
Friday, July 29, 2016

The Eternal Struggle

Uncovered and without any mask
People are embracing what was wrong in the past
Marxism, socialism, communism, too
Is changing the hue of the red, white, and blue

Inspired by Glenn Beck on the radio and the direction politics has headed.
It is an eternal struggle to keep the Constitution, to follow conscience, and fight off hidden agendas that steal our freedom to follow the American dream.

The Need For A Path

When the Savior spoke of staying on the path
It was related to what they knew to be true
For the journey is long and it takes all that you have
And the last thing you want is to break a shoe!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Unto All the World

To spread the gospel
Unto all of the world
Is not impossible
If it's the will of the Lord

I just watched a beautiful video of Russia when Elder Nelson was given the responsibility, through President Benson, to open doors where countries did not allow missionaries.  It took six years and it was an amazing time.  What memories! It eas families that had left Russia, joined the church, and then returned to their homeland that made it possible.  Russia required 20 members.  How else could that happen when missionary work was not allowed. Beautiful.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Of Those Who've Gone Before

Death does not congeal the lips
Of those who've gone before
They are as close as your fingertips
And would you sense them more

Elder Charles Callis: “Death does not congeal the lips of those who go before us; they are not far from us and they help us more than we know.”

If you have wondered and hungered to know concerning loved ones who have passed on, this is a sweet site to read and consider:

I knew when my grandma died, though I was very far away.  It was a sacred experience!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Keep Your Thoughts Pure

Isn't this a great song with a deep message?


Keep your thoughts out of the gutter
From the filth, that can clog your head
And stay away from the shallow water
Drink deeply from integrity, instead

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Breaking Down Walls of Misunderstanding

Get through that thick skin
And break down those barriers
Work to love, not win
To reach hearts, first bear yours

This morning was a Glenn Beck on the radio wake up.  He summed up by saying to reach others you have to work to love, not win.  It's true.  We have to connect not butt heads.

Monday, July 11, 2016

If Only

"If only" sounds hollow
Against the echoes felt
Lives won't see tomorrow
For ugly shots were dealt!

Endure We Must

Endure to the end, we must
Charity and humility is the way
On a path of obedience and trust
We look forward to a more perfect day

Tear Down The Wall

Tear down those walls
And protest no more.
Each life matters.
America, restore!

Picking Sides Picking Fights

Always look for light
Through God, we are connected
What is black and white?
Let goodness, be detected

There are good and bad people everywhere.  It is easy to get deceived and let fear or anger take your better side, but choose what will put light and love into your life. Choose the path that Christ made and feel Him by your side.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Hold On Families are Forever

Families are forever
Hold to this thought when
Someone you love suffers
And will die in the end

Families are forever
Hold to this thought when
There's a fight and anger
Peace will come to you then

Prepare and Be Ready

Prepare and be ready
To testify of Christ
Stand strong and be steady
And be a source of light

You don't have to carry
Your burdens, all alone
The Lord is set for sharing
His love, for you He did atone

A Work in Progress

Bear with me please
As I learn and grow
I'm a work in progress
Christ's atonement, I know

His Hand Rests Upon This Land

God's hand rests upon this land
For the bettering of man
That He might turn the world aright
Through the truth revealed here with light

The Ultimate Pioneer

Christ, the ultimate pioneer,
Set His example for us
Conquering pain, sin, and fear
Displaying faith, hope, and trust

In one way or another
We can each follow Him
Be a light to our brother
And show the veil can grow thin

Monday, July 4, 2016


There is someone you know
Who inside some questions grow
Who's been prepared to hear
So invite the spirit near

Beautiful America 240 Years!
It's been 240 years
Since we declared independence
Through blood, sweat, and tears
And freed man to his conscience

Sunday, July 3, 2016

A Land Prepared

America was set aside
And prepared for each of us
That in faith we could reside
And spred the gospel forward thus


We are each important
With unique roles to play
Evidence of God's plan
Shines through what we do and say

Family Ties

To strengthen the family
Extend and branch out
Learn from every member
Answers will come about.

I am hearing many ancestry stories where answers come, bonds are made, and things make sense. History repeats so it really helps to connect with those who share what you are going through or have been where you are.

Bathing in Blessings

Bathing in the blessings
Of forgiveness and love
I feel cleansed while confessing
Mercy comes from above