); "purge" (Isaiah 1:25). (2) zaqaq, literally, to ...

You'll Not Get Home on the Lazy River

A painting of three men men in a small fishing boat during a storm at sea.
storm boat sailors sea wave new testament seminary teacher manual lesson 122
You'll not get home on the Lazy River
Expect to get tossed about
You may experience your faith waver
But do not give in to doubt

You Are In Good Company

Friends, you don't think you have any,
Because you feel quite beat up.
Know, you are in good company.
The Lord drank up your bitter cup.
In truth, this was just one of many.

Second Coming

A painting by Harry Anderson showing Christ in white robes and a red sash, standing on a cloud with His arms outstretched.

“His eyes as a flame of fire"; 
May they penetrate my soul

Arrayed in His brilliance of light
May His touch ignite me whole

And his voice," the rush of great waters", 
May He prepare me for glorious matters

How glorious will be that day
Of The Truth, The Light, The Way!

“His eyes were as a flame of fire;
 the hair of his head was white like the pure snow; 
his countenance shone above the brightness of the sun; 
and his voice was as the sound of the rushing of great waters”  
Doctrine and Covenants 110:3

Minister Again and Again

An image of Christ with a text overlay quoting Elder D. Todd Christofferson: “The greatest service we can provide to others … is to bring them to Christ.”

Just as dew daily comes, let Heaven
Nourish and bathe you in light    
Fed with faith, in thanks, given
Minister much through insight.

Minister- give time, converse, encourage

“It takes time, conversations 
and encouraging experience 
that will help rebuild faith,” 
Andersen said. 
“It comes more like the dew from heaven 
than a one-time blast from a fire hose. 
You have to minister again and again 
as you help someone turn back to God, 
again relying on the Savior 
and his atonement.”

Friday, April 6, 2018

Chew On It

God nourishes us
A nibble at a time
How this encourages
For His new thing to try

Monday, April 2, 2018

Take the First Step

Please, take the first step
And I'll invite you in
Lean. I will forget
That you hurt me in sin.


The soul, filled with light
Does make the devil mad
Ever he does fight
To dampen life in man

Dampen | Definition of Dampen by Merriam-Webster
Define dampen: to check or diminish the activity or vigor of : deaden; to make damp; damp — dampenin a sentence.


Oh, to think and dream with light
Protected in the night
Preserved from what harms
To sleep well in Thy arms

Heaven's Prized Gift

A girl with long brown hair bowing her head while two men in suits place their hands on her head to confirm her a member of the Church.

Heaven's prized gift
To be treasure the most
Is freely given
It is the Holy Ghost

Rest and Feel

Rest from all daily labors
And that which weighs you down
Turn to our loving Savior
Feel His Spirit more around

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Perfect pitch

Strike a perfect pitch
Tune in to the Lord
Life is enriched
When you heed His Word

How exciting to hear from and learn of our new prophet's life and family. I love BYU half time conference.

Brilliant Mind- Tender Heart

Endure and You SHALL Triumph

And you shall triumph
Seek from the highest