
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

One Size Doesn't Fit All

One size fits all
Isn't the way
Love's miracle
Makes a kids day

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Chat

Nothing you have to confess
Could make Jesus love you less
He knows where your heart is at
And awaits a little chat

Monday, July 28, 2014

Marching Orders

Our marching orders are given
At every general conference
We should study from and live them
Their cautions make all the difference

What do you recall from conference?


Savor the things which come of God
Let them be a part of you
Be the salt of the Earth for all
Through the good works that you do

Salt of the Earth: Savor of Men and Saviors of Men - general ...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
In the New Testament the Savior referred to his disciples as the “salt of the earth,” and charged them to retain their savor (Matt. 5:13).


As the Jewish plots to take His life
Fermented beneath the surface
Jesus continued to testify
And bear fruit through selfless service

resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.
"steadfast loyalty"
synonyms: loyal, faithful, committed, devoted,
dedicated, dependable, reliable,steady, true,
constant, staunch, solid, trusty More

How Deep

How deep His love and compassion is
As He bore the dark depths of Hell
To know every side of injustice
That perfect mercy might prevail

  1. Mercy - Merriam-Webster Online
    kind or forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly. : kindness or help given to people who are in a very bad or desperate situation. : a good or ...

Ecstasy for All

The enclosing agony for one
Has opened the door of ecstasy for all
We'll resurrect because of the Son
Mercifully He has atoned us from the fall

Jesus did what He did out of love
That we might return to God's presence
And dwell with him in Heaven above
The narrow way truly is precious!

This takes the following phrase to a whole new level...
  1. What Does All for One and One for All Mean? - › Q&A › Reference › Biographies and Quotations
    The phrase 'all for one and one for all' speaks for unity. If one person experiences some kind of problem or difficulty, then other every person comes in to help.
  2. enclosing
    surround or close off on all sides."the entire estate was enclosed with walls"synonyms: surround, circle, ring, girdle, encompass, encircle

A Knowing Heart

With a knowing heart
As one who bore it all
Strength He does impart
Through faith's prayers, large or small

The Bitter Cup

File:Cole, Thomas - Der Pokal des Riesen - hi res - 1833.JPG

In Gethsemane He found the bitterest cup
And to the last dregs Jesus drank it up
Bitter with anguish, dark with despair
He swallowed it all to show He does care

The will of the Son was "swallowed up in the will of the Father." Mosiah 15:7

the complete loss or absence of hope.

"driven to despair, he throws himself under a train"
synonyms:hopelessness, disheartenment, discouragement,
severe mental or physical pain or suffering.
"she shut her eyes in anguish"

By Divine Decree

By divine decree
The great redemption began
In Gethsemane
Christ received the pains of man

Truth is a Living Light

All truth is a living light
Which shines before our eyes
And radiates what is right
For growth to improve lives

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Lukewarm and wavering
I am unable to choose
What am I favoring?
As I discern the news

  1. Revelation 3:16 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day ...
    16 So then because thou art a lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will b spue thee out of my mouth. 17 Because thou sayest, I am a rich, and increased with ...

Great Are Your Eyes

Great are your eyes
To help you see
What is of light
And happily


Don't just sit back
And let the day fly on
Love, serve, and bask
In the Light of the Son

Hold the Memory

Those with eyes that see
Hold the memory
Of blessings in life
That are filled with Light

Bonds of Trust

Broken ties
Come through lies
Bonds of trust
Are honest

Rep. Joe Heck on the southern border crisis

When we're faced with problems

That can only get worse

We must know what caused them

And plan what to do first

Paul - A Chosen Vessel

Be a chosen vessel
Shaped by the Master's hands
Preach unto the people
As one who understands

Molded from the past
A new form soon takes place
Character to last
Shines from trials we face

What the Scriptures Mean to Me

The Lord gives us His word
For peace and surety
His message can be heard
Through our humility

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Road to Damascus

The blind
Can be pricked to see
And find
All they'd been missing

Your Potential, Your Privileges

There Once was a Spend Thrift

There once was a man
Whose lifelong dream
Was to cruise and sail
The Mediterranean Sea

He dreamed of walking
The streets of Rome
Athens, Istanbul
The greatest places known

He saved every penny
Until he had enough
A spendthrift with money
It would prove to be tough

In an extra suitcase
His menu was laid
With beans by the case
He'd meals to be made

He yearned for a taste
Of just one night's feast
Not knowing the waste
That each meal had been FREE!

The swimming pool, golf, the gym
The movies and presentations
Were all available to him
For the grandest of vacations

Living below his potential
Had cost him opportunity
His error alone to tell
Was in the affordability

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Lost Purse

This pamphlet's given
For the strength of youth
For God's children
To hold Light and Truth

This purse is a sample
Of our youth today
As an example
Of how to obey

What you carry around
Represent basic needs
Let this pamphlet be found
As to blessings it leads

What do you have in your bag?
I have a wallet, phone, chapstick, a dog bag, keys, gum, and receipts to throw away.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Impending Rendezvous

Impending for all
Is a rendezvous
With the Son of God
Within Heaven's view

With perfect love He awaits
To greet us with open arms
As the keeper of the gate
To a home that can be ours

Imagine the embrace
Enveloping with light...
The love upon His face
Imagine the delight

Friday, July 18, 2014

Give Peace a Chance

Give peace a chance
Where ever you might be
Smile and enhance
Your personality

Make Learning a Game

Make a game
Out of review
Fun to gain
Color it too
Everything I needed to know I learned in Kindergarten. Right?
I just spotted this fun site and thought I would share.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Fruits of Toil

A vessel is 
For life and liberty

The fruits of toil
Adds the oil
That carries you and me

Fall Back in Submission

Fall back. Submit
Into the waters of Christ
Be taught, repent,
And receive a holy light

Like a child treading waters
Fall back into the saving arms
Of our Heavenly Father
And feel protected from harm

Completely enveloped
Trust in His wisdom and care
Faith is more developed
As you gain pure light to share

"When i attended EFY last year there was a lesson taught on the sacrament, it taught me a greater appreciation of the healing power of the sacrament. The fact that in being baptized we must fall backwards into the water is instructive. In partaking of these emblems every week we must do it in a submission of our will to God, which allows us to be healed and forgiven. I learned that every time we partake of this ordinance we are completely enveloped in the waters of Christ or the love of God it acts as a cleansing, purifying, and sanctifying medicine. Everytime i have renewed my covenants since that lesson i have pondered and thought on that baptisimal covenant, that i was submitting my will to the Father, and that i was being fully enveloped in the presence of my savior Jesus Christ. Elder Oaks is on target, we must do everything possible to uphold the divine gift of the sacrament, we must not allow ourselves to be swept away in the weekly routine of sacrament participation." Anthony H 3 Dec 2011


 We are so prone
To moan and complain
To walk alone when,
There's so much to gain 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mormon Activist

There comes a time when we each must ask of God, 
What He would have you learn, say, and do. 
That is the Mormon message given for all. 
God is alive and answers prayers,too.  

When we are confused, afraid, or filled with doubt, 
It is the touch of the Master that can heal.  
His Light will come, through faith and good works about.
We can discern truth, and know what is real.

Don't be like Israel, 
so quick to complain.
Wanting a new meal, 
while manna does rain.

Pondering the direction some sisters in the gospel are taking.

Meet a Pioneer

The sun, the dusty soil,
The haggard face made through toil,
The cracked lips, and scarred feet
Describes a pioneer, you will meet

The snow, the frozen ground,
The frost bit face makes no sound
The starved lips and numb feet
Describes a pioneer, you will meet

The stars, a rock to rest
Over the place where prayers blessed
The soul who no more went
But to heaven that night was sent

The moon, the wolves in throng
The sounds of their haunting song
The Saints sing and stand strong
Towards Zion... they journey on

Haggard - Merriam-Webster Online
haggard: looking very thin and tired especially from great hunger, worry, or pain.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Before the New Day's Rays

Do not slumber on
Before the new day's rays
Awake to the dawn
Join with the birds in praise

The Earth Fell Too


When the earth was framed
Brilliantly to be
Near God, it was placed
For Adam and Eve

Then... the fall with a plan
To save all of mankind
A planetary change and
A Savior ours to find

I just published a book!  Earth- Bound for Glory
Check it out at Smashwords.
"When the earth was framed and brought into existence and man was placed upon it, it was near the throne of our Father in Heaven...But when man fell, the earth fell into space, and took up its abode in this planetary system, and the sun became our light.  When the Lord said- "Let there be light, " there was light, for the earth was brought near the sun that it might reflect upon it so as to give us light by day, and the moon to give us light by night.   This is the glory the earth came from , and when it is glorified it will return again unto the presence of the Father, and it will dwell there, and these intelligent beings that I am looking at, if they live worthy of it, will dwell upon this earth. Journal of Discourses, 17:143

The Transferred Debt

Having power over death
That perfectly, He might rise
He transferred and paid sin's debt
Vicariously for our lives

Friday, July 11, 2014

Dress to Impress

Who should you impress,

When you wake and dress?

Look your best. Be clean.

As yourself, be seen.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Sometimes amen
Is all I can say
To praise the Son,
The Light, Life, and Way

Expressing fully
What naught can compare
So be it, truly
Reaffirms your prayer

Osmonds 'Are you up there - I believe' Pioneer Day Jul08

Every step of the way

Is the family.

Sharing thoughts of the day,

With love and belief.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Hard Edges of Stress

The hard edges of stress
Are a struggle to process
Still... the quicker, the best
Cortisol levels attest

Did you know that boys and girls have different brains?  When under stress girls verbalize and talk it out and boys may hold it in- and not let go of /release the crisis causing cortisol levels. For this reason, boys may find it harder to focus at school when upset. They process things by using the lower part of the brain stem and go into fight (aggression) or flight (withdrawal). Girls, though they may get over it much quicker, are troubled by stress because they sense more. They process things by using the top of the brain to verbalize and reason over the crisis. Personality tends to effect this as some girls are not quick to talk things out and some boys can tune out stress. Reading: Boys and Girls Learn Differently
by Michael Gurian.

Soul of Beauty by Joshua Frost Crippen

As I gaze into those deep, rich, awesome shimmering eyes
I see more beauty than in earth’s infinite, starry, romantic skies

Thy flawlessly smooth and wondrously natural caressing face
Greatly surpassing anything in critique elegance and peaceful grace

With such a joyous countenance beaming radiantly bright
Yet, spiritually firm, adamant, and strong as might

If I could define an all ‘round good person, based on what I studiously knew
It would assuredly consist of that special character that’s always emanating from you

For I know of no one who’s as soft and so sweet, nor who’s as gentle and kind
Who knows no extreme hate, and their warming care, there’s nothing easier to find

There are so many, many good qualities abundantly found in you
Being energetically fun, adorably cute, but mostly, thou art true

For you never put on a deceptive face and always are openly sincere
The kind of person I’d love to tenderly embrace and hold so close and so dear

Written by: Joshua Frost Crippen of his wife.  Wow!

Hope for the Years Ahead

Hope for the years ahead.
Hold to your faith.  Be led.
Strengthen your rights.  Unite.
Voice your conscience with might.
"Religious leaders and believers must unite to strengthen our freedom to teach what we have in common, as well as to teach and exercise our very real religious differences. We must walk shoulder to shoulder on the same path in order to secure our freedom to pursue our separate ways when that is necessary according to our distinctive beliefs. We must also insist on our constitutional right to exer­cise our beliefs and to voice our con­sciences on issues in the public square and in the halls of justice. These are the rights of all citizens, including religious believers, leaders, and organizations."
—Dallin H. Oaks, "Hope for the Years Ahead"
Topics: Freedom

Monday, July 7, 2014

My New Life

It is a remarkable thing
To be on the receiving end
Of the prayers offered to bring
Rich blessings as angels descend

I Am a Child of God

Knowing who I am
And that our Father cares
Helps me know I can
Endure through all that scares

My New Life

Heavenly Father provides
Safety for our souls
In each chapter of our lives
We can fulfill goals

The Martyrdom of Stephen

Stephen suffered the shame of the world
As he fell from the stones that were hurled
He who had lived the more excellent way
Honored God as he bore death that day

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Distance in the Dark

Distance in the dark
Is ever deceiving
Judge well where you are
Far lights can be speeding

Do Not Be Afraid

Do not be afraid
Neither be dismayed
There is much to do
And God will see you through

 Joshua 1:Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

To My Last Breath

To my last breath
I'll remain true
And do my best
To speak the truth

To My Dying Breath

To my dying breath
I will seek what's true
I will do my best
To be valiant too

Let Go of Fear

Let go of fear
Like you would a breath
Be of good cheer
Let it fill your breast

Take a Breath

Take a breath
Let it go
Give your best
Learn and grow

Advice to Be Wise

The world overflows
With growing advice
But it's God who shows
The path to be wise

God's Power

God's power is seen
In almighty ways
He can stop all things
That might end our days

He, who stops lions
And quenches man's fire
We can rely on
When all becomes dire

God's prophets are sent
To preach and forewarn
That all might repent,
Be clean, and reborn

The Cost and Blessing of Discipleship
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Ensign, May 2014

Defend God

Do not extend
The sin-filled fight
Be strong. Defend
God who is right


Conflicts come and go
As we journey on
Learn from years ago
Have faith and be strong .

Make History

Make history-
As sins you shun
Show courtesy
And compassion.

Do NOT Pretend

Do not pretend
You're cool with sin
Be strong. Defend
Christ's light within

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Remember No Matter Where

Remember who you are
In the light and the dark.
Keep your courage to pray
And stand for truth each day.

Remember who you are
In the light or the dark
Keep your covenants in sight
Do what you know is right.

Writing this in the dark. I love this thought. Be the same person no matter where you are. It is from April conference, Be Strong and of a Good Courage, President Thomas S. Monson.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

In Time

Within each choice we make
The effects are felt, in time.
Our conscience awakes
And confirms when it is right/
Or when we're living a lie.

If we have been taught well
Ahead of time, we can know
To not choose there to dwell
Where miserable choices go

President Henry B Eyring
A Priceless Heritage of Hope
He talks about why we don't feel immediate effects of our decisions. If we were immediately rewarded or punished we would not learn what we came here to learn.

Always Within Each

Always within reach
Jesus the Christ is there.
Lighting within each
A conscience if we care

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Our Flag

May our flag
Remain floating in the breeze
On this land
Freely framed with liberty

May it stay
Flowing in red, white, and blue
Till the day
When our Lord returns anew

We, the blessed beneficiaries, face difficult days in this beloved land, “a land which is choice above all other lands” (Ether 2:10). It may also cost us blood before we are through. It is my conviction, however, that when the Lord comes, the Stars and Stripes will be floating on the breeze over this people. May it be so, and may God give us the faith and the courage exhibited by those patriots who pledged their lives and fortunes that we might be free, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Help Awaits

We are never alone
Nor need we be
Heavenly help awaits
Be believing


Turning lives around
So safety is found 
BACA to the rescue
When children are abused.

Bikers Against Child Abuse has chapters all over. They come like a mass of bumble bees to an abused child. They give them a vest and let the child know they have a lot of friends. This gives them courage to face court or just to hold their heads up again.

Bikers to the rescue
Helping abused children
Giving them courage to
Hold their heads up again.

Prosperous Freedom

The Book of Mormon
Tells of peace and war
Religious freedom
Is worth fighting for

Wars are really about the pride cycle.
God prospers righteous nations. Blessings come from doing what is right.
When we have abundance it is easy to take things for granted. We get worldly and turn from God and humility. We are resented. Sin and war destroys our peace and happiness. We surrender to God, turn to Him in need and repent, and we are once more a blessed people.