
Thursday, May 31, 2012

We See through a Glass Darkly

"We see through a glass darkly"
Not knowing the full meaning of all things
Seeing the truth but partly
Till we seek for what the Spirit brings

This, those secular would we forget
By applying the Spirit to reason
But what is sacred, we respect
And would consider that as treason 

1Cor 13:12
1Nephi 11:17

To Hold Sacred
Elder Pieper
Ensign, May 2012, 109

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I Exercised Faith

I exercised faith
And the Lord provided
Where I previously failed
I now felt guided

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Wrath of God

The wrath of God pours
When the cup of sin is full
Silencing horrors
To then feel the conscience pull

The wicked drink it down
To its very dregs
It is poured but in full strength

Drunk in sin, to then vomit
 to fall and rise no more
 Still plagues flow in torrents
Burning with hail and sulfur

Revelation 14:10 he also will drink the wine of God's wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his ... The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out ...

Ezekiel 38:22 I will execute judgment upon him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him.

Isaiah 51:17 Awake, awake! Rise up, O Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the hand of the LORD the cup of his wrath, you who have drained to its dregs the goblet that makes men stagger

Be Honest with Yourself

Be honest with yourself
When you know you must repent
Ask the Lord for His help
And do not circumvent

Like a child on a bear hunt
You must go through and not around
All your weakness and confront
How you got where you're now found


  1. Find a way around (an obstacle).
  2. Overcome (a difficulty), typically in a clever and surreptitious way.

deceive - cheat

America It's Time

I know in my heart
That better days lie ahead
If we've qualities to trust
And put our pride to bed

America it's time
To re awake what's in your heart
And for that, unite
To never ever again depart

The government is us!
And we must self-govern
If we've qualities to trust
We'll help others in turn

Laws, laws, and more laws
There will never be an end
If everyone puts out their paws
For magical money to descend

With hidden taxes we print
Money that does not exist
What we have won't make a dent...
To do it again,we must resist

Our budgets now lay broken
As, too, our trust in politics
Blah, blah, blah is spoken
We are sick of schemes and tricks

And so here we say-
To delay is but death
Mightily, let's pray
And, too, let's be our best

Monday, May 28, 2012

That Sudden Stroke of Genius

That sudden stroke of genius
That light you felt turn on
Is a blessing to witness
Is a thing to build upon

Please use it for good
To bless the human race
Filled with brotherhood,
For God, let it leave a trace

Men Value their Women When...

Men value their women
When they help them out
Love's fabric is woven
With service about

Kindness is the key
That unlocks the heart
Be one found loving
From within impart

When our Noses are Stuck Up

When our noses are stuck up
We become blind and deaf
Great is the fall there of
As we miss that mindful step

Others would have warned
For they had seen it coming
But your mind was closed
Your glance, unbecoming

Be on the Lord's Side

Be on the Lord's side
Bright as a sunbeam
Stand up for the right
And enjoy self-esteem

Dare to Stand Alone

Navy boot camp was not easy for me
Nor for anyone who endured it
Oft I thought my life was in jeopardy
The drills demanding but true grit

As the first Sunday rolled around
We were called forth by our Petty Officer
We stood at attention on the drill ground
And our dismissal for church was made official

In the brisk California breeze
The call to religious duty was given
First the Catholics and Jews were released
Then the Protestants, till I was alone even

Here I dared to stand seeking for God's help
When the Petty Officer said to me
"What do you call yourselves?"
And.... "Mormons" was heard in synchronicity

Yes. You are never truly alone
When the call for courage is made
You have the Lord, by whom you are known
And others behind you carefully laid

Dare to Stand Alone
President Thomas S. Monson
Ensign, May 2012

A Wartime Miracle

In the early part of '44
During World War 2
A miracle came of the Lord
And this can happen to you...

A lifeless soldier was seen
Floating face down in the water
When along swam a marine
Who flipped his body over

He too had been injured
And could only swim with one arm
But for his buddy he endured
To the shore without further harm

He bowed his head, as one clean to do so
And by the power of the priesthood did plea
For a miracle to show
And for medics to come quickly...

The doctors were astounded
That the two came in alive
The news of this miracle sounded
Helping others to endure and strive...

Miracles are everywhere to be found
When the priesthood is understood
May this power from on high abound
Amongst the bonds of God's brotherhood

 President Thomas S. Monson
in the Priesthood Session of General Conference on March 31, 2012


He qualified
Each one of us
Suffering He died
And we must trust

Shall we fight against
All, here, that is good?
Our heightened angst
Calls forth gratitude

When much is given
Much is required
Let us call on heaven
And be inspired

The Biblical World

The biblical world
Stirs the mind to wonder
What choices have I hurled
That will drag me under?

Redemption can be found
As we repent and endure
And stand on higher ground
The refiner's fire makes us pure

Here is the Good News

Here is the good news
Happiness... we can choose
There is a plan in place
For the entire human race

To find joy that's eternal-
God's love supernal

The good news is a covenant
Where we find pure love and 
A two way promise that lasts
As to our Lord, our eyes cast

Consecrate all that you are
To that bright and perfect star

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Not Being a Monkey

What is more important than fame,
Good looks, and money
Making good of your name
And not being a monkey

What separates us
From all of the primates?
The ability to focus
As our conscience dictates

The desire to be kind
In all that we do
Is inspired in the mind
And requires we follow through

There is a Silver Lining

There is a silver lining
In all things, for finding
To shines upon us with love
From our Father above

Do Not Give Up on the Lord

Do not give up on the Lord
His blessings are eternal
He knows what is in store
And has endured pain, infernal 

Do not compare yourself
With perfection you perceive around
All are in need of help
In some way we are each unsound

infernal (adj)
[ in fúrn'l ]
  1. very annoying: extremely annoying or unpleasant
  2. relating to underworld: relating to hell or the underworld
  3. diabolical in nature: so extreme, wicked, or cruel as to be worthy of hell

On Prayer

On prayer...
In humility speak
As on your life you dwell
Truly ponder what you seek
And feel your bosom swell

On the Lord's Day

On the Lord's day
Awake to new light
Make time to pray
With all of your might

The joy that I know
I want to share
Living waters flow
Purely with care

To All Temptations and Trials Strike

To all...
Temptations and trials strike
No matter what we have done
Or what our life is like
For us the Lord did atone

We fall flat...
And He picks us up
We call out..
And He succors us

A Silent Prayer to be taught

Please offer up a silent prayer
As I speak the words I've sought
I have prepared them with much care
Seeking the Lord's help, as I ought

Prepare by the Spirit...
Teach by the Spirit...
Listen by the Spirit
and hold the Spirit dear

Test of Fire: Election 2012 (Official HD Version - Catholic)

In the fire of affliction
One's purpose burns more bright
Stay true to your conviction
For, you know it is right

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Attack the Problem

Attack the problem
At the source
Not the people-
The work force

Ingenuity opens
Doors for competition
Increased government programs
Weaken our Constitution

The smoke and mirrors
In debates cannot hide
The present dangers
That leave us bound and tied

Pondering words by Mitt Romney

On a Cold Night Many Years Ago

On a cold night, many years ago
In a train set to depart
There was a tap at my window
I peered out with a start

There stood an orphan boy with a cup
He wore a rag tied about his face
I saw his hunger as he looked up
I'd some change, to a door I raced

Then I felt the jarring motion
Helpless...I could do no more
Save jump from the locomotion
He in the distance, my heart tore

I will never forget that little boy
Left destitute in the cold
Starving, freezing with naught a toy
Just a beggar's cup to hold

And a Little Child Shall Lead Them
President Boyd K. Packer
May 2012, Ensign, 6

With a Leap of Faith

With a leap of faith
I jumped into action
I straightened my frame
Above all distractions

I knew it was right
And made the decision
There would be no flight
For now, I had vision

You can Make the Brainwaves Bright

You can make the brainwaves bright
Change those black thoughts for light
Look to improve what's in your head
Turn to green what has been red

In the Andes of Peru I held a nation on my lap

In the Andes of Peru, in a city high
I sat in a room open to the street
Soon to take the sacrament, when I
Saw a boy walk quietly, with bare feet

His eyes were on the tray of broken bread
A woman shooed him out the door
As an orphan, he longed to be fed
He inched again, eyes to the floor

I motioned for him to come to me
And he darted for the aisle
His ragged shirt came to his knees
I held him on my lap for a while

The sacrament came, he was reverent
Then I gave him the speaker's chair
Could he know what all this meant?
Or sense of the Savior's care?

At the closing, the boy ran out
Still hungry, into the night
To make shelter, I have no doubt
And search for food at day's light

Days later, I told the prophet
Of this little boy I had held
He said, "You held a nation on your lap."
And upon his words oft I have dwelled

I have looked for that boy in the faces
Of varied people ever since
As I travel to many places
And share of God's existence

And a Little Child Shall Lead Them
President  Packer
May 2012 Ensign, 6

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


How do we show commitment
To our Savior, Jesus Christ?
But by keeping all our covenants
And giving love and sacrifice

Consecrate thine efforts
To our Savior, Jesus Christ
In all things He supports
Through the asking and the price

Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Ensign May 2012, 19

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Let us Set a New Course

Let us set a new course
To turn this country around
Looking to God as our source
For where we should be found

....adding the second two lines to  something Mitt Romney said.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

It Is Better to Know Now

It is better to know now
Before anything got worse
Through hind sight you see how
And that you were not the first

The natural man is proud
And thinks not of others
Doing what is not allowed
In secrecy behind covers

But eventually strength expires
As the drive to sin wears out
Forgetting the initial desires
Wanting decency about

The Bee Dance

Knowing the position of the sun and the distance he has been
Quickly a bee returns into his hive
Excited to show the path to all he has seen
With tail and wings his dance comes alive

Too, let us measure out our days
By what we find in the light
Recognizing that it pays
To give thanks and share insight

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Onion Peelers

As you put your heads together
And the onion starts to peel
Through your insights oh-so-clever
You can tell what's fake or real

Like some ancient mystic being
One looks forward, one looks past
'Till the mystery's sent fleeing
And the puzzle's solved at last

By Kelly & Rick Miller

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Try as Hard as You May

Try as hard as you may
To not think about dying
It will still come, some day
There is no denying

It comes to the young
The aged, the sick
The pick of the throng
The halting and quick

We have come from heaven
To return there someday
This mortal life given
Is the path... the way - Liahona Article - May We So Live
Next >; Print; E-mail. Thomas S. Monson, “May We So Live,” Liahona, Aug 2008, 2–7 ... Death is one fact that no one can escape or deny. Frequently death ...

America Promotes the Family

Monday, May 14, 2012

Down in the Depths

Down in the depths of the limbic
Circular thoughts play a trick
For they are not thoughts at all
But emotions constant and thick

Down in the depths of the limbic
Where meaningless thoughts run amok
So-called "thinking" is futile and cyclic
Get out of there quickly- you're stuck!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Stronger | Seattle Childrens Hospital

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Just hold on... a little bit longer
Wear a smile, as that is appealing
Let pain be your friend... for healing

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
As pain becomes a friend for healing
Believe this, hold on a little longer
And smile through all you are feeling

Monday, May 7, 2012

Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!

Believe in yourself
And trust how you feel
Someone will help
You... in some way to heal

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Quiver Full

If you think my hands are full,
You should see my heart.
Parenting is wonderful.
Oh, the blessings that impart!

As arrows are in the hand
Mighty to make a man
So are the children that you bear
For labor is never in vain there

Started reading from an online General Conference Book Club:  My Soul Delighteth
Which inspired this poem- the first half was there.  The discussion was on And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

Psalm 127

Children are a heritage from the Lord.
A Song of degrees for Solomon.
 Except the Lord build the house, they alabour in vain that build it: except the Lord bkeep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
 It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved asleep.
 Lo, achildren are an bheritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his creward.
 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
 aHappy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

Heavenly Father

Heavenly Father
Is touching our lives
Through worthy brethren
With the priesthood of Christ

As a loving parent
He wants us to succeed
Through blessings its apparent
He knows our thoughts and our needs


Restless and waiting
I know not for what
I felt my heart saying
"You've fears to confront"

"Thou hast made us for thyself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in thee."-Augustine


 My heart is sick
And needs rest
Through Jesus Christ
I am blessed

All New Things Must Pass

All new things must pass
The heart, the mind, the will
If they are to last
For good or bad to fill

 2 Nephi 2:27 -

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Feb 1, 2012 – 11 For it must needs be, that there is an aopposition in all things. ... be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good ... Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it ...

 2 Nephi 2:11 -

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11 For it must needs be, that there is an aopposition in all things. If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither ...

 Meridian Magazine - For All These Things Must Come to Pass ...
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Uncertain times require certain things of us in order to maintain peace of mind.

Life's Colors

When compared to the eternal
Glorious picture of all things
Life's colors we pick are trivial
For the vast contrast each brings

When a life's candle dims
And darkness soon threatens
What matters brightly beams
The colors come of heaven!

 For each color that we pick
Let it have an eternal purpose
That when we become sick
These colors will still serve us

Let us paint our lives with care
To be clean and welcoming
For the blessings we will share
As closer to heaven we're becoming

The Race of Life

    "When compared to eternal verities, most of the questions and concerns of daily living are really rather trivial. What should we have for dinner? What color should we paint the living room? Should we sign Johnny up for soccer? These questions and countless others like them lose their significance when times of crisis arise, when loved ones are hurt or injured, when sickness enters the house of good health, when life’s candle dims and darkness threatens. Our thoughts become focused, and we are easily able to determine what is really important and what is merely trivial."

—President Thomas S. Monson, "The Race of Life", General Conference, Apr. 2012
Topics: Priorities

The Lucky Duckling

One bright Easter Sunday
A father and son went for a walk
They heard some ducks along the way
T'was the momma duck and her flock

Further in the distance
Along a grassy marsh
The father with insistance
Called forth a duck to march

The little duck was amused
And thought it was a game
To a slow current he cruised
The father called out again...

Suddenly the duckling
Was caught in a stream
Even the father was struggling
And made a choice, it would seem

He turned to his family
And helped the mother out
Life resumed happily
Though this duckling was not about

The boy said, "We must save him!"
The father, too, agreed
It was not safe to swim
But he knew what they would need
They ran to the garage
Where the fishing gear was stored
The net they found was large...
They'd much and were never bored

By the stream, with one on each side,
They tossed this net back and forth
The baby duckling could not hide...
Cornered, into the net it clamored 

They made a race up the stream
To where the ducks had been
There along some reeds still green
A bit of yellow could be seen

They lowered the net just right
That the duckling could be found
They stayed back just out of sight
Not making a bit of sound

It was quite a reunion
The rescue was complete
And for that father and son
Not an Easter could compete

To do for another
What can't be done by one's self
Teaches of love like no other
And it feels good to be of help

Never give up
When one has gone wayward
They can get unstuck
Like this once young stray bird

Let your cries be heard
Share of how you feel
Have faith, in deed and word
Know the Lord is real

Save a Soul Around You

Save a soul around you...
Be "there" when you don't want to be
Stay loyal in all you do
And promote our Savior, too

Suprarational Saints

The Role of “Choice” in Faith: Addressing Russell’s Teapot.

 A close colleague in the medical field
 Stated that faith is irrational
 That we were “crazy” he politely revealed
 But in truth we are suprarational.

 As human reason only extends so far
 It expands us to think outside the box
 To an ultimate source, a northern star
 Adding, to life,  meaning that faith unlocks

I went to a wonderful blog by Matt, a Chemistry/Med student and this poem is based on something I read regarding faith and science.   Click on the above go to blog

What Does Christ Think of Me?

What does Christ think of me?
How can I reflect His light?
Above all I want to be
A Saint, doing what's right

The world of sin swirls around
More and more on wings of change
I seek but for higher ground
Away from darkness that chains

I want to feel love and approval
And see the Lord's hand all around
I want a life that is beautiful
One that is Celestially bound

As you love Him, trust Him, believe Him, and follow Him, you will feel His love and approval.

What Thinks Christ of Me?
Posted: 18 Apr 2012 08:00 AM PDT

    "President Monson has described our day as moving away ‘from that which is spiritual … [with] the winds of change [swirling] around us and the moral fiber of society [continuing] to disintegrate before our very eyes.’ It is a time of growing disbelief and disregard for Christ and His teachings. In this turbulent environment, we rejoice in being disciples of Jesus Christ. We see the Lord’s hand all around us. Our destination is beautifully set before us. ‘This is life eternal,’ Jesus prayed, ‘that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.’ Being a disciple in these days of destiny will be a badge of honor throughout the eternities."

—Elder Neil L. Andersen, "What Thinks Christ of Me?", General Conference, Apr. 2012

The Visiting Teaching Movie

 Visiting teaching is a burden
If you try to do it alone
Take the Lord with you, you will learn then
Things of the spirit, no other way known

What kind of teacher have I been?
All kinds ...and even none at all
This opportunity to make a friend
Starts with a prayer and a call

The Wicked Eyes of Evil

The wicked eyes of evil
Make to trap and control
Laughing at and not with people
They're always on patrol

You All be Sweet

You all be sweet
It is a good day
Life is a treat
Dessert's on the way

My mom grew up in Tennessee and she says, "You all be sweet"  with Southern charm.

Jesus Heals a Possessed Man

Beware!  That which you follow
Does enter the heart.
Be filled with love, allow
The Lord to impart

Her Face of Evil

Her face of evil is bitter
Selfish, cankered, and dark
Using control to look better
She stirs up trouble to seem smart

Prayer Awaits

The duty of each man
Is to ask of the Lord for help
Believing that He can
For man can't be led by himself

Strength and blessings await
Through every humble prayer
Be not one who hesitates
Place yourself in God's care

Can I Stand Content- Alone?

 Saved...Can  I be content?
When, in all I do, I stand alone?
No! For others I lament
Who've fallen away or never known ...
The sweet savor of mercy
The promise of much to come
The answers to  life's searching
The stirring of the bosom

I stand as but one and wait
With the Lord's help, I search
Who is struggling as of late?
And is longing for church?
For a light at the end of the road
For peace and rest from the storm
For a lightening of their load
Who is searching for the Lord?

Joseph Smith - Building the Kingdom of God - Quotes

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A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race. This has been your [the Twelve ... Joseph Comes to Know God · The Book of Mormon ...

Pondering conference- I was left with this overwhelming weight of what now lays undone- those who've fallen away.  Heavenly Father's daughters....sons

I am a bit of a goof ball.  Not someone other's listen to for life's answers or advice.  Does anyone else feel this way?  Then, at our Ward Conference the Bishop said he had a perfect family- perfect for him.  He stands alone- with siblings, parents, and family members all struggling and at this time not enjoying the fulness of the gospel.   He stands alone and every once in a while, one, here and there comes close to searching, almost.... and he waits...with the Lord.

A Mother

A Mother is...

A mother is as soft as a rose
Her kiss tickles my wee nose
Her sweet lullabies tenderly teach
As her eyes speak of love with each

A mother is as warm as a throw
As a snuggle safe to know
On her lap her arms wrap me up close
And I stay awake...well almost

L-O-V-E Petals

With a letter on each petal
This beautiful flower spells well of
How you are, indeed, special
For you are the very essence of love

L is for the love you bring
O is for hearts and doors opening
V  is for vitality
E is for each thing you mean  to me

Endless Chatter

Oh, endless chatter
That really doesn't matter
I wish that you would flee
That I might better be

Beauty Fades

Beauty fades
And expires
As we age
Say the liars

An Inheritance of the Lord

As an inheritance of the Lord
Each child is as a nation
Awaiting to be trained and adored
By both parents in station

That little child on the street
 With scabies, rags, and all
Ought not to have naked feet
And ought to be trained up tall

My prayer to the Lord
Concerns the family
That His work will yet roll forth
For each home... happily

And a little child shall lead them
President Boyd K. Packer
April Ensign, 2012, 6

Something's Got to Change

Something has got to change
Being so full of anxiety
My realm of control truly hangs
Between who I'm not and who I'll be 
Music, exercise, and laughter
Are the free tickets for balance
Put away those heavy matters
Pull a loved one close and dance

Heaven's Flame

Ignite the warm embers of faith
That lie within each child's heart
Prepare them for whate'er awaits
For this flame, when fanned, imparts

Make a list of all the dreams
Create a future to hope for
Heaven's help is within reach
As, through faith, blessing out pour 

We Need Not Fear
Elder Neil Andersen
BYU Women's Conference 2012

The Adjectives of M-O-T-H-E-R Acrostic

M- Magnificent, merry, magical, marvelous, merciful, matchless, mindful, moral
O- One of a kind, original, one and only, one in a million, open, observant, outspoken
T- Teacher, tender, thankful, thoughtful, tranquil, talented, tactful, tasteful, trustworthy
H- Heavenly, hopeful, humble, helpful, homemaker, heartwarming, humorous, honorable
E- Ever hopeful, elegant, eloquent, earnest, enterprising, endearing, empathetic
R- Reassuring, radiant, receptive, refined, refreshing, righteous, resourceful

Some adjectives of mother
Make your own acrostic Mother's Day Card

merciful-bringing someone relief from something unpleasant
earnest-a serious and intent mental state
empathetic- sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of another

Trust, Seek, Believe, Feel and Be Filled

The Lord does love us
He stands at the helm
Our task is to trust
And seek out His help
Believe with a smile
And look for the good
Feel loved all the while....
Filled with gratitude

Born of Christ We Bear His Name

Born of Christ
We bear His name
Filled with light
Faith's embers flame

Ever mercy
He supplies
He of meekness

Through covenants
We follow Him
Strength He sends
Freely given

He is the Way
To Our Home
Through Him we pray...
And are shown

Free to choose
The perfect plan
The Good News 
Is for all man

He is the Truth
And the Light
Love is our proof
All is right...

Funny Baptism

Funny Baptism

Today's the day you'll be baptized
But did you ever wonder
That everyone would be surprised
If dad just held you under

My husbands attempt at humor...

Well Done

I hope to be judged as good as a man
As my honest hardworking father
I hope to hear from him first when I die, and then
Hear the words "well done" from Heavenly Father

And a Little Child Shall Lead Them
President Boyd K. Packer
Ensign, May 2012, 6