
Saturday, January 13, 2018

Sister Monson Funeral

Truly listening is an act of love.As it connects your ears unto God's above.

Thank you, Sister Dibb, for paying tribute to your dear mom and sharing her with us.

Funeral Service for President Thomas S. Monson

As feelings run deep for my dear friend who's passed,

mere' words can't express and pay tribute to his past.

If only this could be written on President Monson's tombstone. President Uchtdorf, thank you.

Funeral Services Held for Elder Robert D. Hales

The narrow path will stretch us, life's burden's more than test  And it is through friendships, thus, that in Christ we are blessed.

Thank you, President Eyring, for sharing your friendship with Elder Hales in such a personal way.

Funeral Service for President Thomas S. Monson

Death's sting, He took away. Our sorrow is assuaged. Christ is with us alway. For our sins, He has paid! Jesus said, “lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Matthew 28:20b)- Alway- all the time, perpetually.
Thank you President Nelson for your service and love for President Monson and the Savior.

Funeral Service for President Thomas S. Monson

Paint a bright spot on your soul today. Answer a prayer. Serve someone some way. Thank you, Sister Dibb for taking care of Monson. I love your bright smile that reminds me of both President and Sister Monson.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

President Thomas S. Monson: On the Lord’s Errand

Monson, on the Lord's errand like the Savior, to provide a gentle healing hand.  The Spirit was his guide.