
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Life is a Pile

Life is a pile
Of shattered dreams
Smile all the while
And do good deeds

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I Am Home

It takes years for a house
To become a place you call home
For each room to arouse
Feelings of love, filled with hope

75 years

She was the prettiest girl I ever saw
Timid, her smile was a treasure
And I dedicate to Lorraine, this- my song
For our 75 years of pleasure

Truly Thoughts are Things

Truly- thoughts are things
You can look at from every side
A new perspective brings
Fresh matter to analyze

Monday, August 26, 2013

You Can Destroy Much

You can destroy much
But faith, you can't touch
God dwells inside hearts
Here His love imparts

You can burn down our Churches but you can never touch our faith! Type PEACE to pray for Egypt!

It's a Choice to Be Unkind

It is a choice to be unkind
To hurt another's soul
To judge them unfit and find
Him/Her beneath your own pure role

A Bishop is Always a Bishop

A bishop is always a bishop
A shepherd to all of his sheep
He leads them to green pastures to sup
With the Lord, in safe watch-keep

Small and Simple Acts of Kindness

This small and simple act
Of showing loving kindness
Helps another know that
You esteem them in the highest

Be Prepared

Be prepared
To accept a call
Don't be scared
Just give it your all

It's all about
Your attitude
dismiss that doubt
With gratitude

Having the Spirit

The spirit feels like
You have just come home
And returned to light
Once previously known

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weaknesses Don't Go Away

Weaknesses don't go away
No matter how much you pray
As that is how you become strong
As, in faith, God carries you along

I had an aha moment when I heard this at church today.

Lacking in ability or skill
We surrender to God's will
He is there to compensate
Yes His love truly is great!

Faith will Grow Inside

Faith will grow inside
As you believe in Christ
His Spirit will guide
You, to receive more light


Enter the narrow gate
Where with Jesus you may sup
Sacred covenants await
Here His angels bear you up

Light Comes

Power, safety, strength, and peace
In the Lord, does but increase
As you seek, surely you will find
His light comes unto your mind

Stick it Out

Stick it out
And adjust
Do not doubt
God's with us

Marriage is a Friend

Marriage is a friend
Who truly knows you
Who has ears to lend
And is patient too

Marriage Expands our Hearts

Marriage expands
Our hearts to grow
So that love spans
Where e'er we go

Strengthen One Another

Strengthen one another
Sweetly bound to Christ
Rise up and endeavor
To hold up His light

The Visit

The rainbow is full of promise
You can feel God's love shine through
There's beauty you won't want to miss
Hope someone is there with you

Joseph Smith was Chosen

Joseph Smith was chosen
Imperfect and all
To translate the golden
book. It was his call

A mantle exists
That gives authority
The spirit directs
As there's humility

Through the Test of Time

Through the test of time
You come to know what's true
Faith becomes less tried
And more a part of you 

The Small Sweet Seed of Faith

The small sweet seed of faith
Grew high and bore much fruit
It shared with those who came
To sit upon its roots

Fan the Flame of Faith

Fan the flame of faith
That it continually grow
In the fires you face
Rise strong there is much to know

I Came Upon a Site

I came upon a site
That unveiled what is sacred
Mocking a temple rite
Utterly out of hatred

Oh that I were in that circle
Linked in heavenly prayer
Knowing that God and angels
Listen and really care

Those who feed off of contention
are never truly satisfied
Their cold hearts are an extension
of a prison wall with one side

Yes, on Youtube some people have posted films of the temple.  It is sacred and not secret...

Put Your Life Beside Another's

Put your life beside another's
And seek for Christ's light all around
Look for the lessons of others
There you will be on holy ground

Friday, August 23, 2013

Through the Grace of God

Through the grace of God
At the times we need the most
Peace and solace comes
We are not alone, He knows...

“Even with the trials of life, because of the Savior’s Atonement and His grace, righteous living will be rewarded with personal peace.” –Quentin L. Cook

The grace of God allows us to find peace and solace in the times we feel most challenged, most alone, or most frightened. We truly are not alone–He loves us, and He is there.

The Good Shepherd

The good shepherd opens the door
And calls for His sheep by name
They follow, His voice they adore
Then, in disguise, a wolf came

Thieves and robbers were there, too
Unknown to each hireling
The wolf pounces on the weak and new
In the chaos, many flee

Still the shepherd knows His sheep
And lays down His own life for them
While the hirelings forget to watch-keep
For, to the sheep they are foreign

Still the shepherd has the power
To raise up his life again
Unto other folds in that hour
Preserving them as a friend

Bible Videos

Monday, August 19, 2013

Do I Know You?

Do I know you?
I think we've met before
Were you led too?
I feel I should know more

Have you ever felt like someone is so familiar that maybe you knew them prior to being on earth?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

When I Get Depressed

When I get depressed
I forget I'm blessed
Hope and love grows dim
What shall I do then?

Recognize a need
Write inside a journal
Search, ponder, and read
Of God and life eternal

Always for me it helps
To spread some love around
As we seek our better selves
That's when light is found

He Never Flees

Each heart, He knows
Each mind, He sees
And from our woes
He never flees

Without Offense

At that dark ugly moment
You would to shut me down
Make a Christ-like comment
And let His love be found

A Vibrant Testimony

A vibrant testimony
Is alive in Christ
For sharing and growing
In the warmth of light

Allowing Repentance

She was recognized at once
Though it had been quite a while
She risked ridicule and "fronts"
And what she found made her smile

A hospital of sinners
That don't judge those who come
In this life, we're all beginners
To what we can become

Master the Fundamentals

Master the fundamentals
That list we always make
Then, refined as disciples,
To your duty, awake

Minister to the feeble,
Give service to the blind,
Bring new names to the temple,
And to your family, bind

fundamentals:  pray, read the scriptures, do your visiting teaching, go to the temple

The Meek

The meek work to endure
And love life without guile
To partake of what's pure
They journey with a guide

The Empty Chair Remains

The empty chair remains
Though its presence pains
A child has gone astray
Choosing another way

On the chair, a Band-aid
Leaves the message, "we care"
"Come visit us some day"
"We have a feast to share"


Simply smile and invite
another to, "come and see"
Let them discern what is right,
Peaceful, and comforting

We are each unique
And learn in different ways
Light exists for all to seek
Through this worldly haze

Invite, "Come unto Christ"
He knows our hearts and minds
Where through line upon line
The narrow path, one finds

Jesus Demonstrated Love

Jesus demonstrated love
To our Father above
By expounding on His law
And purely living what He taught

He was never haughty
Or puffed up with pride
He served as one mighty
To speak, but not deride

He had amazing power
And complete authority
For blessings He did shower
While inviting charity

He spoke to all and the "one"
Whoever had the faith to show
Healing work was done...
He was the Father's son to know

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Death for the Atheist

Death for the atheist
As the enemy fires
Is full of emptiness
As existence expires

But, then to awake
On the other side
Through the veil to break
What then to decide?

Death for the atheist
As the enemy fires
Is full of surprises
When the Earthlife expires

Pondering the retirement of Pres. Eisenhower's saying, "there are no atheists in foxholes" as the military puts in atheist chaplains.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Next Level

To get you to the next level
The Lord extends a call
A journey of faith to travel
Upon which blessings fall

Sunday, August 11, 2013


The mark of an adult
is to know for yourself
That seeking God above
Is your best source of help

Pure and Sweet

Revelation has opened up
And lays right before our feet
prepared for those who wish to sup
Upon truths found pure and sweet

Your Kiss

Your kiss is a shooting star
That fills the sky with Heaven's wishes
True love sealed to travel far
Eternally, as Mr. and Mrs.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Jesus Acclaims John the Baptist

How blessed we are
To not find offense
In our bright star
Our Savior, thence

Bible Videos

Peter's Revelation to Take the Gospel to the Gentiles

Prayer is the key
To see and hear
This great blessing:
Our God is near

Bible Videos
Peter's Revelation to Take the Gospel to the Gentiles

Frank Talk
Of all the things
You have said and done
Your frank talk brings
us together as one

How many people under the public's eye show they are real, ordinary, human, not perfect...?  I like Glenn Beck.  In 2008 he became suicidal after his surgery and while in recovery... real stuff and he shares!

A Prayer of Faith

A prayer
Of faith
Does share
The Way

I have been thinking about Doctrine and Covenants 52.  The Lord asked the brethren to travel differing routes to Missouri.  They were to have a conference and through a prayer of faith they would know at a later date the things they were to say.  ( Probably after many growth experiences or in other words hardships where they had to place their faith and trust in God.)

A Nation Founded on Prayer
In 1956, President Eisenhower made "In God We (Still) Trust" America's official motto.
A nation founded on prayer
Shines a light made bright to share
It carries a message in its strong beams
It is God who makes us free for our dreams

First Prayer in Congress
United States Congress
March 27,1854, a report from Mr. Meacham of the House Committee
“At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged, not any one sect [denomination]. Any attempt to level and discard all religion would have been viewed with universal indignation. The object was not to substitute Judaism or Mohammedanism, of infidelity [Atheism], but to prevent rivalry among the [Christian] sects to the exclusion of others.
It [Christianity] must be considered as the foundation on which the whole structure rests. Laws will not have permanence or power without the sanction of religious sentiment, — without a firm belief that there is a Power above us that will reward our virtues and punish our vices.
In this age there can be no substitute for Christianity: that, in its general principles, is the great conservative element on which we must rely for the purity and permanence of free institutions. That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants. There is a great and very prevalent error on this subject in the opinion that those who organized this Government did not legislate on religion.”

Friday, August 9, 2013

Dream Away

Dream away
The skies the limit
Think big, pray
To one day live it

Inspired by a Greg Olsen painting. He captured two  children building a castle, only to discover one in the distance...magical.

Dream Big

Dream big
Use your senses
Then dig
Through doubt's fences


Inquire of the Lord
His word makes mysteries known
Prayer unlocks the door
Where marvelous things are shown

The Infinite Atonement

In every extremity
Jesus Christ is there
Demonstrating charity
Offering His care

Every finite frailty
That ever was known to man
The Lord has the ability
To atone for us, He can!

The Atonement is Like That

Imagine yourself at a spot
Beautiful where ever you gaze
From each new angle your breath is caught
The atonement is like that, always!

The Divine Invitation

The divine invitation
To inquire of the Lord
Oft triggers revelation
For truth has been restored

Knowledge upon knowledge
We apply and learn more
Like a peaceable bridge
Rising between us and the Lord

Though our Numbers are Few

Though our numbers are few
We speak the words of Christ
With confidence, anew
We have felt warmth and light

Here, there is forgiveness
And peace to carry on
To the heart, happiness
The spirit becomes strong

Be of Good Cheer

Have faith. Christ is near
He will lead you along
His doctrines are clear
He will help you be strong

Each Soul's Silver Lining

Always, each soul's silver lining
Shines upon white clouds above
God matches each tear we are finding
With His own, out of great love

 "Even if you cannot always see that silver lining on your clouds, God can, for He is the very

source of the light you seek. He does love you, and He knows your fears. He hears your

prayers. He is your Heavenly Father, and surely He matches with His own the tears His

children shed."

We May Do Things Differently

We may do things differently, 
but that does NOT stop us.
For we love life beautifully
We have faith, hope, and trust

Trials Will Always Be There

Trials will always be there
But, so too will Jesus Christ
Offering up tender care
Helping those with faith, to rise

The Empty Canvas

Each day is an empty canvas
With colors, ours to brush
Let us paint what truly can last
What frames our soul, to touch


Spend some time "away"
Where there's a gentle breeze
There in nature, lay
And deeply, with thanks, breathe

Stick With What You Know

Stick with what you know
And do that which is right
Stay strong.  You will grow
Where you can see more light


The care from you, love
So selfless indeed
Helps me to reach up
In faith, like a seed

His Love Always Shines

As sure as the sun
Brightens up the sky
Though we turn away
His love always shines

Light to Freedom

The door opens a crack
And lets in some light
It may be a small act
But freedom's in sight

What Greater Birthday Gift for an Apostle

What greater gift for your birthday
Than to know so many care
To hear the words you say
And heed God's words you share.

It is Elder Neil Anderson's birthday!


What would you forgo?
You, with the priesthood
For the church to grow
For your greater good

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Meridian Magazine - A Profound Prayer: A 12-Year-Old Learns How to Learn - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views

Meridian Magazine - A Profound Prayer: A 12-Year-Old Learns How to Learn - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views

How can I learn
Except I turn
To acquire information
And seek a transformation

First, I must desire
What builds to inspire
Next, I must detect
Its path to connect

Then, make it a date
To participate
In a tone of respect
For progress to inspect

Angels Dwell with Us

Oh the secrets angels keep
While they comfort those who weep
They have much they cannot tell
Still, with us we know they dwell

My dad is having surgery. The last time he did we were waiting outside on a balcony. We watched an ambulance racing in. We found out later, it was my aunt. She had died.  Sigh. I was thinking it happened that way for a reason. I don't know that mystery, but I do know they dwell with us.

Chased Out of Mormonism? You Call Yourself an Ex

I have seen and felt what reason would deny.  
I have seen and felt what reason would deny.
The church is true despite your pained outcry. 
There is light that bursts forth from afar.  
It shines by faith and shows who you are. 

You call yourself an ex. What does that mean? 
Somewhere on your journey you've no longer seen.  
The light through the darkness, the joy and love. 
The beauty of the gospel of God above. 

Come back and immerse yourself in light.  
Then, find a peace that is incredibly bright. 
That for which you seek, you shall surely find
It starts in your heart and then in your mind

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fear is a Liar

Fear is a liar
it stops you dead in your tracks
Faith lifts you higher
To see beyond life's setbacks

Monday, August 5, 2013


Going through a divorce,
I shared a lot of "dumping".
This circular stuck course
was broken and bumpy.

It wasn't until
I went off by myself,
that these closed doors fell
Then, I could receive help.

Rock bottom is that sinking thought
That presents to us a closed door
Acknowledge this and be taught
Bright skies open up to much more

What Do LDS Women Get?

What do LDS women get?
But every chance to shine
Endowed with spiritual gifts
As God's daughters, divine

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Pioneer Day Concert with Lindsey Stirling & Nathan Pacheco - Mormon Tabe...

The music fills the soul
And softens strife and pain
The spirit lifts us whole
As love and joy we gain

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Post Traumatic Syndrome

Post traumatic syndrome
Has many a symptom
Like the ripples of water
Reaching, circling, farther

Swim below the surface
And exhaust the past
Find yourself new purpose
Live for what will last

Stick with the Brethren

Stick with the brethren
And stand on higher ground
They see around the bend
Where safety can be found

How to Not Get the News Blues

I set a timer for how much I'll watch
As the news tends to darken my mind
I let the good news remain to wash
Filth, to see the bright side of mankind

World news always sucks me in
And glues me, as I question more
So, I set a timer to begin
And decide what to pray for...
I pray over this earth
And the leaders that rule
That each will best discern
And temper powers to school

I pray for those I know and love
And for the rising youth of our day
I pray for light to shine from above
And lead us brightly today

I was pondering how much time I spend reading and watching the news.  I know I have a responsibility to to know what is going on in the world, but how do you channel what you have very little control over? Also, I cannot help but think about the rising generation.  We should pour our energy into our families to help them be wise and productive citizens.